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Implement a manual match-up for 8v8?


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With the removal of ranked 8v8s in 2.4, I will like to suggest leaving in place a system for teams of 8 to manually match up with other teams of 8.


While it is true that automatic matchmaking for 8v8 has been quite terrible, I noticed that there are quite a few teams that create ranked teams but try to trick the automatic matchmaking system into matching them with another ranked team of their choice for:

  • casual matchups for players within in their guild
  • casual/competitive matchups between players from two different guilds
  • playing each other in player created tournaments



Instead of just removing the option of 8v8 team queues, why not leave in place a manual match up system for teams of 8 to play against another team of 8 of their choosing?


Teams of 8 can put themselves as ready for 8v8 in a global queue, send a challenge request to other teams of 8 in that queue, or accept challenge requests from other teams.


This avoids the matchmaking problems of the current 8v8 ranked system (so that you can tackle this again at a later) while keeping the option for ranked 8v8 open for those who enjoy them.

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