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Republic guild looking for members


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Hello everyone,


The Order of Doom is in need of members, we are a social, PVE guild who dabble in some PVP. We were quite a large guild with many members on the Gav Daragon (APAC) but since the server transfer we seem to have lost all but all of our members.


We are more than happy to run with beginners and to teach you the ropes of gameplay strategy, rotations, stats and gear; all we ask for in return is you level your toons and participate in Raids, Progression Raids and some PVP (PVP is optional).


If you are interested -> Join the Order of Doom Today.


To join the Order of Doom click here.


Just to recap:


The Order of Doom has started to recruit again; (thank goodness) .

The order of Doom is looking for quality members, members who enjoy the following:


  • Operations
  • Hard Mode Flashpoints
  • Player VS Player (both ranked and normal)
  • Progression
  • Team work and guild development
  • Roles of importance within the guild


It is important to register on the website before and submit an expression of interest to be invited.


Member Prerequisites (i know prerequisites lol but these are for the benefit of new and existing members):


  • Must participate in at least 1 Guild event per fortnight
  • Must not be inactive (without notifying a council member or posting in the forum) for more than 14 days
  • Must be a subscriber, or be prepared to purchase passes and the Hutt cartel expansion
  • Must be friendly and social
  • Must not harass (insult, slander or sexually offend etc) any member
  • Must have Teamspeak 3

Edited by CremeFreiche
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