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Tank/Healer Looking For Mature Ops/PvP ranked guild Rep


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I've got a 55 PvE Guardian Tank (69) and am leveling a 29 PvP Heal Sage up through PvP. I also like screaming goats and lolcats. And beer.


I'm looking for an active guild that ideally has people of age 25+ but at the very least 20+. I'm 32. I know. You should be skilled and progressive but never elitist douches to anyone.


I'm a wow alumn and raided as dps through TBC with server firsts on The Scarshield Legion server (Aftermath guild if anyone knows it). I have a demanding job and cannot dedicate more than a couple of hours a day to the game. Often more on weekends but it depends on whether my GF is working or not.


I'm pretty sick of pugs, especially in PvP and am having a serious problem making the jump from SM to HM because it takes the hours I barely have just finding a competent enough crew to run with.


What I can offer you is a fast learner with 15:ish(holy ****)? years of mmo experience. (anarchy online, daotc, wow, swtor), who doesn't freak out over pointless ****, with solid raid experience from wow. I've tanked most 55 ops SM at least once.


Thank you for reading. Please contact me in game @Rawrr or @Strikt

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