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Even Though BW answers were ridiculous the problem does not lie with the Sage/sorc


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jugg tank is the hardest class to play well...


I have played nearly every single class in the game in both rateds and 4v4 arenas now at the highest levels of play and competition.


Jugg tank is by far the most difficult, involved, situationally aware class in PvP. Tanking in PvP in general is the hardest role, but I still believe juggernaut tanking is the hardest of the three. The highest skill cap with the class is far above the other two and in return has the greatest output/ability as a tank. PT tank is near immune to a lot of Roots that can totally undo a jugg tank. Sin tank and PT Tank both have a pull that is far easier to use than push. The CD"s for Jugg Tank also require the ability to recognize and even predict damage as well as having the most to pay attention in terms of playing offensively.


I would say a close 2nd/3rd are Sorcerer DPS, and Merc Healing. On both of those, LoS, positioning, Kiting, etc are huge. Imagine doing all that while predicting dmg, redirecting dmg, guard swapping, repositioning their team with CC.... Yeah.


my thoughts on Sorc is this.


It needs a way to get around Smashers. That is it. If smasher maras weren't so strong, sorcs would literally be so retardedly strong it would defy belief. They output such a RIDICULOUS amount of Dmg in pvp it defies belief as a healer playing against some of the good ones. As such, they have a VERY high skill cap and are squishy. Sorcs are balanced well, and the class itself doesn't have issues so much as that smashers hard counter all ranged that is interruptable. (Pyro Mercs and snipers both counter them well as a result, madness sorcs to a degree)

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You forgot sniper> all non smash dps and immortal>other tanks.


Tactic vang/AP PT are not out performed in arenas by slinger/snipers.


Part from that yea snipers are better then the rest but not by the same margin as smash mars trumps all other dps classes.

Even in there current state other dps classes are not at such a significant disadvantage that it's simply not worth taking them over snipers/vangs like it is now with maras.

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Its funny...as a Balance Sage 1 v 1....I have been face tanking every Sniper I run into without a problem. Just stand there and nuke them to death. My self healing on my DoTs and gear make up for any DPS differential. The worst I have come out is a double kill...he gets me but my DoTs get him.
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Its funny...as a Balance Sage 1 v 1....I have been face tanking every Sniper I run into without a problem. Just stand there and nuke them to death. My self healing on my DoTs and gear make up for any DPS differential. The worst I have come out is a double kill...he gets me but my DoTs get him.


Must not be coming up against many good snipers.

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Hunh....when the interrupt....I refresh my dots and do other things. Snipers are not a problem for me. Not like the burst melee characters. Retreating from Snipers is BAD. They have longer range than you do. LOS yes but a pure retreat is a very bad idea. In fact, I prefer to CLOSE with snipers.
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I finally got the empak on my scoundrel yesterday and daaaaaaaym. I had five people on me at one point, atleast three of them warriors, and still lasted for quite some time. It was enough for my team to get a node. On sage and with barrier on CD I would have been dead in one GCD. The light vs medium armor rating alone is IMO making a huge difference.


That said, I don't enjoy scoundrel heals at all and would never have leveled one if it wasnt for the fact that it's much more viable. I feel that their healing is too indirect for my taste.

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This. The Sniper would wait till all your dots are up then wipe them. Interrupt your lightning and then nuke the hell out of you or force you to retreat.


I'm a madness sorc, and there are just 3 players out of the hundreds that I've dueled that will beat my 10/10 times. One is a pyro powertech, another a hybrid sin, and the last a concealment op. Snipers can't beat balance in duels. It's not impossible, but with 2 players of equal skill balance wins. Once you get 3 dots on the player you're dueling you just barrier and it's over.

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