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Looking for Empire guild


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Hi all



I have a level 55 Marauder and I'm looking for a mature 18+ social guild to do OPS, HM FP and PVP with, I'm also more than happy to help lower level players with quests and I love doing World Boss OPS. Not looking for anything serious, just a nice friendly group to grind comms with and help out when needed.

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Hi Xarovok


We are always on the look out for new members to do ops and other areas of the game. We tend to raid once/twice a week, although currently only once as the holiday season has the tendancy to deplete the ranks. Would be interested in chatting with you on comms when your free. Feel free to add me in game under the name rayllen. I have copied our recruiting advert below to give you a little more info.


Server: The Red Eclipse

Recruitment: Currently recruiting all classes

Raid Schedule: Tues 1900-2200BST, Thurs 1900-2200BST (we also raid other nights as and when people fancy)

Website: http://appetite-for-destruction.enjin.com/

Age Requirements: 21+


We are a recently formed guild merged from two previous guilds. We are looking at adding a couple of new members for our main raiding group, however we are always open for members who are interested in the social aspect of the game. The use of comms is essential as this for us is what a guild is about. We take the game at a casual but steady pace. We believe primarily in having fun, and seeing what the game has to offer.

Our guild is not the fastest to clear new content, but we do get there eventually!

If your interested in talking to us, please feel free to fill out our recruitment form http://appetite-for-destruction.enjin.com/recruitment


Alternatively for more information contact one of the following in game:

Rayllen, Myrthie, Rarzeek

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