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Worlds Apart


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This is my first SW writing. I have done other fiction types but I've been wanting to do one of these also. Hope you enjoy it! This story starts towards the end of KOTOR 2 timeline.




Worlds Apart




The young Jedi perched himself along a narrow ledge one floor above ground level as he waited for his contact to show up. Razon had been there for almost 2 hours by way of his internal clock. The foot traffic on Nar Shaddaa moved along endlessly as he kept a close watch on them. For the last half hour, he had been experiencing small twinges in the force and had been trying to locate where it was coming from. It felt like he was being watched but he could not locate the source. ‘There is no emotion. There is peace.’ He still felt frustration and impatience building up.


And then it was there. He had located the source. Or rather to say the source had located him. At the base of his neck he felt a tickling sensation as the tip of a vibroblade touched it.


“Do not turn around,” a voice hissed at him. He remained still as a statue and began to panic a little when he felt the weight of his belt and lightsaber disappear. ‘How on this ledge could they have come up behind me?’ “Nicely constructed, Jedi, too bad you won’t get to use it.” He heard the clatter on the alley below as the belt and saber hit the ground. A few seconds later he was down there himself as he was pushed off the ledge. Using the force to slow his descent, he rolled out of the fall and peered into the darkness to locate his weapon. He heard a light thump as someone landed behind him.


“You are not very well trained are you, Jedi?” Said the voice. ‘Was it female?’ He would not allow himself to be goaded into word battles but he still wondered how she could have snuck up on him, on a ledge and not be able to sense her. He could still at this close range, not feel her presence in the Force. A quick light came by the alley from a hovercop and shone down for a few seconds and then moved on. It was enough. He had spotted his weapon and also had gotten a look at his opponent.


She was short. No taller than one and half meters. And something else, she wore the robes of a Jedi and her face was partially covered by a hooded mask.


“A Miraluka!”, he said aloud.


“Very perceptive, Jedi. I’ve been behind you for the last half hour. Now tell me. Where is Brandor?”


The Jedi stiffened at the sound of his Master’s name. “What business is this of yours, Miraluka?”


Upon hearing the sound of a vibroblade coming alive, he reached out with the Force and pulled his saber to him. It activated as it reached his hand and he went into a defensive posture. In the glow of the light, he could just make out the figure wielding the vibroblade. It was almost as if she were just an apparition. He felt that tingling in his head again and the figure came at him in slow motion.


Razon’s perception warped around him as the Miraluka’s blade came against his saber. He felt the sting in his hands as he took the brunt of the blow. He moved into a lower stance but still felt like he was fighting underwater. Several more blows rained down on his blade as he continued to back-pedal and each successive blow brought him closer to losing his grasp on the saber’s hilt. The Miraluka did a leaping pirouette and just nicked the edge of his saber’s hilt, cleanly cutting it off. The alley immediately went dark as the light from the saber was extinguished. Razon fell to one knee and heard someone panting heavily. Once he realized it was him, he tried to slow it down some and use the Force to calm himself.


“Well at least you tried, Jedi. Tell. Me. What. I. Want. To. Know.” Each word was emphasized heavily and Razon felt himself explaining that his Master was last seen leaving for Katarr. The Miraluka woman lowered her blade slightly, “There is no Katarr! Have you not felt the tremor, Jedi?” She brought her blade back up and advanced on the kneeling Jedi. She made a quick jab and the Jedi knew he was going to become one with the Force. But instead of the killing blow, she just poked him enough to cause a wound in his chest. Razon felt a burning inside and was then knocked unconscious by the Miraluka’s blade hilt.


Twyla Marr retreated from the back alley and moved out into the crowds. ‘Katarr.’ She thought. ‘I must check on this myself. I must find out what has become of Visas.’




The bouncy dark-haired young girl ran into the kitchen and sniffed the air happily.


“Momma! Momma! Is dinner ready yet?”


Having sensed her daughter coming in, she responded, “Almost, Twyla. Let your sister know, please.”


“Ok, Momma!”


Noticing that her daughter was standing stock still and not moving, she said, “Twyla. Go and get her.”


“But Momma it’s so much easier to do it this way!”


“I know that, Twyla. But you must get used to verbalizing or you will have trouble when you get out in the world.”


“Ok, then.” The eight year old sulked towards the back of the house. “Visas! Visas! Dinner is ready!” She moved further back. “Visas?” She was tempted to reach out with the Force again but knew her mother would scold her if she sensed it. She turned a corner and was blocked by something in her path. She moved left then right trying to get around the object but it moved with her. She finally opened up herself enough to the Force to ‘see’ the object. While it was a bit hazy, she recognized her sister’s form.


“Visas! Why do you do that to me?”


“You must remember that not all things can be sensed in the Force. You will not always be able to rely on it to make your way through life.” At fifteen, Visas had learned some lessons the hard way. Her love for her sister motivated her to teach Twyla early on to help her avoid learning things the same way. “After dinner, I will help you to learn to close yourself off from the Force, ok?”


“Ok, sis!”


Visas took her sisters hand and they made their way to the dining area.

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Chapter One


A soft beeping began to filter into Twyla’s’ consciousness. After her battle with the Jedi, she had returned to her ship to recover her energy. While most Miraluka favored meditation, Twyla had found that actual sleep worked better for her at certain times. Forcing Forceblindness onto another Force user was always exhausting. And she had done it this time longer than was usually necessary or she was accustomed to. The soft beeping repeated itself.


“Ok, Sen-Two. I’m awake.” The Mk II Sentinel droid responded by retreating from the cabin in Twyla’s personal ship, a Dynamic-Class starship, The Folly. She stretched some as she pulled herself together. Though blind, she had still decorated the room with trinkets and various small paintings she had acquired over time. Some were from her home on Katarr that she had found during her travels. The lighting was kept at a low level even though it wasn’t really needed at all.


A T3 droid scooted into the room. “Boop beep beep badda beep?”


“Yes, NFour, I could do with something to eat. One would think you’re trying to fatten me up asking me that all the time.”


“Brrrrp!” said the droid sarcastically and swiveled back the way he had come.


Twyla grinned and followed him to the outer cabin. She had ‘inherited’ the ship and the droids a few years back from a smuggler who no longer needed anything. He had actually been a kind man, though at time was quite paranoid. It was hard enough dealing with a teenager, but a blind one was more than most would adapt to. Of course, he didn’t really need to do much as Twyla was self-sufficient and had made sure she was not a burden during their time together. There had been some interesting times…




The Katarr spaceport was busy today with traders and various merchants hawking their wares. The Miraluka had opened their homes to the numerous Jedi and would need supplies, clothing and food to get them through the coming days or weeks that they would be there. Twyla’s mother had sent her to fetch some extra clothing and check the new selection of masks and hoods that were available, while her and Visas had taken care of the two Jedi Masters staying with them.


After wandering from booth to booth, she noticed a man working out of the cargo hold of his ship. She made her way over to him and was checking out his wares. It seemed he wasn’t doing very well and was already starting to load items back into their crates and up the ramp. Noticing Twyla was headed his way; he reopened a few with clothing and masks and continued to pack up the other items.


As Twyla was browsing through some of them, a Mk II Sentinel droid appeared at the top of the ramp. The merchant stopped at the bottom of the ramp and looked up at the droid.


“Master: long range sensors detecting a battle-scarred vessel coming into system from hyperspace. Markings indicate that is Centurion Class: last known location: Malachor V.”


“Mando’s!” shouted Saldon Dren. “Or worse!” He turned to Twyla. “You’d better make yourself scarce, girl. We got incoming hostiles!”


Dren ran up the ramp and as it was closing, Twyla made a last minute decision and leaped up onto the ramp and rolled into the cargo area as it sealed shut. She could feel the ship coming to life as its engines powered up and it began lift off. Within minutes, it had cleared Katarr’s atmosphere and moved away from the system to allow it to go into hyperspace.


Twyla looked around saw that only about three-fourth’s of Dren’s cargo had made it back inside. Just as she was about to explore further, she felt a terrible sensation in the force and blacked out…


…She came to in the medical bay and gradually began to be able to focus more. She heard a mechanical voice that seemed far in the distance, “Master: Sentient is waking.” Dren appeared before her and gently helped her to sit upright.


“How…How lolong?”


“A week, girl.”


Twyla groaned as her head pounded from moving. “My pppeople?”


“I don’t like to bring bad news, but they’re all gone. Everything is gone. There is no life left on Katarr. You are the last.” He seemed very sad.


Twyla groaned again and lay back down. It was then she noticed her eyes were covered. She moved her hands to inspect the mask.


“It’s a fancy silver ballroom type. The eye slots have been filled in and it fits very snuggly around your head. It was one of my finest treasures. Please keep it. Looks like you’re with me now. Saldon Dren.”


She turned to look at him. His outline was a bright blue and that was a good thing. “Twyla Marr, last of the Miraluka.”


From then on it had been several years gallivanting around the galaxy. She had been wrong about being the last of the Miraluka, when they had discovered a few colonies. Though sparse in number, it was taken by Twyla as a good sign. Dren had shown her various ports of call and taught her the tricks of the trade. While technically a smuggler, he had dealt mainly in items that would take weeks or months if they had to go through proper channels. Nothing he’d get detained for but things that others may want for themselves rather than where they really needed to go. He had been killed on what was supposed to be a routine survey mission. The Mk II droid had attempted to return him to life but the damage had been too severe and he had passed several minutes after being brought in to the medbay. Twyla had watched as the once bright blue glow slowly faded away. She was helpless but determined to always keep that memory with her.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Turning to her meal, Twyla sighed and looked down at the T3 hovering nearby.


“Brrr deep deep?”


“Yes, I was thinking about Sal. I still miss him NFour, but there isn’t anything we can do about the past. Not one thing.” She pushed around her food and slowly finished it off.


“Mistress: coming out of hyperspace in 10 minutes. On Target: Destination: Katarr.”


“Thank you, Sen-Two. I’ll be over in a few minutes.”


Changing into a fresh outfit, she had put on the mask that Dren had given her on that first day. It was a favorite. She had worn it so many times that it had molded itself to her face. Dren had done a good job lining it and it was one of the most comfortable of the metal type masks she possessed.


Making her way to the cockpit was a matter of routine for her now. Making sense of new environments could take some time, especially for the Miraluka. For some reason, unknown to Twyla, the MK II Sentinel droid had become something of a nanny to her. The first 6 months she was aboard, the droid had taken every opportunity to guide her through the ship and had even marked the passageways with small chemiluminescenct ‘decals’ that had been placed in certain areas. He then explained what each symbol meant: ‘cargo bay’, ‘refresher’, ‘cockpit’, and so on. Dren had given her the job of monitoring communications, so the droid had painstakingly manufactured small labels in Miralukan writing to indicate what each dial did. Since Dren’s death he had also taken the time to mark out all the important information she needed to know on the starship.


As she entered the cockpit and sat down, Sen-Two turned to her.


“Exiting hyperspace in 3, 2, 1, now.” He pulled back the lever and the ship smoothly glided into normal space. Before them was the planet Katarr.


“It’s so dark, Sen-Two. Most planets have a certain aura about them but Katarr hardly has anything.” Even though she had never seen Katarr from space, she knew what it was supposed to look like.


“Monitoring traffic frequencies: nothing detected: Detecting no life forms from this distance: Scanning for working vessels in the area: two detected on planet surface: nothing in orbit.”


“Set us down in the spaceport where we first met, Sen-Two.” She found she was having a hard time breathing and her heart was racing. She took a few deep breaths and allowed herself to feel the force around her. “Where is the spaceport in relation to the working ships?”


“They are on the next continent over: Mistress.”


“Ok good. Prepare to accompany me out of the ship when we get there.” She turned to the astromech droid that was behind them. “NFour, I want you to check out the ships still docked and see what serviceable parts and cargo they have that we may be able to scavenge and hopefully resell later.”

The droid acknowledged her request and turned to head towards the exit ramp.


A few minutes later, The Folly landed in almost the same area it had occupied five years previously. Twyla stopped at the top of the ramp and placed a vibrodagger in her belt holster and a vibrosword in the sheathe on the other side. Sen-two placed two blasters on either side of his legs and slung a bowcaster over his shoulder and followed Twyla and Nfour out of the ship.


Nfour headed into ship bays and was tootling happily as he accessed various ships and checked the stocks of various vendors in the area. Sen-two was inspecting the landspeeders that were in the area to see if any were usable. Twyla had stopped about ten meters from The Folly and allowed herself to open up to the Force. She felt the sadness as she realized just how dead Katarr was. None of the grazing animals or the graceful flying birds had survived Nihilus’ attack. All she could detect were the two droids and further away a few life forms on the next continent over. Although she could feel that the Force had started healing the hole here, it was still a long ways from being where it started.


Sen-two approached her from her left side. “Mistress: Several land speeders are serviceable: I will have to strip components from 3 of them to make the best one function adequately for use.”


“That’s fine. I’m going to check on NFour. Let me know when we can leave.”


The droid acknowledged her statement and turned to his task. Twyla wandered around the spaceport, examining the various ships left over from the attack. It had been such a sudden and devastating blow that no one seemed to want to salvage anything from Katarr. Even the Sith had avoided Katarr. And most space pirates felt quite queasy about anything that involved a world that was still a mystery. She was glad of that. The untouched world was showing lots of growth with underbrush and trees that had survived the changing seasons.


It seemed some of that had changed, though. She allowed herself to focus slightly on the minds here and could feel confusion and a lack of understanding. She didn’t want to push it and withdrew her connection and went off to find NFour.


The little droid was happily chattering away at a couple of cargo droids and was clearly enjoying himself. He also seemed to have found an oil bath and was dripping all over the spaceport. Twyla approached him with a large rag and, kneeling, began wiping him down.


“Beep brep boop deep brrp!” he tooted.


“I know NFour. I wish we could do this more often but we’ve been on the go so much lately, I haven’t had time. What did you find that we can use here?” NFour went on a big spiel about the various cargoes and items he had located on the datapads and access ports. “Ok. Let’s get some of the clothing items and food stores. Also the gems and minerals from the Goldbird and The Lucky Flyer.” She hesitated for a few seconds. “Have the droids load up the cargo that Dren left here if it is still salvageable. He had some excellent Miralukan clothing and masks we can barter for on the colony worlds. Check on the soil near the fruit trees and see if it can be exported. There are quite a few rows over on the other side of the spaceport entrance.”


NFour acknowledged her commands and went off to his task. Sen-two contacted her via her earpiece and said he was ready to head off. Twyla responded that she was on her way and would join him shortly.

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Chapter Two


It was early twilight in the first week of fall and the seasonal changes were beginning. The plants were changing colors and the birds were beginning their western migration. All in all, it was a relatively peaceful evening.


Crack! Crack! Thump!




Crack! Crack! Crack!


Lena Marr, dressed in a flowing aqua-marine dress with a matching headdress/mask ensemble, watched her two daughters practicing their long pole technique. She was leaning against the back entryway to their house and carefully watching each girl’s maneuvers.


Visas was one who moved with deliberate and precise actions. She always seemed to be calculating ahead the next play. She was cool and undistracted by things around her as she moved in the Force. It seemed to be her nature. The way she talked and walked also betrayed her confidence in what she was doing.


Twyla on the other hand was more of a reactor than a planner. While she moved with grace as her sister did, she seemed to be more motivated by emotions. She also exuded confidence but was more fiery than Visas and had a tendency to manipulate the Force rather than be guided by it. She was head-strong but not quite reckless.


Lena snagged a pole from the side of the courtyard and leaped into the middle of the girls when they had paused for a few seconds. It was not uncommon for her to join them in their practices but she usually just instructed. Twyla and Visas immediately went into an aggressive stance and attempted to outflank their mother. For about 10 minutes, Lena allowed herself to be on the defensive and go at the girls pace. Then she changed, she became the aggressor and was back and forth in her swings, keeping each girl on the defensive. She picked up the pace and, in a flurry of swings and counter swings, moved across the courtyard. If one had been observing them, they would not really be sure of what they were seeing. A sighted person would only be able to detect a blur of movement as the women moved in the Force at speeds unmatched by those not touched by the Force. This went on for another 10 to 15 minutes.


“Morkahn!” Shouted Lena, as she made a final low twirl with her staff that knocked the girls off their feet.


Breathing heavily, all three women lay where they had fallen. Sometime during the battle, Lena had lost her headdress/mask and would probably just have to toss out the dress. Visas had lost her upper body armor vest and could feel the bruises already forming.


Twyla was lying on her back, gazing up at the stars. “AAh! I think I broke every nail! I just got them where I wanted them!” she puffed.


“Trust you to think of that,” Visas responded, wincing in pain. “Uh Uh. I’m not going to be able to move for a week!”


Lena, recovering more quickly than the other two, slowly got up to her feet. She wouldn’t admit it openly but the two were slowly becoming more than she could handle in these practice bouts.


“I will get out the healing salves. You two, off to the spa.”


Slowly getting to their feet, and even though in aches and pains, they still respected the battle tradition and bowed to each other and placed their poles in their various places on the wall. Sweating profusely, they stripped off their clothes and made their way to the rejuvenating spa on the other side of the courtyard. Sinking into it, they could feel their muscles already begin to relax.


Thirty minutes later, Twyla and Visas were out of the spa and in their light night clothes as they lay in the bedroom they shared.


“What do you think that was all about, Visas?”


“I’m not sure but it felt like she was preparing us for the trial.”


Twyla was going to respond but at that moment their mother came in with the healing salves. Lena had Visas lay on her stomach as she began to rub the balm onto her back.


“I know you’re both wondering about that.” She stated. “The Luka Sene have contacted me and they have…they have information on your father.” Both of Twyla and Visas’ parents were connected to the Luka Sene in separate vocations. Whereas Lena was in the Interior Cabinet, their father was involved in clandestine services. He had been missing for several years now. “They want me to assist them in some off-world research and I’m leaving tomorrow for an undetermined amount of time. Today was a test to see if you would be able to handle things on your own. I think you’ve passed and Visas will be in charge of the family until my return.” She could feel the scars under her hands as she smoothed the oil onto Visas. She never said anything about them but wondered if maybe sometimes she pushed her too hard. She had done what was needed and the results had proven conclusive. Visas would come into her own very soon.


“Would you like some of this balm, Twyla?”


“No thank you! I’d rather be in a little pain than have that stuff rubbed on me! Bleh!”


Her mother laughed and then gathered them both up in her arms. “I will miss you both and hopefully when I return, we will have some answers.”


“I promise to behave and even eat what Visas prepares for us.”


“Oh no you don’t.” Visas said. “You are the better cook around here. If you want me to do it, you’d better leave me some extra credits for carry-in!”


They all laughed and then held each other for a little longer.


“Ok, now. You two get some rest. I will probably be gone when you get up. Make sure you continue your studies and keep the place neat, ok?”


“We promise”, they both intoned at the same time.


Lena stood and watched as Visas retreated to her meditation mat and the faint glow of “rest” surrounded her. Twyla was lying on her back on her mat and was soon fast asleep. “Good night, children.” She went through the curtained doorway and retreated to her own room.


As was her custom, Twyla was up before daybreak. Normally she would take a stroll around the park in the village center but today she was just barely able to move and so made her way into the kitchen. She was preparing breakfast for them both when she spotted a package on the table. It had Lena’s stamp on it and was marked for Visas. Although curious as to what it could be, Twyla did not open it and carried it to the back room.


Visas was just stirring when Twyla entered the room. “Mother left this for you.”


Visas took the package and opened the short letter contained on the top envelope. She read it out loud, “Visas, this is for you. I think it is time for you to move to your next phase of training. Be sure to consult with Logran before you actually use it.” Visas’ heart began to beat faster. Logran was a retired Jedi Master and had been teaching young Miraluka how to read the Force for decades.


“What is it, Visas?”


Pulling out the slim cylindrical object, Visas felt over the controls and immediately knew what it was. “It’s mother’s old training saber!” Making sure not to point it at anything important, she stood up and depressed the top switch. A slim red beam of light shot out of the opening and hummed with power. She made a few slow back and forth moves and listened to the hum as the saber moved through the air. She shut down the saber and turned to Twyla. “Let’s eat and see if there are any chores to finish up and I want you to come with me to see Logran.”


Twyla had been watching the display with keen interest. “Wow! A real lightsaber. Mother must think you are ready to choose.”


“We shall see, Twyla. Just because one uses the Force does not mean they are Jedi or Sith. After all we don’t really have much choice in this.”


Visas slid the saber into her belt and the two girls hurried off to eat and finish any chores left by their mother.

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A lone landspeeder zipped along the overgrown paths that had once been well traveled. Twyla was sitting at the pilot controls and almost had the speeder maxxed out after leaving the spaceport. Sen-Two had been a bit hesitant to let her at the pilot controls but after a few false starts, due to the modifications, Twyla had proven to be an excellent pilot. It had been a little slow at first as she had navigated around the various vehicles that had stopped where they were after the destruction by Nihilus.


At first Twyla was a bit overwhelmed by the lack of ‘noise’ that accompanies a planet. But as she gradually became used to it, she found it was actually a bit peaceful and allowed herself to relax some. Now, flying over the surface, she felt a little bit like a child again. Her hair was down below her shoulders but some was tucked under the back part of the mask and the rest she had set up in a ponytail. It was now flowing out behind her as the open cockpit design only had a small windscreen to catch most of the wind or any debris being kicked up.


They had about 40 kilometers to cover before getting to their destination: Twyla’s old village, Sunghar. Sen-two would point out various things and Twyla had him recording scenes to be relegated later to an archive file she could send to historians. Twyla was expertly piloting the speeder and seemed quite sure of herself. Coming over a steep rise, she suddenly banked the speeder the right and whipped it around a huge boulder sitting in the middle of the road. From the copilot seat she heard a squeak that could be interpreted as a gasp from an air breather.


“Come now, Sen-two. I’ve traveled this road thousands of times. I used to even know all the pick-up times for the shuttle speeders along this route. Have a little faith.”


“Yes: Mistress.” He didn’t sound convinced.


They continued the rest of their journey without any further incidents. Reaching a junction point, Twyla slowed the speeder down and headed down the left hand turn. She was gradually throttling down the speeder as the approached the walls to rather large village. With nothing to hold them back, the fauna had started to reclaim the walls, but they were sturdy enough to withstand it for now. She guided the speeder through the southern entrance and slowed to a walking pace.


“This is it, Sen-two. I spent my whole life here until I joined up with your party. Mother always liked that this was one of the smaller villages and wanted us to grow up away from the huge cities near the spaceport.”


Twyla stopped the speeder in front of a large rounded house that didn’t look any different from the others.


“Here we are. Mother used to keep Churian scented candles burning all the time when we were younger so we’d know which one was ours. I can still, after all these years, tell that this is our place. The smell has permeated the structure and I don’t think anything will ever be able to erase that.”


Twyla alighted from the speeder and slowly went over to the front door. Stopping before she got there, she could feel a great sadness overcome her. She had never actually mourned the loss of her world and it was starting to all come to her at once. She kneeled down and began a Miralukan dirge she had learned when she was a teenager. The intensity of her singing became so great that waves of the Force began emanating from her body. Everything within 5 meters not tied down was pushed backwards away from her. This included the landspeeder and, unfortunately for him, Sen-two. He did have the presence to keep recording what was happening for the archives.


Still glowing a deep teal color, Twyla rose and at the climax of her singing her hands shot skyward and Force Lightning shot from her fingertips and lit up the sky and then it was done. Spent, Twyla fell back into a kneeling position, catching herself with her hands and sobbed deeply. Upon collecting herself, she found she had to use her sleeves to clean off her face after the emotional display as her nose had started running and her mouth was very watery. Sen-two attempted to approach her but she held him off with one hand.


“I’m ok. I just needed to really release that, for myself and my brothers.” She stood and turned to Sen-two. “I think I’ve also learned something new here.” She gestured towards a trash receptacle and shot lightning at it. “Mmm. Never been able to do that before.” She turned back towards the entryway, “Let’s proceed inside.”


Twyla placed her hand on the door access panel and lights began to dance all over her palm. Cleared for entry the lights shut down and a soft beep came from the panel. With a creaking and grinding sound the door slid open…one quarter of the way. Not good, thought Twyla. Before she could attempt to use the Force, Sen-two stepped up to the door and heaved it up the rest of the way. It locked into place and remained open.


Twyla was not quite ready for the intense Churian smell that came through the door when she stepped in.


“Oh, that’s nice,” she breathed deeply. She looked around the room. Coming in from the front entry way, you started out with the kitchen and dining area on the left front quarter of the rounded hut. To the right side was the living area and study. Beyond the middle arch on the left were the living quarters and to the right it opened up to the courtyard.


Moving into the dining area, Twyla could see that there were five places still set for what was supposed to be a night of good food and conversation. She sighed and moved towards the middle hallway.


“I’m going to freshen up some and rest for a little bit. Please contact the ship and leave a message for NFour to contact you with a status report. Then do a quick inventory of the house contents and see if there is anything we can take along. Especially check the clothes.”


Sen-two acknowledges her request and began cataloging items. Twyla had moved into the bathing area and, checking to make sure she actually was able to get clear water running, ran a quick shower and then moved into the bedrooms. She found a deep green dress that her sister used to wear and put it on. Being short in stature, Twyla was always on the lookout for clothing that would fit her. This one was almost perfect, albeit a little long. Kneeling on one of the meditation mats, she slowed her breathing and tried to focus on as much as the Force as she could in this wounded place.




Such a beautiful day. Bright sunshine beat down on Twyla’s face as she wandered through the grass. She found herself at Ranok Pointe. The grass was about waist high and she could feel the slight dew that developed in the early morning hours. Closing in on the summit, there was another person kneeling at the top flat section. Dressed in a scarlet robe and facing towards where Ashla and Bogan could more readily be accessed. Closer she drew to the kneeling individual. Nearly approaching touching distance and the other person suddenly rose up and turned.


“Twyla! Oh the Gods have spared you!” Visas snatched up her sister and began planting kisses all over her face and held her tightly.


Twyla returned the kisses and also held onto her sister for dear life. “I thought you were dead! I never expected to see anyone of my family again!”


The two held each other tightly for a few minutes.


“Come, Twyla. I have something important for you to see! Come along! Hurry!” Visas pulled away from Twyla and tugging at her began moving further along the Pointe. At first holding her arm, then sliding to her hand, then fingers, finally disconnecting altogether and pulled away quickly.


“Visas! Wait! Visas, I can’t keep up!”


“Visas!” Twyla shot up off her meditation mat and breathed deeply. Sen-two appeared quickly in the doorway, blasters drawn and scanning the room. “I’ve seen Visas!”


“There is no one here: Mistress. Please identify the source of your vision.”


“Yes! That’s it! It was a vision of her on Ranok Pointe.” She gathered her dress up rose fully from the mat. “Come. We must finish here. We have to go to Ranok Pointe. I just know it.”


Glancing around the room, she noticed that Sen-two had packed several trunks with clothing and knick-knacks to take with them. Twyla searched through them quickly and gave approval of the items in the trunks.


“One last thing, Sen-two. Grab the Frillharp from my room. It’s in the corner, already in its case. No way am I leaving that here. You’ve done a fine job and let’s get these into the back of the speeder.”


Taking the trunks out to the speeder, Sen-two retreated into the house to get Twyla’s musical instrument. Coming out, he found her levitating the trunks into the back of the speeder and arranging them so they would fit neatly in the back.


“Did NFour report back yet?”


“Yes: Mistress. A fair amount of product has been moved into The Follys’ hold and he reports that all salvageable material from Master Dren’s cargo has been loaded. Also, he reports that the ship is currently being refueled and should be ready to go by the time we return.”


“That’s good news. Place the harp in between those two there. Yes, like that. That should insure it doesn’t move around much. Ok, let’s be off. I want to get to Ranok Pointe as soon as possible. It shouldn’t take long. It only takes about 15 minutes to walk there.” Twyla climbed up into the pilot seat again and this time had no issues starting up the speeder.


Maneuvering out of the village on the northern entrance, Twyla guided the speeder to a hilly crest slightly north of their present position. She wouldn’t let herself dwell on the fact that she may never see that home again. It was time to move forward.


A quick trip brought them to a large knoll that rose up before them and looked very easily traversable by foot. Twyla stopped at the bottom and instructed Sen-two to remain with the vehicle. Once again gathering her dress into her hands, she proceeded to ascend Ranok Pointe. She didn’t know what she would see when she got there. She could not detect any other presence, but Visas had been known to retreat from the Force if she was in the mood. Reaching the summit took but only a few minutes and Twyla was able to determine that there was indeed no one there. Turning around she was able to see Sunghar, the clothing village and on the other side Mershaun, the farming village. She did feel a small tingling in her mind and opened herself up to as much of the Force as was left here. For some strange reason this spot seemed to have ready access to the Force. Here, Twyla thought, she was here at the end. She remains here but not here. The vision is stronger. I can feel her presence.


“We will be together again.”


Twyla shook her head and cleared it of the vision. “I will find you,” she whispered.

Edited by Duvack
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I appreciate all the nice comments here. I've also been enjoying some of the other stories but for the most part I find it difficult to read others stories while writing mine. I am sort of at a break point as I prepare the next section, so i've gone through the last posts and made corrections to grammar and spelling and such.
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Chapter Three


Twyla was out for morning constitutional even though it was bitterly cold. Sometimes she found she was able to think more clearly during such times. Even so, she was wrapped up tightly and had forgone her usual masks to wear a full head covering and had her hair tucked down into the back of her winter wear. The snow had been heavy last night and it coated everything.


She made her way over to the Memorial Garden and noticed that Visas was already there. Twyla knew right away what she was doing.


Two year prior, their mother had returned from her mission for the Luka Sene. Her travels had taken her to several different planets but lastly to Dantooine where she found her husband. He was found in a cave that had been converted into a secret base by some of the Mandalorians. His body lay amongst many corpses of their bodies and it was quite evident he had put up quite a fight but in the end he had been overpowered by them. His body, badly scarred from missing blaster bolts and vibroblade strikes, was identified by Lena as she had found his lightsaber under his body and the family ring on his right hand. Upon returning to Katarr and her village, as was the custom, they had a funeral pyre prepared and a week of mourning. In the Memorial Garden, a marker had been set in the Marr family section for him.


It was at this marker that Twyla found Visas kneeling. Coming up behind her, she placed her hands on her shoulders and squeezed. Visas responded by covering her hands with her own. Sliding into a kneeling position, Twyla wrapped her arms around Visas and snuggled against her back. Visas held her arms and they sat that way for a few minutes.


“You thinking about what he would say?”


“Yes, I am. We really didn’t get to know him well, even though mother has tried to teach us about him.”


Visas would be twenty-one on the morrow and was attending the ceremony for her induction into the Luka Sene. Her parents had urged them both from a young age to receive physical and mental training, to push themselves beyond their borders. Already she had caught the attention of several high ranking members and her mother had made it clear she was not going to be involved in any decisions. Her martial trainer, Logran had given her a good reference and said she was as skilled in force powers and the lightsaber as any Jedi master he had known.


“I’ve been here for hours already and I’ve come to a decision.” She turned around and put her forehead against Twyla’s. “I want you to be my second.” Each candidate was allowed to have an aide come along to assist with duties. The girls rose to their feet.


“I’m…I’m not sure what to say, Visas. Truly, I am honored to help you on this course. My life for yours.” She made a formal bow to her sister. Visas returned the bow and together they returned home.


After getting a quick snack their mother had made, they made their way into the courtyard. There Lena was waiting for them. She had each girl approach her and recite the Luka Sene ceremony:


“Why are you here?”


“I wish to serve the gods in the path they have set before me, and to help others keep from getting lost in the wilderness.”


“Are you sure? Such commitment is a lifelong quest, ended only by death.”


“I am sure.”


“Then go forth, and prove that you are worthy of your title.”


There were two boxes in front of Lena. She reached into one and pulled out the object inside. It was her husband’s lightsaber. She handed it to Visas with both hands and made a stiff bow. Visas returned the bow. Next, Twyla was gestured forward and Lena reached into the other box. She pulled out the training saber she had given to Visas almost 3 years prior. She presented it to Twyla in the same manner. Twyla took the saber and returned the bow. The girls then faced each other and bowed.


“You have both achieved a great number of things so far. I am very proud to have you as daughters. I know your father would have approved also of your decisions. Visas, tomorrow you become your own woman. You will always be welcome to stay here but know that now your decisions are your own. Twyla, the footsteps you follow will be large and quick. Be you ready to take action on a moments notice and protect your guide.”


The ceremony the next day had been brief and easy.


Two months later found Twyla and Visas trudging through the high snow along a mountain top.


“Tell me why we’re walking, Visas.”


“Because someone didn’t do proper maintenance on that speeder and its repulsorlifts are fried.”


“Well it’s not my fault! I checked out all the engine parts before we left. I’m telling you it was something kicked up into it.” The moved further along the mountain in silence for a few minutes. “Shouldn’t we be going the other direction?”


“We have an assignment to finish first. We can’t abandon it just because we have a little transportation problem. The Luka Sene wants us to find this scouting party and that’s what we will do.”


“Still think we should go back,” Twyla muttered.


One week ago, a ship had slipped onto Kattarr’s surface without registering with the Port Authority and had evaded all attempts to track it from the air. Two days ago, an outgoing signal had been detected from this mountain where there should not have been anything living. Deciding that it was time for Visas to take her first mission, she had been sent to investigate the issue. As her second, Twyla had been obliged to come along. At least they had dressed for the weather. Both were fully covered in white thick robes and headdresses/masks, both for comfort and concealment.


Reaching the summit of this small hill, Visas stopped and pulled out the Force Cortex Enhancer from her side pouch and slid it on under her hood and over the headdress. Twyla took up position behind her watching their rear. Moving into a prone position, Visas turned on the FoCeX and concentrated her vision forward on the opposite slope.


“I see the ship.” She said quietly. “Small. Two or Three man scout ship. Half buried in snow. Looks like it was done on purpose. Picking up heat signatures from ship engines. Checking for life signs.” Visas concentrated a little harder. “There. On the other side of the ship. Two life forms. Non-Miraluka. Force sensitives. Looks like they working on some kind of transmitter.”


Twyla reached over and touched Visas’ leg. Visas immediately went quiet and slowly turned off the FoCeX. Twyla tapped Visas’ leg once and drew down it to indicate the direction of what she had noticed. Slowly rising to a squat position, Visas turned in the indicated direction. They could see one more of the intruders moving through the trees. Taking Twyla’s hand, Visas made a 3 symbol into her palm. Than placing two fingers on either side of her palm, made a rotating sign in it. Twyla grasped the fingers and they slowly rose and circled away from the approaching figure.


The figure, red with yellow eyes, stopped where the girls had been and kneeled down as if to check for sure. Noticing the tracks in the snow, he slowly moved in that direction. Knowing that they would make tracks, the Marr girls were walking in each other’s steps to hide their number. The tracks reached a steep area and disappeared. Puzzled the figure stood still for a few minutes peering into the area below and checking around the local area. Five meters back and six meters in the air, the Marr girls attempted to blend in with the branches of the trees they had leaped up onto. Retreating the way he had come, the figure then stopped and looked up. He spotted Twyla and reached into a jacket pocket and pulled out a hand held comm unit.


As he activated the switch, it suddenly left his hands and smashed into the nearest tree. Visas leaped out of the tree and struck the figure from behind with both feet. Sputtering snow out of his face, he turned and snarled at Visas and pulled a long sword out of its scabbard. Visas, rolling backwards from the drop kick, flipped open the left side of her robe and her saber snapped from her holster and into her hand. The figure, almost 2 meters tall, a good head and shoulders bigger than Visas, hesitated for a few seconds when the saber hissed on. Holding her saber down, Visas circled so that the figure had his back to Twyla. A few feints from Visas had him on his guard and he was focused on her.


Striking out, the tall man’s sword was deflected by Visas’ saber as they continued to feel each other out. Finally tiring of playing, he roared at Visas and charged her. She parried the blow and managed to avoid being struck by his sword. Spinning around the figure made a quick gesture and charged Visas again. Noticing a rock coming her way, Visas only had time to make one decision. That was when the rock changed course midway and struck the figure in the chest. He let out a loud “oomph” and backpedaled a bit.


Twyla jumped down from her position and her saber came out and hissed on. Now the girls were on either side of the red-skinned creature. Making several gestures at once, the girls found themselves deflecting rocks and pebbles being tossed at them from various angles. At one point, just as she blocked a rather large rock, Visas was struck by the creature and felt the sword slide against her back. Twyla had just managed to evade the last few objects and rushed to her sisters defense. Catching the sword against her saber before it could strike Visas again, Twyla pushed out with the force and the figure skipped backwards several meters. When the figure recovered and made to charge Twyla, he found himself being pelted by ice balls from every direction as Twyla attempted to generate a small storm. Batting away some of the ice crystals and ignoring most of them, he threw his sword at Twyla and then charged.


Evading the sword cost Twyla her footing and the figure barreled into her and knocked her off her feet. She landed on her back against a rock and groaned as the wind was knocked out of her and the rock dug into her back, nearly causing her to black out. Visas had regained her composure and getting to her feet, drew upon the force as much as she could. Moving at a speed the figure could not quite get a grasp on her. She struck out several times with her saber and her saber just made a few nicks in the creatures skin. Regaining his sword, the figure turned his attention to Visas and together they began to strike blows back and forth. Suddenly from behind the figure came a rush of wind and Visas saw the end of a lightsaber penetrate the figure and, with a look of amazement, he fell down face forward, dead.


Barely able to stand, Twyla was down on one knee breathing heavily and attempting to stretch out her back. Visas, bleeding from her back and arms, approached her and kneeled next to her.


“Are you ok, Twyla?”


“Just winded and I think I might have cracked something. How about you? You are bleeding all over the place!”


“Just flesh wounds. They will heal up. I think it’s time we returned home and get some answers.”


“What was that creature we were fighting? I could just barely keep him in focus and our blows didn’t seem to do a lot of damage.”


“I’m not quite sure but I think he’s a Massassi. They are a variation of the Sith and very, very hard to kill. I am surprised we survived this.”


Only taking a few minutes to recover, the girls gathered their things and fabricated a makeshift litter. Working their way off the mountain with the red-skinned humanoid, they managed to make it back to a place where they could get a new speeder to take them home.

Edited by Duvack
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  • 2 weeks later...



Twyla sat in the lounge of The Folly, shuffling a worn deck of Pazaak cards. She found it oddly relaxing, considering she never played the game anymore since Dren had died.


Sen-two was in the cargo hold checking the containers and making out manifests for each one and cataloging the items. NFour was playing a game of HoloChess versus the computer. So far only 3 moves had been made.


“Brr deep deep?”


“No I’m not practicing. Just trying to relax a little and plan the next course for us to take.”


“Brr deedledeedle boop beep!”


“I do not cheat! It’s not my fault I have to use the force to see the cards!” She bopped NFour on his head.




“To you to, tin can!”


Sitting back and taking a swig of her drink, Twyla propped up her boots on the other side of the lounge musing over her next move. She had not changed out of the dress she had found at the house but had removed her mask to brush out her hair. She grabbed up the hairbrush on the side of the lounger and began running it through her hair. She always did this while thinking and this time was no exception. Once she had gotten any tangles out, she began to set it in a braided style her mother had taught her. Sen-two came out of the cargo area and approached Twyla.


“Mistress: I have completed the manifests for our cargo.” He stopped for a second. “You know I can do that for you: Mistress. I have been programmed with various grooming techniques to create different appearances if needed.”


“Thank you but no thank you, Sen-two. It took 2 weeks to undo the first and last time you ‘fixed’ my hair. Not to mention you nearly pulled everyone out by the roots!” Her fingers continued to manipulate the hair expertly. “Please give me the details on the cargo later. For now, I would like to find out about the people we first observed before landing. Have you gotten any further information on them?”


“Very well: Mistress.” He plugged the data pad into a console that would allow Twyla to review it in Miralukan writing or in voice if she preferred. “I have had the scanners working on the exact location of those humanoids. There appear to be four or five of them in the Ragdorn Region.”


Twyla’s fingers stopped moving. “Ragdorn!? That’s not good. Not good at all.” She went back to her hair.


“Clarify: Mistress”


“The Ragdorn Region is where, approximately 50 years ago, a company called Cyrallatrix set up shop as a ‘regenerative’ specialty research lab. They were trying to research chemicals and drugs to prevent certain diseases and birth defects among us. About 10 years ago they changed their directive and felt they could better serve us by finding out how to help us regain visual sight. They invited scientists from all over space to help in the research. We even had some from warring factions but when the scientists came together, it was as if they were life-long friends. Well about two years into their new research, they had an explosion at one of the chemical plants and due to some engineers ineptitude the fans that were supposed to contain the chemicals was put in in reverse. It blew it all out into the research area and when it collided with other chemicals it caused a chain reaction that ended with the whole area being contaminated by hallucinogenics.” She stopped and put the finishing touches on her hair to keep it in place.


“Our rescue teams were unable to get there in time to combat the disaster because of its remote location. The whole section was placed on quarantine indefinitely. If those people have landed there, it is no wonder all I could sense from them was confusion. They may be suffering the effects from those drugs.” She stood up. “Sen-two, make our course to the Ragdorn Region. I want to check this out. I will use one of the chemical masks we have on board to protect myself but I don’t want to linger to long at that location.”


“Very well: Mistress.” He shuffled off to prepare for takeoff.


“NFour, I would like you to connect up to the belly gun. I would rather not shoot anyone but it’s best to be prepared.”


The little droid tootled his consent and also moved up to the cockpit.


Twyla retreated to her cabin and took off the dress she had been wearing. She hung it up in an area she had converted into a closet. Searching the tags, she found a form fitting jumpsuit that would allow for ease of movement. She slipped on a pair of boots and gloves and picked out a mask she could slip on under her hair. As she was finishing up, she felt the ship rise from the ground and slip into the upper atmosphere.


Making her way to the cockpit, Twyla slipped into the co-pilot seat and took note of the passing terrain. The spring months were in full effect and she could tell that the trees had been soaking up as much rain as they could in the mountainous regions.


The trip was a quick one. “Approaching the area where the life forms are detected: Mistress.”


Turning to the cockpit window, Twyla reached out with the force, “Five humans, Sen-two. One will not make it much longer. They seem very confused and the only female of the group is moving very erratically. One seems to have climbed the communication tower and is yelling about something. The other two males seemed to be locked in some form of combat. Let’s go see if we can help.” Examining the best place to land, she instructed Sen-two to set the ship down within 50 meters of the life forms. She rose from the chair and proceeded to the exit ramp.


As her and Sen-two walked to the back of the ship, the droid stopped her outside the cargo hold. “Mistress: I found this among some of the more personal items. Perhaps now would be a good time to give it to you.” He opened a small casket and pulled out a black cylindrical object with a slight curve to it.


“This was mother’s war saber! I don’t know if she ever actually used it but once or twice. She much preferred the cortosis brand of vibrosword. Thank you, Sen-two. This will be less likely to cause a panic if they saw me carrying a regular sword.” She picked up a belt from the weapons rack and after buckling it, clipped the saber into place.


Exiting the ship, Twyla heard the door to the belly gun slide open and the huge blaster locked itself down into place. Walking towards the humans, she could tell they were unaware of their presence despite the ship landing close by. As they got closer, the two who were wrestling, stopped and looked at the Miraluka and the droid.


“Hey, Dan!” one said to the other. “Look it’s one of them blind persons! And she has a seeing eye droid!” He turned and looked at Twyla. “Hey blind girl! How many fingers do I have up?” He held up all ten fingers and one of them was missing from the second knuckle up.


Twyla turned to him. “Nine fingers and a partial.” she said.


Dan slapped the other guy on the back. “HA! She showed you, Grady! Ain’t no blind girl! Probably the droid is blind!”


“Sez you!”


“Sez you!”


The two men went back to grappling.


“Hello. Can I help you? Guys? Do you need help? I need to get you out of here. Hello?” Twyla sighed. “Come Sen-two, let’s check on the female.”


Approaching the female, Sen-two spoke up. “Mistress: This female is attempting to access a facility map by viewing the blinking lights on what appears to be a malfunctioning landing beacon. She keeps viewing the lights and then tapping on the glass of the display. This is not a good sign.”


Twyla agreed with him and approached the woman. “Hello? Can I help you?”


The woman looked up startled. “Ooh! A Miraluka!” She approached Twyla. “Oh you’re wearing a breather mask. Are you ill?” She then whispered, “I’m a Doctor, you know. Dr. Janice Race. I can help you if you need it but I don’t like to flaunt it. Oh! Wait!” She ran back over to the display and began tapping on it again.


“Dr. Race? How can I help you?”


The woman looked up startled. “You know me? Oh. Hmmm. Maybe a patient? Well I’m trying to open this case because then I can pull Leo off the tower there by reaching into it and bending it down.” She pointed up at the comm tower and the display at the same time. She went back to tapping buttons on the glass.


Twyla turned to Sen-two, “We have to find a way to convince her to go with us. This area is destroying their minds. I cannot use my force powers to influence her. Her mind is too far gone.” She mulled over some ideas in her mind.


“Wait, I got it!” Twyla tapped her earpiece comm unit, “NFour, fermis la ventro pafilo. Mi volas ke vi funkciigas la motoroj.” Behind them they could hear The Folly’s belly turret slide back up into the skin. A few seconds later the engines went into warm up mode.


She turned to the woman. “Dr. Race, I have an idea that will help get…Leo down from that tower but I need your help.”


Dr. Race turned to look at Twyla. “Hmm? Oh, a Miraluka! What’s that? You can help Leo? He’s on that tower up there, you know.”


“Yes. Let’s go and get him down. I have a way to do it. Please come with me.”


The woman looked skeptical and Twyla could tell she was attempting to process what she had said. Looking back longingly at the broken beacon lights and the display, she allowed herself to be led away by Twyla.


Sen-two started to head towards the two men they had met earlier. They were now laying on the ground next to each other. Twyla stopped him.


“Won’t do any good now, Sen-two. We can no longer help them.”


Janice Race noticed the two then. “Look at those slackers! Always trying to get out of doing their job! Wait until I report this.”


“Yes, Doctor. We need to get into the ship first, though.” She continued to guide the Doctor up the ramp and steered her directly into the medbay. “Sedative, Sen-two.”


“Ooh, sedative. Those are nice,” said Dr. Race as she lay on the table. Within a few minutes she was asleep.


“Ok. Let’s go get the other one. I’m going to hull walk.”


Sen-two made a squawk sound. “Mistress: I highly advise against such action. Very dangerous.”


“I’m aware of the danger Sen-two. I will wear grav-boots and be tethered. Let’s get this thing in the air and over to that comm tower.”


“Yes: Mistress.”


Sliding on the grav-boots, Twyla talked to NFour. “Make sure you start a flush of the air in here. I want it to circulate out any of the bad air so that it will speed up the recovery time of these two.” NFour hooted his consent.


Twyla made her way forward to the cockpit. “Ok now this is what I want to do. Approach the comm tower and slide body up against it in between the port side opening. This will get very tricky but I have faith in you Sen-two. I will tether up two lines and bring in this Leo with the other one….hopefully.”


“Mistress: I must again object to this course of action. I do not wish to have to convince someone not to wipe my memory to become another person’s droid yet.”


Twyla placed her hand on Sen-two’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, my friend. You’ll be taking orders from me for a long time before that happens. Let’s do this.”


Returning to the mid-section, Twyla accessed the elevator and began tethering two lines onto the deck plates that had hooks in them. Checking resistance, she waited until Sen-two reported that he had positioned the starship where she wanted. Locking the access ports open, she had the lift take her out to the outer hull. Upon reaching the hull, she activated the grav-boots and made her way over to where Leo was clinging to the comm tower. He was still conscious but seemed to be slowly losing his grip on the tower. With eyes glazed over, he looked at Twyla as she approached him. He was not a big man and Twyla was glad of that.


“I’m going to tether you up and take you into the ship, ok?” He just blinked at her. “Please stay where you are and let me hook you up.” Scooting along the surface of the hull, she came within touching distance of him. He looked at her again.


“You’re not human. I’m tired and thirsty. Where is that data packet? Have you seen Janice? What’s a tether?”


“Shhh,” Twyla cooed at him. “Just let me take care of this and I will answer all your questions. Dr. Race is waiting for you inside the ship.”


“Ok, good.” He allowed Twyla to wrap the tether around him and with a little assistance from the force she pried him off the tower and onto the hull. Working their way back to the access port, Leo kept leaning more and more on Twyla and she had to keep readjusting her grip and nudge him along with the force. Upon reaching the opening she huddled up against him to hold him still while the mini-elevator lowered them back into the ship. When they got to the bottom, they were met by a pair of human hands that snagged up some of the weight from Twyla.


“Dr. Race, shouldn’t you be asleep?” Twyla asked while she locked the access ports closed.


“It takes a very strong sedative to knock me out. At least my head is clear and I can think again. Let’s get Leonard into the med bay.”


“Ok, thank you.” She then called out to Sen-two. “I’m inside, Sen-two. Let’s get into high orbit.”


The little ship moved away from the comm tower and proceeded into open space.

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