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It is a (minor) nerf in PvE though. Since we use FB/IP well more than twice as often as RP/SS, we'll get overall fewer cell procs.


Except that the cell proc isn't very useful if you're constantly clipping the DoT. If you're using Stockstrike on CD, you'll have 66% uptime on Plasma Cell guaranteed. Add into that 3-4 IP uses between Stockstrikes and the two High Impact Bolts (which also guarantee reapplication) and you truly do have a statistical guarantee of 100% uptime on Plasma Cell. Note that High Impact Bolt on ICD guarantees 100% uptime on Plasma Cell as long as there is an ability which applies it in the first place. This is of course, not guaranteed, but remember that the worse RNG treats you in the realm of High Impact Bolt, the more Ion Pulse you spam and the greater your chances of simply reapplying the DoT. More formally:


1 - (1 - 0.45)^(x * 2), where "x" is the number of GCDs of bad HiB RNG.


Statistically, there will be cases where the Plasma Cell DoT falls off, but they are far and few in between.


Note that this math is making an implicit assumption that you're in full (or nearly full) Assault. Hybrid has Pulse Cannon in the middle, which throws things off a lot.


I do think it got overnerfed, but what it needs is some substantial changes to the very top 2-3 rows to make those worth taking over a minor or major hybrid. Even with this change to TD, I don't see a "full" pyro/assault going more than 27-28 pointnts in for PvE.


Agreed. I think that the changes to Gut and IR are definitely a step in the right direction, since it reigns in the hybrid without having a significant effect on the full-tree builds (since cheaper IR means more IP). Assault Plastique needs to be buffed though. A lot. I'd also love to see a high-tier Assault talent that buffs the damage dealt by High Impact Bolt to targets affected by the Assault Plastique DoT (perhaps by 10-15%). This alone would restore a lot of Assault's burst but would make that burst require a certain amount of setup to be optimal (as well as gate the maximal form of that burst by at most 12 seconds when target swapping).

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Yea, keeping full uptime won't be a problem for full assault, though it may start to fall off a bit in hybrid.


However, I was more talking about how, with the way the dot ticks(first tick is on application, not 3 seconds after), you get an extra first tick every time the dot is reapplied. Pre-2.0, this, plus the gcd being lightly longer than 1.5s due to lag (and thus, reapplication occurring immediately after a tick, causing an effective double-tick) accounted for something like 100-200 DPS if I recall correctly.


Thus, every time you clip the dot you actually get an extra tick, or a tick 1 gcd early.


This mechanic is not as big of a deal now that the cell dot is not nearly as important, but I think the way this mechanic worked was a big part of the reason that pyro was broke before 2.0.

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The slow last six seconds at least. It is refreshed every time the dot hits again. Provided it is uncleansed.


negative ghostrider. It is not attached to the DoT anymore. It is just attached to the stance (so you can't somehow get the slow in AP/Tactics or tanking. It is attached to the use of FB/IP. Which would be pointless for someone to try to cleanse since you can just hit FB again and it is right back making this a really amazing slow. I think people are underestimating what they just gave us through all the drama of dealing with our crappy burst people aren't noticing how big of a buff that really was to the slow.


Yes it was 100% before from FB, and is still 100%. Yes they took the ability to apply it away from other means... however the PRIMARY means to apply it was through FB spam. Now it lasts 6 seconds and is 40% (up from 2 and 30%). So you don't NEED to spam FB anymore to keep it up, just hit it again if it falls off from a cleanse or once every 4 GCDs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
negative ghostrider. It is not attached to the DoT anymore. It is just attached to the stance (so you can't somehow get the slow in AP/Tactics or tanking. It is attached to the use of FB/IP. Which would be pointless for someone to try to cleanse since you can just hit FB again and it is right back making this a really amazing slow. I think people are underestimating what they just gave us through all the drama of dealing with our crappy burst people aren't noticing how big of a buff that really was to the slow.


Yes it was 100% before from FB, and is still 100%. Yes they took the ability to apply it away from other means... however the PRIMARY means to apply it was through FB spam. Now it lasts 6 seconds and is 40% (up from 2 and 30%). So you don't NEED to spam FB anymore to keep it up, just hit it again if it falls off from a cleanse or once every 4 GCDs.


You're talking about the pts. I for one thought we're still in 2.3?


To put it clearly, the old slow was 2 second slows each time the dot hit. Which a single application of cgs would hit several times. Meaning the full duration was 6 seconds.


Test it on the training dummy if you don't believe me. IN 2.3 mind you. I know about those changes but that's in 2.4.

Edited by PerinnAybara
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