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Proposed Dev Juggernaut Questions *Not Final*


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Oddly enough Enraged Defense I think its obviously such a questionable ability, I almost feel like the question could have been "So......Enraged Defense. What's up with that?"


Course I'm probably too optimistic about that.


I hope that's how the devs see it too.


I just regret that there wasn't more detailed PvP feedback, a lot of the PvP crowd don't have a big enough presence on the forums. I still feel like enraged defense isn't actually an issue for them beyond its rage cost, and that something else was probably being overlooked.

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Oddly enough Enraged Defense I think its obviously such a questionable ability, I almost feel like the question could have been "So......Enraged Defense. What's up with that?"


Course I'm probably too optimistic about that.


If I recall, Kolto override (before 2.0) functioned in the same way as enraged defense did, aside from damage reduction? I can't remember. I don't think it would be as fun to have a similar ability as the merc though (staying within 30%) but something else, maybe.


I hope that's how the devs see it too.


I just regret that there wasn't more detailed PvP feedback, a lot of the PvP crowd don't have a big enough presence on the forums. I still feel like enraged defense isn't actually an issue for them beyond its rage cost, and that something else was probably being overlooked.


I think for rage in pvp, I was sort of expected to die fast, though the intercede 8% heal was nice. My issue in pvp was that vengence didn't have a proper slow (aside from chilling scream), so I'd end up chasing scoundrels all over the place.


My main is an assassin, and I've been helping out with the focus in those forums in regards to a proper question, and thought I'd come here as well, as vegence has become increasingly fun to play.

Edited by MasterFeign
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