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Best Way To Experience All The Story


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I've been playing SWTOR on and off since launch playing lots of different alts never settling on any of them to go all the way to 55 but last week i finally got to 55!!


I was so excited and happy and proud. Running my first daily's with my guild and getting a full set of 156 gear.


But then it occurred to me...I've missed so much!!


On my rush to 55 id done hardly any of the Flash points only the first 3 really. Id missed different side quests as id been running PVP to skip them and i felt disappointed :(


Since im 55 now i feel the pressure is off and i can finally enjoy the game at a slower pace.


So ive completed the Jedi Knight story mode which i enjoyed allot, although i did feel at times around chapter 2 it got abit boring and repetitive but over all i liked it and enjoyed the ending.


So whats the best way i can enjoy the FULL story of SWTOR? Run every flash point that comes within my level range? How are the flash point story's normally told as i normally jump in via group finder.


Also you your opinion which class story did you enjoy most on the republic side?


Thanks for any help in advance!

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Well, play a story right the way through springs to mind, Agent story is the best, but plenty of other good stories.


But the best way to enjoy a story is to immerse yourself into it, flashpoints, heroics and PVP are entirely optional, do or don't do them as you choose, but stick to the story. Planetary bonus series are also optional.


If your stick to the story, following it, not playing other stories, then you get the most out of that story.

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Like Alex said, the best way to enjoy a story is to fully immerse yourself in it. Stick with it. On a technical aspect, I'd recommend to do only the class missions whenever you get on a planet. This allows a near seamless rendition of the class' playthrough without being sidetracked by sidequests. Once you've completed a planet's class quests, go ahead and do the remaining sidequests.


Now personally, I have a lvl 50 jedi knight and I have found it to be a very epic story. I especially liked the way how it started a little bit slow, only to unravel marvelously throughout its story. Another class story I liked was the trooper. I find it to be a little bit less character centric and more plot-centric.


Anyways, try to stick to a class' story and don't worry about endgame content so much. You might miss out on the fun :)

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me and my friend do all our story missions together and when we finish a planets story quest we do the following planet then after that we go back and do both planets planetary missions followed up by flash points its pretty fun cause i get to see my story and his at the same time.


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