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Annhilation Best in Slot Help


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There is a lot of mixed information out there about this and im looking to find out what is actually BiS. I have heard people say that you need 25% crit chance. others say you need 0 crit rating. So what actually is BiS.


Right now i have


Might armor x7

might hilt x2

deft mod x9

proficient enhancement x3

efficient enhancement x4

acc/power implant x2

acc/power earpeice

might augment x14


to the best of my knowledge this is close to BiS. But again i have also seen build with 4 crit enhancements.


Are there any end game Maras (72's/75's) that can offer insight?

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Get 395 acc rating (99.5%) and stop, rest of your enhancements go to surge. Keep stacking more surge rating as you get 75 mods. Maximize power everywhere (deft mods, high power low end enhancements), 0 crit rating. Augs can be either power or strength, but most people go with power(doesn't really make a difference). That is bis atm.
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Get 395 acc rating (99.5%) and stop, rest of your enhancements go to surge. Keep stacking more surge rating as you get 75 mods. Maximize power everywhere (deft mods, high power low end enhancements), 0 crit rating. Augs can be either power or strength, but most people go with power(doesn't really make a difference). That is bis atm.


Nailed it.


As for specific enhancements, you want the Advanced Adept Enhancement X (Power/Surge) or Advanced Initiative Enhancement X (Accuracy/Power). Don't fall for the trap of upgrading from 69 level enhancements to 72 (or 30 to 31 if you view it that way). Keep your Adept/Initiative 30s until you get 31s. No other type is better.


I go for Power augments currently, though it's really a moot point that can be and has been argued to death. For every person that augs Power another augs Strength. Neither is wrong.


P.S. - You'll find a lot of Marauder misinformation, both in people thinking they know what they are talking about and simply by observing the random Marauder on fleet. Two lightsabers breeds stupid, an unfortunate fact of life lol.

Edited by Stippling
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yea i haven't actually tried it but i was thinking that 1 crit mod or a crit implant or something might help keep rage more even. I will have to play with it some time. According to the math of currently known game mechanics, there is no advantage for any crit rating at all but for all we know, the game mechanics as known now, may not be correct. I was thinking that the game may use crit rate from rating in a different spot in the damage formula than the crit from your mainstat. if this is the case, then 1 mod of crit may provide a boost, if only to include that part of the equasion. Oofalong can provide the exact math here.
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I'm going to stack enough Crit to hit 30% Force Crit chance which would make my DoT's crit every 1/3rd of a tick. Which means if i have 3 dots, im guaranteed at least 1 crit. Which would increase my healing from Dot Crits and my Rage generation from DoT crits. Surge and power i will stack since both are important.
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I'm going to stack enough Crit to hit 30% Force Crit chance which would make my DoT's crit every 1/3rd of a tick. Which means if i have 3 dots, im guaranteed at least 1 crit. Which would increase my healing from Dot Crits and my Rage generation from DoT crits. Surge and power i will stack since both are important.


The logic here is a little flawed. First off, you are not guaranteed anything unless you have 100% crit rate. Next, your force crit chance is a combination of Strength, Willpower and Crit Rating; it is important to target a specific stat when trying to improve the overall chance. Finally, your base bleed crit rate will be 18% higher than the stated force crit rate due to 6 stacks of Juyo form. Assuming 0 crit rating and maximized strength your bleed crit rate will be ~42% well above your stated target already.


More generally on BiS as far as I know, the three sources people cite (or use as the basis because they rarely cite it) are:



I stand by my recommendation of 0 crit rating because I have not seen evidence to the contrary. (Secondhand accounts and random observations of two parses by random player X do not count as evidence in my book.) Still, I have stated that my model is based on certain assumptions. Thus, I completely acknowledge that my recommendation may be wrong, and I have always been transparent in this. For example, my model shows a drop in DPS of 0.5% when swapping 155 Power for 155 Crit Rating; this is an absurdly small amount and beyond our ability to measure with actual parses as there are too many factors. Still, I had to put a stake in the ground somewhere.


Incidentally, I welcome any evidence that shows otherwise. One of the challenges in finding this evidence is to isolate each element and doing this is incredibly difficult.


TL;DR - The ideal crit rating for a Annihilation Marauder is very low; it may even be 0.

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This is something I have been considering recently as I am in mostly 72s now (save for 2 armorings and an enhancement) I have been curious whether or not adding in a small amount of crit (1 or 2 mods) would have an effect. I'm not a math person like oof, so I have to simplify it down for myself so the trade off would be:


Slightly higher chance for crits outside of Berserk VS Slightly higher guaranteed damage during Berserk. I might just give it a shot in my next raid and see if I can tell a difference.

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