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Anyone interested in playing together?


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Howdy dowdy.


So I've had the game for awhile now and got plenty of characters and such, but I realized I'm tired of playing 95% of the game solo, since none of my friends are cool enough to play.


Wondering if anyone would be interested in starting fresh and maybe teaming up on a regular basis, like maybe 2-3 nights a week for an hour or two.


I like tanking, I like healing, and I'm indifferent to dps. For ease of doing heroics and flashpoints I'll probably play a tanking class, and almost certainly a guardian, so if anyone would like to be a sage for healing that would be best since we'll be able to start out right on tython. But play what you want to play, it'll be fine all the same! I tend to rush through the starting planets anyway so if we don't start teaming up until fleet that's no biggie.

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I'm currently leveling 3 imp characters, but am interesting in starting a new rep toon. I really enjoy the rDPS classes and was thinking of starting a Scoundrel which would give both DPS and heal capabilities, so I might be interested in doing this. Send me a msg in-game if you want to set this up - I'm usually on as either Shabbos-goy or Shik'sa.
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Dark/Light Holiday: Play your own way, at Holiday!


We are a mature guild where our main goal is to enjoy all aspects of the game together. One of our most distinguishing features is a laid-back, no-stress environment. There is no pressure to play or log on daily for several hours; you are free to play as you wish, to do what you want when you want. We have an active voice server for operations, (PVE) events, PVP, flash points, dailies, or just talking and socializing in general. We have helpful members, have a useful and informative website; and most importantly, have a great social gaming attitude.


We are a tight-knit community with a medium-sized, yet very active roster; to support this we need certain criteria for eligibility to the hardcore group, but minimal criteria for story mode groups. Our schedules may change to accommodate RL conflicts such as holidays or emergencies, but most events we gear for night-time players. Guild raid times for Light (Jedi) and Dark (Sith) Holiday you will find on our calendar. We now offer two hard mode raiding teams, (with two more starting up) and open multiple story mode groups for varying levels of skill and goals.


Are you interested in the challenge of end-game PvE, or some PVP warzones while having a good time? Need some friends to help with dallies or flash points? Busy with RL until late at night and tired of unpleasant pugs? Looking for a stable, reputable guild? You can find us at http://holiday.enjin.com or in-game "/who Holiday," and feel free to chat with any of our members. Then open up that canned ham, (or grab some toast - we won't judge!) sit back and relax; come play your own way, here at Holiday!

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