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Darth Scion's Pauldron skirt rides up


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Darth Scion's Pauldron look great on my body type 3 female toon UNTIL she takes a few quick steps or dose a combat power then the front part of the skirt rides up into her crotch area, it looks very uncomfortable, ill post screen shots when i can get them uploaded
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Darth Scion's Pauldron look great on my body type 3 female toon UNTIL she takes a few quick steps or dose a combat power then the front part of the skirt rides up into her crotch area, it looks very uncomfortable, ill post screen shots when i can get them uploaded


Yay, another Cartel Market item with horrendous clipping issues. If they weren't cartel market items, I'd be a bit more lenient, but as Cartel Market items that we pay extra for, even I will use the word DEMAND when talking about issues like this getting fixed.

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I was having the exact same issue, but seem to have solved it (for now at least) by equipping a different belt. I was using the CZ rep belt and swapped to a Thana Vesh's belt so maybe the hanging part of the belt was causing the problem. I'll test with other belts i have later to see if this is the case or if it is just random.

For now though i would suggest anyone with this extremely ugly glitch to try changing belts first and see if it works for you too.


Edit: seems it hasn't fixed the problem but just makes the occurrence less frequent than every few steps after 'resetting' the top.

Edited by FunkiMunki
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pauldron glitching into the shoulder/body, loin cloth glitching into your crotch and stick out of your butt... Seriously?

Not to mention that horrible skin tone bug shared with the relaxed vestments top.... great looking set, but damn its bugged to hell. Makes me question if they even tested this. But wait, even on the facebook preview of the pack items you can see the loin cloth glitch in all its glory and STILL it got past them! :t_rolleyes:

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I sent in a bug report. Then I had an idea, and equipped Darth Sion's Leggings. They did eventually clip through those, but only after a long time of running and jumping around. So a semi-fix, for now. Still want to see this fixed properly. :D
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Apart from the front flap of Sion's chestguard riding up the crotch, I've also had it stretch out to the side, as if someone nearby was trying to catch fish, but the hook got caught on my 'skirt' instead.


It's one of my favourite chest pieces in the game, especially for females, but I just can't bear to wear it, until the clipping issue is solved.


Same goes for males, but that's for another reason: until the shoulder pad is reduced in size (which isn't that large either in the original version on which this one is based; Not the KotOR one) I can't bear to have a male toon wear it.

Didn't they announce they'd make shoulderpads smaller in size, since they received so many compaints?

I guess that requires another thread. Again.

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Not to mention that horrible skin tone bug shared with the relaxed vestments top.... great looking set, but damn its bugged to hell. Makes me question if they even tested this. But wait, even on the facebook preview of the pack items you can see the loin cloth glitch in all its glory and STILL it got past them! :t_rolleyes:


Yep just got the set - used it for my female pureblood - looks good

however apart form the skirt clipping issue - I also have a skintone issue - on her torso - where at the back her red skin is a bright orange (with no texture/shading) definitely a bug.

Funny thing is that in the previews and the cutscenes it looks fine - it is only in the actual gameplay that this problem seems to occur....

I hope this gets looked into very soon - cartel stuff costs additional money so they need to be a lot more vigilant with the testing before releasing it. I can't even wear it now in this state.

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Yep just got the set - used it for my female pureblood - looks good

however apart form the skirt clipping issue - I also have a skintone issue - on her torso - where at the back her red skin is a bright orange (with no texture/shading) definitely a bug.

Funny thing is that in the previews and the cutscenes it looks fine - it is only in the actual gameplay that this problem seems to occur....

I hope this gets looked into very soon - cartel stuff costs additional money so they need to be a lot more vigilant with the testing before releasing it. I can't even wear it now in this state.


Yeah previws and cutscenes aren't as high graphics quality as the normal game, assuming you have your game set to max settings. I played with the graphics settings and figured out where the problem is and I TOLD them... it has to do with the shadow textures.

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The flaps of my Darth Sion's Top have horrible issues. It stretches and twists up insanely. Even in cutscenes. I was hoping this would be fixed with the last patch but it wasn't.




Standing Still


It's highly aggravating. I love the outfit, but if it isn't fixed soon I am going to have to rip and find something else to wear. :(


Body Type 1

Combatant skirt

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Another dissatisfied costumer here, bought 3 cartel packs and was happy to get this, after getting a couple more pieces to look good with this chest and then wasting credits on mk-9's for the new gear and then altering my body type to 1 cause i didn't see the weird skin glitch there, i found out that ones i unsheath my lightsaber and start moving the front part is going bananas. Please fix this because i'm out 17 euro and out 1 million credits on alterations and other gear.
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