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Thrawn's Flaw


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I really think base upon the trilogy, yes he's a great commander, but he really wasn't that good on politics. He mostly shows his charisma to let people follow him but rarely lower his stance and lure people to work with him unless they are really valuable. Mara Jade was an example, she dislikes his action so later defected from the Empire. I think even if he had won against the new Republic, the remaining Imperial officials still would finish him off.


PT Palpatine is a good example of how to let people support you, he started a massive galactic civil war across the galaxy, so people would suffer from the war and hope there is a strong force to unify them and bring peace. That's why so many senators clapped when he established the Empire. He also lured Anakin and gained support from the military by offering what they want, that's why he could turn the Republic into the Empire.

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