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Gearing Jaesa questions


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So I've been thinking for awhile what might be best for Jaesa being a companion, PVP or PVE gear. I've been doing PVP gear just because that's easiest for me to obtain due to pvping all the time and having unused pvp coms. Yet I want to get other Mara opinions about Jaesa. Which gear do you focus on more for her, PVP or PVE? Thanks! :rak_03:
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While having a companion fully decked with PvP expertise gear is a useful thing no doubt, it really comes down to what you intend to do with the character.


Obviously you cannot bring her with you into warzones, so her uses will be limited to world PvP. How often do you go world PvPing? Assuming that you have that many extra comms (to have extra comms means you have all BiS conqueror gear - otherwise you should be converting warzone comms into ranked warzone comms), you must be pretty decked with PvP gear. Would you find it beneficial to you to have a companion specifically for world PvP scenarios to gain the extra edge? If so, PvP gearing her may be the way to go.


PvE gear will almost always be more useful for anyone or any companion. The best PvP gear contains 65 mods, while some of the most fundamental PvE gear is 66 modded, with 69 being quite simple to attain for the most average of player. And since for every player you kill in world combat will ratio to probably 100 NPCs you'll kill, you will get a ton more mileage out of a companion with quality 69 gear.


All of this is assuming you are level 55. If you are not, save your resources/comms and just give her stray greens/blues/quest rewards and focus on self gearing up.

Edited by Stippling
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While having a companion fully decked with PvP expertise gear is a useful thing no doubt, it really comes down to what you intend to do with the character.


Obviously you cannot bring her with you into warzones, so her uses will be limited to world PvP. How often do you go world PvPing? Assuming that you have that many extra comms (to have extra comms means you have all BiS conqueror gear - otherwise you should be converting warzone comms into ranked warzone comms), you must be pretty decked with PvP gear. Would you find it beneficial to you to have a companion specifically for world PvP scenarios to gain the extra edge? If so, PvP gearing her may be the way to go.


PvE gear will almost always be more useful for anyone or any companion. The best PvP gear contains 65 mods, while some of the most fundamental PvE gear is 66 modded, with 69 being quite simple to attain for the most average of player. And since for every player you kill in world combat will ratio to probably 100 NPCs you'll kill, you will get a ton more mileage out of a companion with quality 69 gear.


All of this is assuming you are level 55. If you are not, save your resources/comms and just give her stray greens/blues/quest rewards and focus on self gearing up.


Thanks for the suggestions! This is what I was thinking. I will try and focus on getting her PVE mods to upgrade her gear with. Thank you! :rak_03:

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