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Chronicles of a Revanite: My first report upon infiltrating the Jedi Order.


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Darth Urze

Dark Council Member

Keeper of the Prophecy of the Five

Master of Archeology

Child of Revan


My Master,


Enclosed are the details of my first report upon infiltrating the Jedi Order. I have spared no detail as per your mandate. I will summarize my findings so far for you in this letter. Also master, I wish to express my satisfaction with the meditation rituals you taught me to hide my true nature. It has so far been effective, with a few exceptions. These momentary lapses were overlooked however as I am a padawan and still learning to control the force. At least, as far as they know.


As you foresaw I have been assigned as the padawan to Jedi Master Yuon Par. They believe me to be the young force user we killed. You were correct in your assessment of her. She was easily infected by Lord Vivicar's force control technique. I trust that Lord Vivicar has infected other Jedi to redirect any suspicion cast in my direction. While she is still fighting off the effects of the plague, I am confident that with a push, she will fall. This is ensured by the fact that the Jedi Council, in their wisdom, have assigned me to find out the truth of the matter. My efforts are being complicated as I am being shadowed by a Trandoshan hunter who is a friend to Yuon. He is malleable however, and I do not for see any long term issues. He may even be useful as he is too simple to see what my real objectives are, and is easily controlled by the force.


As for my mission. I was able to gain access to the Jedi archives on Tython as you commanded. I have not yet been able to gain full access, or copy any part of the archive. I will accomplish it, Master, in time. With every day that passes I gain more trust from the Jedi, as Yuon's predicament affords me sympathy and I pretend to find a cure. I was, my Master, successful in finding some references to the information you requested. Indeed it seems that the original Jedi were encamped on Tython for some time. I have dated the origin to more than 30,000 standard galactic years ago from the archive. Please refer to the rough timeline I have enclosed. I searched for the original Jedi code as you required and found it is no different than one we currently have as the original.


Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.


I have not yet found a confirmed date for this original mantra of the Jedi Code. Although it may have been written by the Jedi Master Rajivari before his ascendance to the Dark Side. While on Tython I had a chance to enter the Fount of Rajivari. He lived about 23,000 galactic years ago ,as you know, and if he is the writer of the original code this may give us a good date. It is forbidden for a padawan to enter most of the ruins, but I was sent on a mission there by Yuon. I believe now the force guided me there. Indeed his tomb was full of the dark side energy of the force. The history I have uncovered so far in the archive and the tomb, seem to verify this planet as the origin of the Jedi Order. The Jedi talk of their origins as a source of light. I have seen hints of a Jedi order which used both the dark and light side, just as the followers of Revan. In the Tomb of Rajivari I found some carvings which tell of the original order. Detailed holos of these artifacts are enclosed in this communication. The stone carvings on these artifacts were in a language I could not decipher. But through the force, and the power of the still lingering spirit of Rajivari, some of it was revealed. The main information I gleaned was the original name of the Jedi and the original code. The first name of the order was Je'daii. The Je'daii code was similar in style to the more modern Jedi Code.


There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no fear; there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony,

Immortal in the Force.


The style is similar, but the content is very different. As you can clearly see my Master, these Je'daii were practitioners of both light and dark. I will work to find more information regarding the Je'daii when I get back to Tython. Right now I am on the planet Coruscant. I was sent here when Master Yuon fell unconscious due to the effects of the dark plague. I will try to gain access to the destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant while I'm here. It would be fortunate to find some of the archive on this planet, that I could send to you whole without suspicion. I will report my further progress on time, to you, my Master.


your obedient apprentice,



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Darth Urze

Dark Council Member

Keeper of the Prophecy of the Five

Master of Archeology

Child of Revan


My Master,


Enclosed are the details of my first report upon infiltrating the Jedi Order. I have spared no detail as per your mandate. I will summarize my findings so far for you in this letter. Also master, I wish to express my satisfaction with the meditation rituals you taught me to hide my true nature. It has so far been effective, with a few exceptions. These momentary lapses were overlooked however as I am a padawan and still learning to control the force. At least, as far as they know.


As you foresaw I have been assigned as the padawan to Jedi Master Yuon Par. They believe me to be the young force user we killed. You were correct in your assessment of her. She was easily infected by Lord Vivicar's force control technique. I trust that Lord Vivicar has infected other Jedi to redirect any suspicion cast in my direction. While she is still fighting off the effects of the plague, I am confident that with a push, she will fall. This is ensured by the fact that the Jedi Council, in their wisdom, have assigned me to find out the truth of the matter. My efforts are being complicated as I am being shadowed by a Trandoshan hunter who is a friend to Yuon. He is malleable however, and I do not for see any long term issues. He may even be useful as he is too simple to see what my real objectives are, and is easily controlled by the force.


As for my mission. I was able to gain access to the Jedi archives on Tython as you commanded. I have not yet been able to gain full access, or copy any part of the archive. I will accomplish it, Master, in time. With every day that passes I gain more trust from the Jedi, as Yuon's predicament affords me sympathy and I pretend to find a cure. I was, my Master, successful in finding some references to the information you requested. Indeed it seems that the original Jedi were encamped on Tython for some time. I have dated the origin to more than 30,000 standard galactic years ago from the archive. Please refer to the rough timeline I have enclosed. I searched for the original Jedi code as you required and found it is no different than one we currently have as the original.


Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.


I have not yet found a confirmed date for this original mantra of the Jedi Code. Although it may have been written by the Jedi Master Rajivari before his ascendance to the Dark Side. While on Tython I had a chance to enter the Fount of Rajivari. He lived about 23,000 galactic years ago ,as you know, and if he is the writer of the original code this may give us a good date. It is forbidden for a padawan to enter most of the ruins, but I was sent on a mission there by Yuon. I believe now the force guided me there. Indeed his tomb was full of the dark side energy of the force. The history I have uncovered so far in the archive and the tomb, seem to verify this planet as the origin of the Jedi Order. The Jedi talk of their origins as a source of light. I have seen hints of a Jedi order which used both the dark and light side, just as the followers of Revan. In the Tomb of Rajivari I found some carvings which tell of the original order. Detailed holos of these artifacts are enclosed in this communication. The stone carvings on these artifacts were in a language I could not decipher. But through the force, and the power of the still lingering spirit of Rajivari, some of it was revealed. The main information I gleaned was the original name of the Jedi and the original code. The first name of the order was Je'daii. The Je'daii code was similar in style to the more modern Jedi Code.


There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no fear; there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony,

Immortal in the Force.


The style is similar, but the content is very different. As you can clearly see my Master, these Je'daii were practitioners of both light and dark. I will work to find more information regarding the Je'daii when I get back to Tython. Right now I am on the planet Coruscant. I was sent here when Master Yuon fell unconscious due to the effects of the dark plague. I will try to gain access to the destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant while I'm here. It would be fortunate to find some of the archive on this planet, that I could send to you whole without suspicion. I will report my further progress on time, to you, my Master.


your obedient apprentice,




well done Dreadcraft, soon the jedi will fall in the hands of the sith and i will be emperor once we gain full control over the galaxy. we might even set out to conquer other galaxies

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Thanx :)


I appreciate it.


I just started reading, "Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void", which it the story of the Je'daii. reading it I got the "daydream" of putting it together with my current toons leveling, and the story within SWTOR. I plan on continuing the updates as I level Dreadcraft. BTW Urze is my 55 Sorc healer. My plan is to give a twist to the current Jedi Counselor story.

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