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<Progeny of Sorrow> is Recruiting


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Progeny of Sorrow is rebuilding from the server transfers we lost many people and are now recruiting for a new raid team, and also looking for casual players looking for a nice place to call home. All classes, roles, and experience levels are being accepted. We're a very friendly guild of mature players many of which are veterans that have cleared most of the content in this game. side note <Progeny of Sorrow> does not force you to partake in guild events if you're a nice casual player and you're just looking for a nice home with nice friendly players then you're welcome here.




To apply head to http://progenyofsorrow.enjin.com/

Edited by jrhoads
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thanks guys trying to get things back rolling the one team that is left is starting on SnV HM and we might have a weekend team collaboration going on with <Regulators>/<Exo Imperium> Edited by jrhoads
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you know you want to join us we have free unicorns....and the droids you're looking for :D. I haven't been with Progeny long, but so far I'm enjoying it. Have a great time making paath rant about mara DPS just to get him going :D. In all seriousness for those looking to join a really friendly guild Progeny is a top choice. Might not have a super large amount of players, but those we have are really cool, down to earth, and always willing to help out with anything (so far) run a few with us and see for yourself....now excuse me I have to put unicorn poo in Paaths boots.
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