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Sentinel PVP Questions


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I'm pretty new to the game, only been playing for two months. In that time I'd gotten my sentinel to 55, i'm 65 valor, and Watchmen spec. I PVP extensively, came from a game I played for 14 years and did nothing but PVP (Dark Age of Camelot). I just picked up my full set of Partisan Gear (including relics) and my implants / earpiece are Conqueror pieces.


I've watched several videos about priorities when building a PVP suit. I'm wondering your opinions on the following questions.....


1. Stat Priorities - I've seen many different opinions here, some people say Expertise > Strength > Power > Surge > Crit > Accuracy while others say Expertise > Strength > Crit > power > Surge .... Wondering your stat priority opinions.

2. Critical Rating - This is a extension of question #1. Is critical rating necessary at all on a Watchmen PVP sentinel . Since our Zen can be used to make our burns critical. Some people say you still need to have critical around 25%. Is this without the lucky shots buff? Is this even necessary? To get this much crit you really have to give up alot of power or strength.

3. Lightsaber Hilts - So I have two Partisan lightsabers, the dmg is something like 605 on them. However, I also have two Advanced Might Hilt 31. The dmg on those is 725~ if I remember. Question is, is dmg delve on the lightsabers worth giving up the 65~ expertise on the 605 Hilt in the Partisan lightsaber ? Overall dmg goes up but expertise goes down about 130~ I believe. Anyone play with this ?

4. Relics - I picked up two partisan relics that give my attacks 30% chance to proc additional 190 dmg. However, are these relics the best choice for my spec. I see some sentinels using the healing relics. Why is that ? I can always adjust as I go up to conqueror relics and fix this if I've messed up.

5. Augments - Which augments do people prefer ? I have 14 of each Advanced Might Augment 28 and Advanced Overkill Augment 28. Which do people prefer and why?


Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me!

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I'll answer the best I've been able to determine and from feedback from others.


1. Partisan or Conq in all slots to get max expertise (more on this in the hilt section). You can do the old war hero stuff for more power, or do the Matrix cube and be fine, however. Strength > Power > Surge. The endurance that comes with the gear is plenty - get your datacrons. Accuracy vs Surge there is a noticeable drop in DPS for all classes with accuracy (or Alacrity, etc). Players/ACs overall just do not have enough defense to warrant it.


2. Rate of return is terrible on crit. Sure, you'll crit slightly more, but really Watchman is not ideal for PvP due to the longer ramp up and lack of burst.


The theorycrafting is there, and for sure on my Sorc the evidence was there. I've only mixed accuracy and surge on my sent, I've not done crit from previous lessons learned on my other toons. I had a few crit mods for a bit but to be honest, that was during my min max phase so it wasn't really paid attention to.


Some sins/shadows will tell a different story, but even the two in my guild I've challenged to run more crit, and then run more surge. They did better with the surge in both numbers and how they felt they were node guarding/solo killing/DPSing.


3. I have. You actually sink to about 1930ish bolstered expertise iirc. Now, bolster is supposed to up everyone's base damage on weapons to the same (PvE, PvP gear, doesnt matter). When I did some calcs with askmrrobot compared to what I was bolstering to, and trying one match to compare - its a slight, unnoticeable bump in DPS for a loss in survivability. When you take into account multiple hits, the damage reduction from expertise adds up. If we were a ranged class, it would be more viable imho - were just too much in the thick of things.


4. I just tested this last night, SA PVP Relics are NOT stacking (People are posting logs of PvP and PvE stacking though). Get another damage proc relic. Kinetic Tempest or Dark Radiance has been in debate.


5. Seems to be about even and up to your preference cause they're similar. For Focus the rule seems to be go power because its more base damage and you're auto critting anyways.

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Thanks for the reply! Very useful.


When you say SA PVP relics what ones do you mean ?


Serendipitous Assault.


Also, Partisan dies in a fire come 2.4, and conq will be the baseline gear with another tier of PvP gear with ranked warzone coms, so just bank all of your coms for now and just pvp with crap partisan for a bit, utilizing excess to get decent Partisan upgrades.

Edited by Maelael
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Right now i'm using Partisan Relic of Elemental Transcendence and Partisan Relic of Dark Radiance.


Will those work together ?


I would assume so, however serendipitous assault is so good I don't know of anyone who has tried/tested those two together.

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