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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Really good mod's ENhancement's and Crystals for Armer and weapons


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I just made level 50 on my Jedi Guardian and I looking to up grade my stuff I'm not completely Hard core for stats though I do want thing that are going to keep me alive and Dish out damage so I'm going to be buying a high leveled Might Hilt and Might Mod and Enhancement w/ Crystals for my light saber but I would like to find some good stuff for armoring and I've read plenty of things about The Guardian Armoring but I like my Def I'm willing to change that out look a little not a whole lot this my first char getting it to lvl 50 it was a long and hard run but I did with a bit of help in some spot's I've been away from them game for about 2 months so could someone also tell me about Augmentations? or is it a RotHC thing
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PvE or PvP? both very different games.


If it's PvE, the I suggest reading Matt's guide:


2.0 Guide: Guardian DPS for PvE Raiding


Read the whole thing. his tips at the bottom for effective raid damage are golden...IMO those are more important then gearing. 5% of the population of a given MMO can fully optimize their class, but 95% of the player base thinks they're the 5% :). so use his aproach to gearing and practice his tips as much as possible and you'll be fine.


TLDR - str > accuracy to 100% > power > crit > rest. alacrity is still bottom for us. Don't just buy gear and equip it, switch out mods to get the most optimum stat makeup based on the list above.

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