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What does Treasure Hunting do?


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Okay, so I picked up treasure hunting and so far all I've received are companion gifts. Really unsure of what this is used for or if it's even useful for me. I know you can use the companion gifts to increase influence, but beyond that, is there any benefit? I've heard diplomacy gets you companion gifts as well as influence for light/dark side and credits. Anyone have any ideas on this? Btw, if it makes a difference, I play a Jedi Sentinel. Thanks for any info.
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It's main use is rare crystals for Artifice crafting.


It's secondary uses are companion gift farming and lockbox farming (lockboxes contain leveled credits and occasionally leveled gear, depending on the box type).


If your not crafting it is useful as you should be lockbox farming (slicing also does this). If you are crafting only take it with Artifice.

Edited by AngelousWang
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