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your family tree's story


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so what is the story behind your character's family tree? you can tell whatever you want about your alts family tree just please be sure to include the surname.

I shall go first:

JOHTOORE (the name is a combo of johto and oore funny thing here is that I am not sure how to pronounce it) LEGACY:





age 67(looks 32)


(not my first alt created) canderordo comes from a mandalorian decendancy however he knows very little about on account of not being raised in the mandalorian ways for reasons unknown, in his life he has been married twice first to a zabrak who died in childbirth and second to a twilek who was murdered before his eyes after that he gave up on love all together and being a loner despite this he was very caring to his two kids blasilver(born of his first wife) and jag-daguar(born of his second wife and yes he is biologically related to canderordo). canderordo is neutrally aligned and an anti hero who will do whats right no matter what it takes.




jedi sentinal



an amazingly calm and patient hero who is willing to do whats right no matter what he has a soft spot for kids and dislikes his protocol droid c2 n2 blasilver is happily married to kira his padawan and they had two kids together twins zeninja and bladengo both have no physical zabrak features on accout of being only 25% zabrak. light aligned





age: 25


the brutal yet merciful bounty hunter jag-daguar differs from his brother in that he is far more easily angered and much more chaotic. he has sent hundreds to the hospital with near fatal wounds jag-daguar will not tolerate slavery and hates hutts with a passion unless your paying A LOT of credits he won't do any mercenary work and makes it clear that there IS a difference between bounty hunters and mercenaries however depending on the situation he will help someone in need out of the goodness in his heart had a kid with mako named shaddowed. light aligned.





age: 60


ocelot-lynx has a lot of issues on account to being a former slave who was rescued and adopted by canderordo's parents thus making him his younger adopted brother. ocelot-lynx despises slavery to an unhealthy level and will not tolerate it is rumored he killed thousand of slavers in cold-blood while they were a sleep despite his mental unstababillity he truly loves his adopted family one of his redeeming qualities. dark aligned.


phew well that's it for now there are other alts I have but I am not gonna go into detail about them cause there are too many of them for to do it sanely.


so what about the rest of you? got any stories hopefully better than mine and hopefully you can somehow mention all of your alts.

Edited by saiyanjedidmv
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