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need advise gearing scoundrel heals


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well, i probably should have post this in the class section, but im hoping for a quick reply. To cut a long story short, during one of the 2x xp weekends, I leveled a scoundrel to 55, however, since leveling it I have struggled to heal on it in operations, let alone fps, regardless of my rotation, and priority ability use at any given time which is a step further on, first thing I need to worry about is my gear. I just threw on pretty much any lv69 mender gear that dropped, course this was to my detrement, and my is completely unbalanced, baring in mind, I do not have many ultimate comms on that toon, so getting 72s at this stage is out of the question, I need to balance it with the elite equivalent gear in order for me to work towards using her in raids.


So, therefore, I wished to ask for advise if someone could I either post their advise about gearing and balancing out stats for the scoundrel healer (including everything that may be deemed necessary as for this class I admit to being completely ignorant regarding stat priority etc), or possibly list a post 2.0 website that acts as an online guide providing this information. BTW, please DO NOT suggest Noxxic, I wouldn't go near them with a 10inch pole after I found some info about a shadow pre2.0 that was incorrect, but that is in the past, I just wont go near them at all now since then.

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Gearing a Scoundrel Healer isn't that much different now than it was pre-2.0. You have the same stat priorities at pretty much the same levels, with the addition of alacrity.


I don't have any guides to point you to, but the trick is to keep your Slow-Release medpac active on your group members as much as you can. If your stats are right, this is virtually a free heal, because you regenerate the energy it takes to cast it, while you are casting the next one. The use of Slow-Release medpac will proc Upper Hand, which will allow you to use Emergency Medpac, also for free. After that its just keeping your energy as high as you can. when you have a second or 2, use Diagnostic Scan on a group member. This is also a small free heal, but it regenerates energy.


As for augments you will need to have a combination of Skill, Overkill, Crit, Surge and Alacrity. I cant say how many of each as it depends on your gear, but remember that you have 14 slots to put them in.


I hope this helps.

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this is the sort of thing I am looking for, but as it specifies all underworld gear, its not going to be too helpful. I dont have many ult comms on this toon, and to gain any tradeable underworld parts I need to get into heal TFB/SnV HM, which with my current gear would be impossible. I can have certain things crafted, but it would be a fortune I just dont have.


Though Dulfy does provide good guides, the guide on gear they provide indicates what drops boss, and things cost etc which does not help me as I need to understand how to balance my gear. My scoundrel is presently full 69s but incredibly unbalanced and just cannot seem to fix that due to my own ignorance of gearing this class.


Does anyone have another suggestion please?

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Gearing a Scoundrel Healer isn't that much different now than it was pre-2.0. You have the same stat priorities at pretty much the same levels, with the addition of alacrity.


I don't have any guides to point you to, but the trick is to keep your Slow-Release medpac active on your group members as much as you can. If your stats are right, this is virtually a free heal, because you regenerate the energy it takes to cast it, while you are casting the next one. The use of Slow-Release medpac will proc Upper Hand, which will allow you to use Emergency Medpac, also for free. After that its just keeping your energy as high as you can. when you have a second or 2, use Diagnostic Scan on a group member. This is also a small free heal, but it regenerates energy.


As for augments you will need to have a combination of Skill, Overkill, Crit, Surge and Alacrity. I cant say how many of each as it depends on your gear, but remember that you have 14 slots to put them in.


I hope this helps.


at this stage i dont have an issue in regard to rotation, i know slow release medpac is an essential element to that, my problem is balancing my gear as i stated. I only finished leveling my scoundrel post 2.0 so i cannot compare to stat priority or gearing to pre2.0. All my scoundrel is geared in atm is black market (69s) mender MK-1 and MK-2 mix, with a black market targetter implant, and arkanian earpiece, i tell you, its very unbalanced. As an example, I seem to crit very rarely, when i do is for about 8-9k heal on big heal, she has a crit of round 28% and no idea if that is a good thing or not, or how high it should be before experiencing diminishing returns. This is just an example to display my ignorance of some stats and gear needed to balance out for my scoundrel.


In this game, figuring out abilities and a rotation is simple for me, even learning tank boss mechanics quickly has never posed much of an issue at all, but when it comes to specific classes, i dont know what is up from down (if you get my meaning by that), depending what class it is. Im quite good with my guardian for instance.

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Tanking does not require a lot of effort. in most cases group will rely on dps to handle some mechanics while tank 'just stands there' being quite good at tanking does not mean you have mastered the class. With that in mind healing is a bit more involved and switching from tank to heals is a challenge. (Been there, done that)


The link to the post about scoundrel healing is a very good one, and it should give you an idea about what to do and how. No one can give you any more information as it is gear specific, which is very well covered in the post.


Bottom line is, if you have the medic's gear at 69 then you should concentrate on your abilities and work on rotation. I know you said you have no problem with it, well it seems like you are in denial :D


P.S. There is always shortage of tanks, when group tells you that you are doing a great job, they're most likely just happy you have queued.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Tanking does not require a lot of effort. in most cases group will rely on dps to handle some mechanics while tank 'just stands there' being quite good at tanking does not mean you have mastered the class. With that in mind healing is a bit more involved and switching from tank to heals is a challenge. (Been there, done that)


The link to the post about scoundrel healing is a very good one, and it should give you an idea about what to do and how. No one can give you any more information as it is gear specific, which is very well covered in the post.


Bottom line is, if you have the medic's gear at 69 then you should concentrate on your abilities and work on rotation. I know you said you have no problem with it, well it seems like you are in denial :D


P.S. There is always shortage of tanks, when group tells you that you are doing a great job, they're most likely just happy you have queued.


thank you very much for your commentary on your thought about me tanking without actually seeing it, note the sarcasm in that. I never said i dont have some issues with rotation at times, I said that i usually have no trouble figuring it out in the end, my issue is with balancing my gear as i stated.


El, if you intend to make judgments on me when you have no clue, it just displays your ignorance of me. I dont care about tanking, that was NEVER the issue in this post, if no one thinks they can give me any other guide, then thats fine, ill recheck the ones that have been posted and see if i can establish what the issue is.


I DESPISE others making judgments on others in posts instead of just trying to assist someone with their dilemma, it displays arrogance, and that person is usually an idiot, but then again, i guess i shouldn't expect anything less when posting in the forums, so its probably my stupidity for not expecting someone like that.

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Calling names in forums will not get you far. I believe there is no reason trying to explain this to you as it is guaranteed that people calling other people stupid are stupid them self. Talking about passing judgment without knowing the person. But then again what else can be expected from you. BTW, perfect way to go off topic and actually trolling in your own thread, what a waste. Just think that there may have been someone who actually took you seriously.


P.S. Perhaps you need your own personal forum where public access is restricted and public opinion is not welcome.

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I'm a little confused. You have no trouble figuring out rotations and abilities, but you're having trouble healing basic content with the most OP healing class in the game? 55 HM FP's and SM operations should be a cakewalk in even thrown-together 69 gear, optimized or not.


Your complaint about the thread with stats based on underworld gear is quite silly. You might not have that gear level, but anyone who understands even the most basic concepts of gearing should be able to extrapolate a similar stat priority for a lower gear level.


Maybe you need to try being a little less self-righteous, a bit more humble, and a lot more accepting of good advice.

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My thought exactly, OP did not come here looking for critic but for excuse. "It can't be me it must be the gear".


Check your talent tree, parse your healing, see if you're within norms. Sometimes it is the group being under geared, missing on cleanse, or specific mechanic that you may have problem with. But unlikely a gear.


And I don't need to see tanking to know how much effort it takes, unless it takes more effort for you than it should. But then do I really want to see it?

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thank you very much for your commentary on your thought about me tanking without actually seeing it, note the sarcasm in that. I never said i dont have some issues with rotation at times, I said that i usually have no trouble figuring it out in the end, my issue is with balancing my gear as i stated.


El, if you intend to make judgments on me when you have no clue, it just displays your ignorance of me. I dont care about tanking, that was NEVER the issue in this post, if no one thinks they can give me any other guide, then thats fine, ill recheck the ones that have been posted and see if i can establish what the issue is.


I DESPISE others making judgments on others in posts instead of just trying to assist someone with their dilemma, it displays arrogance, and that person is usually an idiot, but then again, i guess i shouldn't expect anything less when posting in the forums, so its probably my stupidity for not expecting someone like that.


Not sure where that came from, but the individual in question was not patronizing or insulting but making an attempt at providing some good solid advice and explanation. Your "issue" is not making total sense and I believe he was merely attempting to cover all possibilities?


Perhaps reading it again without taking offense?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not sure where that came from, but the individual in question was not patronizing or insulting but making an attempt at providing some good solid advice and explanation. Your "issue" is not making total sense and I believe he was merely attempting to cover all possibilities?


Perhaps reading it again without taking offense?


though i haven't responded to this thread in a little while, there are a few things i disagree with and I was serious about my question, but due to some of the responses, I dont place a lot of credibility with what El stated. Personally I find my sorc heals to be a walk in the park compared to my scoundrel which Jim has stated already as being OP.


Regardless, the outcome to this is that I managed to get some advise from a guildie of mine and it turned out I was sacrificing surge for an unecessarily high amount of crit, which turned out to be detremental to playing my scoundrel heals overall.


It a fact that some classes will always be considered over powered by some people, and even those people sometimes struggle to pick up another class they haven't played before whereas others will pick it like a breeze, playing style does count for something.


If anyone doesn't think my reaction was warranted, then I suggest you reread some of the posts and ask yourself why I would possibly be insulted by something that was said. What I do fail to understand is why people cant just focus on what the question has been proposed, that in this case my gear was completely unbalanced and needed some advise on what I could do about it. Even if you think the problem is with me struggling to play the class, the answer would never have been addressed, if the rotation etc was all that was focused on, and yes, that is a judgement made of me. If you dont realise that, please look up the word. Far too many gamers are too quick to jump to the wrong conclusions when asked for advise/help instead of listening to why someone is having an issue with something in particular.


And just because you may have found something a breeze to understand, implement, figure out, for instance those that say tanking is a breeze, i do tend to agree that it isn't that hard, but others not experienced in it will not think that, perhaps because they may not be as hardcore.


All I ask is that questions, and advise be given if needed when asked rather than jumping to the wrong conclusions which has happened here.

Edited by Fastdoze
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