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Can I say 'thank you' one more time?


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Female Trooper x Aric Jorgan. Set some time in early Act two so vague spoilers up to there.

I was going to post this in the SFFWCT but I decided it was a little too long and I have no idea where this is going... I'm hoping Jorgan was Jorgan-y.


Trooper storyline runs along Audra's and Leer's. Leer intimately knew Avyanna's (trooper) father and was also the one to kill her father but Avyanna doesn't know that or much else about what her father really did. Avyanna has no connection to Audra.






Can I say 'thank you' one more time?



'You know this is your fault, don't you, sir?' Jorgan checks in a loud snarl. He paces impatiently and only looks at her to glare. He has to speak loudly to be heard over the deafening whirling of the alarm. The sound is erratic and follows no pattern; it's nothing more than a unpredictable shrill sequence of irritating noises.


'Can it, Lieutenant. This isn't the time for you to tell me how to do my job better,' his superior snaps.


She stares despairingly at the holo that has no signal. Why did she think to include communication jamming in the alarm system? It seemed like a good idea at the time when they thought that they wouldn't be the ones locked inside.


Aric growls and paces more. The menace in his stance doesn't suit his black tracksuit pants and tank top. His ears twitch in agitation and his fingers flex apart and his claws extend as if ready to scratch something. Avyanna wouldn't be surprised if that something was her.


'Can't we at least shut this damn alarm off?' Jorgan demands.


'No,' Avyanna informs him with a sigh. 'All shutdowns for the alarm system are in my room or the cockpit which are also on locked. There's one panel that can also shut it down outside the ship if you know the codes.'


'That's not much help when we're stuck in here!' Jorgan exclaims. He stops his pacing but not his ever persistent glare of disapproval. It's one of the worst that she has seen and that means it's pretty darn bad. They might be friends when off duty but that doesn't mean she escapes his critical, diligent eye.


'We just need to wait until Dorne is back. She knows the codes,' Avyanna says in logical, calm way that bellies her own irritation. She can feel the room shrinking and Aric's snapping isn't helping. Dorne and 4X have only gone to pick up some supplies. They should be back in a few hours. Until then, they have no choice but to sit tight and assume it was the droid returning that set off the alarm on the cargo ramp. Avyanna didn't remember ever turning the alarm on though...


'Dorne knows the codes but not your XO?' Aric asks in disbelief. Avyanna shrugs and can't come up for a reason for this. She watches him from her position on the ground. She knows when to hunker down and wait it out.


'Great, just bloody great. Why is the cargo bay included in the lockdown anyway?' Aric asks as he begins pacing again.


'Because there are things worth stealing in here. The cargo bay, cockpit, weapons room and my room are all sealed when the alarm is triggered,' Avyanna informs him. 'It will stop after an hour so until then, sit down and shut up. That's an order.'


Jorgan stops his pacing and sits slowly on the floor. Avyanna closes her eyes and leans her head back on the crate behind her. Of all the people on this ship, why is she stuck in here with him?




'Why'd you join up?' Jorgan asks.


'That's a boring question, Jorgan,' Avyanna replies with a small smile. She takes a small sip from her bottle of wine and looks up at the man sitting next to her. 'Why don't you tell me why you think I did? That's a lot more interesting.'


'You saw a worthy path and craved action to help and save others,' Aric replies with confidence. She feels touched by his faith in her integrity and is conscious of feeling his leg and shoulder touching hers. They feel like the only parts of her that are real.


'Like my mother and father?' Avyanna asks with a bitter smile. She looks back across the room at crates of food ration amongst other things. They seem closer than they are. They've already been in here almost six hours. Thankfully, the alarm stopped after one hour.


'Your mother is a strong, passionate woman and your father was a man worthy of admiration,' Jorgan replies seriously, almost reproachful of the scorn under her question.


'Do you look up to him?' Avyanna asks with curiosity. When they first met, he had assured her not to get confident just because of who her parents were, especially her father. Crude considering he had died less than a year ago at the time. He's never been mentioned between them since.


'Yes and no,' Aric replies carefully. He isn't sure where the young woman stood with her father so he has avoided ever mentioning him. 'Your father has made choices I wouldn't.'


'So have I,' Avyanna points out with a small smile. Every time she has, Jorgan has been down her throat about it.


Her father made similar choices to her, saving lives and upholding honesty but Avyanna was never ignorant to something darker underneath. There always seemed to be secrets around him and she knew one of them concerned her youngest brother. Something deep inside her chest, an intuition that couldn't be held back by her strong love, told her that her father was not a good man. What made them differ was that she would kill her enemies openly and face the consequences. Her father would show mercy only to have them disappear or experience fatal accidents days, weeks or months later. Nothing that could be linked back to him, of course but Avyanna and her siblings were not so easily fooled. Intuition is something they had inherited plenty of.


'I see why you make them though,' Jorgan replies as if despite only seeing her father from a distance, Jorgan could sense the same thing. 'There is no point fighting for a Republic if it will only be filled with empty people and you understand that.'


'True,' Avyanna replies neutrally. She clenches her fists a little to stop their shaking, hoping Jorgan won't see the wobbly of the bottle she holds. The alcohol isn't taking any of the edge off.


'Are you saying you look up to me?'


Jorgan frowns and looks conflicted for a moment. 'I'm saying I respect you a lot, sir. You're a lot like your mother but I didn't see it straight away. I may have been wrong about you. You are considerate, passionate, persuasive and ruthless towards our enemies. You have good instincts and you turned out to be a first class leader.'


'Wait, hold it a sec,' Avyanna replies holding up a finger and placing her wine bottle on the ground. She fiddles around in her belt and then her pockets. Aric watches with a glower and makes a 'tsk' noise. Distractions are something she's always been prone to finding.


'Found it!' Avyanna announces as she holds up a holorecorder above her head. 'Now repeat that again, just exactly the same but maybe throw in something else about my looks this time.'


'Don't make a bigger deal of this than it is,' Jorgan growls. Avyanna forces a grin and Jorgan smiles a little, shaking his head.


'Relax, Jorgan, I'm only joking.'


Jorgan frowns and opens his mouth, looking across at the woman whose eyes are almost level to his. He closes it again and settles for a growl. Joking isn't like her. She isn't as firm as Dorne on regulations but she's professional when on duty and frequently when off duty where she engages in extra work, often in the main room sitting in the middle and using the holo terminal as a desk. Of course, that's when she can't find anyone to help outside or they are in the long passages in hyperspace.


'Aric, I didn't think I needed to tell you that means a lot to me,' she seriously replies. She's never used his first name before but now seems like a better time than any since they are technically off duty.


'I'm just calling it as I see it.'


They sit in silence for a little longer and Jorgan can feel each breath she takes in and out from the small contact of their arms. It's coming fast and uneven and causes Jorgan to look at her chest, seeing the quick beat of her heart. Her eyes are a little scrunched closed and a grimace pulls at the black tattoo that swirls down the left side of her features. His critical eye moves down to hands, the holorecorder shaking in her knuckle white grasp. He can see the reason immediately when combined with her easy, uncharacteristic flow of jokes.


'Sir, are you-'


'Don't say it, Lieutenant, that's an order,' Avyanna barks as she sucks in another breath, her eyes closing tighter.


'For how long, Avyanna?' Jorgan asks in that constant tone of disapproval. She can't differentiate it from concern.


'For as long as I can remember,' Avyanna concedes, not opening her eyes. 'Don't tell Dorne or report this. You know what it will mean for me.' It's the closest to begging she has ever come in her life.


'How have you managed to hide this for so long?' Jorgan asks, not committing himself to a promise.


'Discipline and a very strong will,' Avyanna replies with a small smile. Imagine oceans, girl, oceans, she tells herself. They're stretching all the way to the horizon. 'No one else knows. I saw what it did to my father when it was discovered my younger brother had the same condition.'


'Had, sir?' Jorgan asks curiously.


'He's dead officially. He went missing eight years ago and was never found. My father didn't take well to having an opportunistic, self-serving coward as a son. He was cured of it eventually though I think he did that himself more than any of the specialists.'


'You never sought treatment, sir?'


'And give up on ever hoping to be in the military because of my medical record? Be a disappointment to my father? Of course not!' Avyanna almost shouts. 'Disappointment' wasn't the right word. Her father's scorn ran deeper than just that.


'You could be jeopardising everything,' Jorgan replies. It's occurred to him that if she was found unfit for duty he would be the commander of Havoc Squad. He doesn't want the position that way and she's earned it.


'I haven't let it get in the way so far,' Avyanna replies dangerously. 'If it becomes a problem, if I'm going to crack at any point on the job, you can report it. Until then, I expect your discretion. I'm trusting you as a friend, Aric, not just as your superior. Please don't betray that.'


'You endanger us or the mission, then you're out, sir,' Jorgan replies firmly before a small smile tugs the corners of his mouth up. He watches her agitated, beautiful face as she doesn't open her eyes. 'Until then, you're my fit, healthy commanding officer.'


'Thank you, Jorgan,' Avyanna replies, too appreciative, exhausted and terrified to say more than those sincere and inadequate words.


'But when I said I wanted a comment on my looks, I was looking for more than "fit", Jorgan,' she comments too bluntly to be considered flirting as she tries to force her mind away from how hard and tight the crate and wall next to her were. For her, the statement is nothing more than an honest admission.


She turns her head to look at Jorgan, not realising until then how close they were to each other. Her gaze slips from his blue eyes and drifts his lips that seem so close to hers.


Jorgan notices and pays her the same courtesy, not surprised by how close they are and bristling with more enthusiasm than he would let show.


'What would you prefer, Avyanna?' he softly asks. He moves in slightly, with no possibility of mistaking his attentions and without letting himself think for a moment about her being his CO.


Avyanna tastes his breath as she breathes in and she seems to choke on it. She looks back away quickly. The closeness of his face to hers, the closed door that shuts out the world and the cramped feeling of the cargo bay all press down on her again. She begins to breathe quicker as the flight response kicks in, her mind shutting down before registering that to Jorgan, she just rejected him.


She stands up quickly and looks around the cargo bay trying to look for somewhere more open. She settles for sitting down in front of the door which is clearest area of all. The door may be closed now but doors do open, she reminds herself. She closes her eyes again and tries to imagine something else.


'Sorry, Jorgan,' Avyanna calls eventually. He can hear the remorse under the strained tone.


'Status, sir,' Jorgan calls back in concern. He can't see her anymore except for the top of her high, blonde pony tail.


'Poorly, Lieutenant. Respiratory rate is fast as well as dramatically accelerated heart rate. Uncontrollable body tremors, most likely dilated pupils as well as excessive sweating,' she objectively lists.


Jorgan nods but she doesn't see it.


'What do you need?' Aric asks, standing up to look down at her. She leans against the door, her lean, bare legs straightened out in front of her and her bare arms hugging her chest. Her tanned, toned body can be seen for all its advantages in her tight, athletic shorts and singlet but it trembles a little and she pulls her legs up to her.


'I need space.'


'On it, sir,' Aric assures. He stands up and begins to move the crates in the cargo hold all against the far wall. In half an hour, all the liftable stock is piled high and against the wall, giving her as much space as possible.


'I've done the best I can, sir,' Aric reports. Avyanna opens her eyes and she smiles wanly, feeling a little better. She pretends it helps more than it does. It's been six hours and every moment makes it worse no matter how much more room she has. Her heart feels constricted and she's terrified. There's no other way to categorise the feeling than just as pure fear.


'Thank you, Aric,' she genuinely says, smiling at him. 'Take a seat, Lieutenant,' Avyanna orders as she gestures to the floor next to her. Her body feels the urge to rock itself but she refrains. She needs a distraction from the fear that goes beyond words or descriptions; the creeping feeling she could never explain to anyone that can only be compared to an insidious whisper of 'you can't get out'.


Jorgan nods in gratitude and takes the offered position, careful not to sit too close to his CO. He doesn't want to make this harder for her than it is.


'Anything else, sir?' Jorgan asks in concern. If he had ever thought about what they would do in this situation, this scenario would not have occurred. His CO was stronger than this. It would have been easier to imagine them killing each other than this.


'Talking helps,' Avyanna mentions, closing her eyes again. She's only been in a small space, cramped and alone, for this amount of time once that she can remember and that was well after her fear began. She doesn't want the same thoughts as then to come to her.


They're coming for me.


'Guess I shouldn't ask how you got it,' Jorgan replies bluntly.


'That wouldn't be a good idea, yes,' she confirms with a wan smile. 'Also one I can't answer, Lieutenant.'


I have to be a good girl or they'll hurt me too.


Avyanna scrunches her eyes shut more, trying to hold back the tears of terror. She pulls her legs closer and tries to smother any sobs as she feels everything shrink around her, closing in and ready to suffocate her.


Something warm and soft takes her hand. She opens her eyes and sees Jorgan's fingers interlinking with hers. They're covered in a fine layer a soft fur but they are strong and hold her hand so tight it almost hurts. She comes back to now a little and though the feeling of being in a small space with no escape doesn't leave, it doesn't get any worse. She hopes her eyes aren't red and she isn't crying.


'I'm here, sir,' Aric firmly assures. His eyes meet hers and hold them until she looks away. He isn't humbled by being able to do little more than this.


'Thank you, Aric,' Avyanna replies, her voice disgustingly weak. She clears it and smiles to him, relaxing ever so slightly. 'I seem to be saying that a lot to you tonight,' she says in a stronger voice.


'You do, sir,' he acknowledges with a smile. 'I don't mind.'


'Then I won't either,' she replies with a widening smile that is warm, hopeful and full of unintentional promises of happiness.


Their hands fall to the ground between them and neither knows who guided them there. Avyanna keeps her eyes on them and studies them, trying to take as much support from the sight of it as much as from the symbolic and real warmth. Her skin is darker than his white-ish fur that's speckled with black. She studies the wrinkles on her knuckles and the shadows under their fingers. Their hands stay perfectly still as they both fear that if they move it an inch, the other might realise what's happening and let go.


'Sir, why was the alarm on?' Jorgan asks eventually. She's surprised he hasn't asked before.


'I don't know, Lieutenant,' Avyanna truthfully answers with a small shrug. You need to know the code to turn it on. All her crew members knew it but it makes no sense. It was turned on while they were in the cargo hold. They must have tripped it as soon as the alarm was turned on but that didn't answer who turned it on or why.


'Whoever it was doesn't seem to want us out of here,' she continues. 'Assuming they knew we were on board but anyone in any part of the ship would have heard us.' She leaves out the word 'argue'. 'We aren't getting out unless they want us to or Dorne and F4 come back.'


'I haven't heard anyone walking around the ship, sir,' Jorgan replies with twitching ears. 'I don't think they're on board.'


'The mystery deepens,' Avyanna replies with serious drama. She feels better speaking but she doesn't want to talk about being trapped anymore or the indefiniteness of their confinement.


'Why did you join, Aric?' she inquires instead, turning the conversation away to their original topic.


'The Republic has helped save my people and gave us the chance to remake our place in this galaxy to one we can be proud of. I want to protect it against those that seek to destroy it and being in the Republic army is the most effective way to shoot Imps.'


'I wish my reason was that good,' Avyanna wistfully replies before thinking. Aric regards her in silence. She pulls her legs closer to her chest and rests her chin on their peaks.


'Is this off the record, Jorgan?' she asks quietly, her deep blue eyes staring into his with their usual strength that is currently absent from her mind and body.


'Of course, sir. There isn't a record.'


'There's always a record with you, Jorgan.' She smiles at him gently in the way she does so perfectly. It makes you know that the future will be warm, safe and happy even if the now isn't and that she is strong enough to protect and support you.


'At first, I decided to make my mother and father proud and follow in their footsteps but one day when I was young, I was in a parade with my father.' She can see the streets in her mind and the clear blue sky. She's comfortable and happy, surrounded by the usual group of military men and women.


'It hadn't meant to be a parade but when the people knew that he was walking down the street they would flock to him, wanting to thank him. He didn't want to lose me in the chaos so he picked me up and put me on his shoulders. I looked down at all the people that were looking up at him and blessing him and I thought 'I want to have this. I want people to love me'.'


'That's why you joined up? To be loved?' She could feel his contempt already.


'I'm not my sister or my brother,' Avyanna grimly and honestly defends. 'I'm not crusading against the dark side or ready to see all hope in the galaxy fade while fighting an unwinnable war for something I don't believe in. I'm also not my younger brother who cared for nothing beyond himself despite having a strong affinity for the Force.'


Two children proficient in the Force out of four. Avyanna always felt a sting of jealousy that their father doted on her younger sister but her Force dead older brother was her real adversary. He had potential in the three areas necessary for a good career in the Republic forces: intellect, physical strength and patriotism. However, he was disillusioned early on and always tended to a scathing pessimism and contempt. He has reached the rank of Captain but something happened that made him lose that patriotism. She has stayed close to her older brother and younger sister, sending messages without reserve but always leaving no trace. It was a precaution thought best by all.


Avyanna worked to earn her father's respect, taking the path she knew he wanted for her and tried to be an equal to her brother. When she was younger, she lived to make her father proud with her strength and dedication but as she grew older, she shed the feeling. She found something else to work for and it pushed her further.


'I believe the Republic needs to stand and I believe it needs soldiers to hold it up. I want to help the greater good, Jorgan,' Avyanna firmly claims. 'I want to help the galaxy and I will fight for peace. But that doesn't mean that when an orphan finds her parents because of us or we help men out of burning buildings, that I don't glow in their praise.'


Jorgan doesn't reply. Avyanna looks to him again and their hands. She can't guess what he's thinking and part of her wishes it no longer mattered but she feels a little trapped. He has leverage on her now and she's just handing him more blaster bolts and pointing where to shoot.


Avyanna presses her thumb and pointer finger into her closed eyes, massaging them as she suddenly feels weary again. It must be a few hours of midnight now. Where was Dorne and 4X? Avyanna feels the dread crawling up her spine and latching onto her back again. As if sensing her slipping away again, Aric squeezes her hand a little.


'Do you have any siblings?' Avyanna asks.






'Not particularly.'


'I see,' Avyanna replies. If they are anything like Aric it is no surprise they aren't close but she has no doubt that despite a lack of intimacy, there is a strong bond of loyalty.


'You, sir?'


'Two and we're close,' Avyanna replies. 'Occupation?' she asks in reply.


'Two doctors, one other soldier, a teacher and a politician,' Jorgan effortlessly lists. Avyanna whistles in reply at the varying upstanding occupations of his siblings. 'You?'


'Republic Captain and a Jedi Knight.'


It's Jorgan's turn to whistle. 'Older or younger?'


'Older brother, younger sister.'


'You seem like a middle child,' Jorgan assesses.


'And what is that supposed to mean, Lieutenant?' Avyanna inquires with a dangerous edge.


'You have a strong ability to compromise and flexibly work with various ages and perspectives,' Jorgan replies with a sly smile.


'Interesting compliment,' Avyanna replies with a look more perplexed than her XO had ever seen. She smiles when she reaches her conclusion. 'I'll take it.'


'Good, sir.' Jorgan grins and she returns it.


'Jorgan,' Avyanna begins as something occurs to her. Her fingers begin to distractedly and automatically stroke the soft, brittle hairs on the back of his hand. Jorgan notices with an uncomfortable flush close to a blush, shifts his rigid shoulders uncomfortably and doesn't move away or let go.


'We've been working together for over a year now. How have we never talked about this?'


'Disinterest,' he replies bluntly.


'That's not true. I've always had an interest in you.' Jorgan stares at her with a question in his eyes and a lot of other things. 'A professional interest in you.'


'Knowing your colleagues family professional, is it?' Jorgan replies with an almost devious grin. Avyanna has never been one to blush and she doesn't now. She's too confident and assured for that.


'I would think it is if Dorne talks about her brother non-stop,' Avyanna comments slyly. Jorgan looks a little shocked for a moment. It's the first jibe his CO has ever made about the blonde medic despite Jorgan's own irregular complaints. He chuckles and nods.


'Tell me about your life before the Dead-Eyes,' Avyanna requests. She knows she needs to keep talking and forgetting that they are locked in this situation without a choice.


'Not much to tell, sir,' Jorgan replies with a miniscule shrug. 'I was raised on Coruscant by my mother with my brothers and sisters.'


'Your father?' Avyanna prompts knowing full well what the answer will probably be.


'Died in action,' Jorgan simply replies. 'I saw the memorial for your father on Coruscant. I never apologised for my assessments when we first met. You got here on your own merits, sir, and I should have trusted that.'


'You wouldn't be the first to assume it, Jorgan, nor the last. The likelihood of the daughter of two General's landing a spot as the CO of the Republic's elite would likely be because of nothing more than some string pulling and buying to more than a few. But I did work hard to earn my place here and I will fight to keep it,' she viciously ends. She belongs as leader of this team and like everything when it comes to herself and her goals, she is nothing short of certain of it.


'Still, it was wrong of me, sir,' Jorgan sternly replies, 'and I'm sorry.'


'Don't sweat it, Lieutenant,' Avyanna replies with a smile so full of conviction and promises. 'What's sad is that I can never be sure that I really did earn my way here and it wasn't just my last name.'


'Either way, sir, Havoc Squad couldn't have a finer commander and I'm glad you're here.' He squeezes her hand a little tighter. She might like praise more than she should but her heart never wavered from being in the right place. His conviction in her might have been shaken but now it stands firmer than before.


'So am I.'


Three notes sound through the ship signalling the warning for lights out in ten. Both soldiers look up to the speaker the sound came through and after the three notes end, they sit in an eerie silence. Neither move and each try to think of something to say but can't think of anything. The difficulty of a last name is something Jorgan's mind is still niggling at. Avyanna will never be able to escape the expectations and persuasion that comes with it. She will never escape suspicion and scorn and Jorgan wonders how she hides it so well. He never thought she felt bitter about it. Recognition by others had only ever made her smile in a way too genuine for mere civility. She had never seemed less than flawlessly gracious, professional and authentic. She has never flinched at the condolences of politicians, military personnel or anyone that knew her father. He wonders what else goes on behind the confidence and professionalism.


Two notes similar to the three sound and it brings Jorgan out of his thoughts. There's five minutes until the lights go out. Dorne and 4X should have been back hours ago. Something must have happened. Jorgan would say they could be in a worse situation than he and his CO are but that might not be true. He doesn't know how much longer she can stand this and he knows she's trying to keep it together but she won't be able to last the night.


'We better get some sleep, Jorgan,' Avyanna suggests in a tone that carries authority and only the facade of not being an order. 'There isn't anything we can do while stuck in here.'


Jorgan agrees and Avyanna removes her hand from his. She looks about the cargo hold and at the crates. There's nothing soft to use as a pillow or a blanket. Avyanna strips off her singlet and folds it into something good enough t provide some comfort. It's a good thing she didn't include shutting down the heating as part of the shut down. It's warm enough that she isn't cold in only shorts and a black sports bra.


Jorgan watches her take off her singlet with critical, intent and slightly confused eyes. She isn't looking at him which he is thankful for as his eyes are consistently drawn to... well, every part of her really. She stands up and walks the three steps to the other side of the hold, placing it on the ground and then sitting down next to it.




Avyanna turns her head to him, taking her hair out of her tight and high pony tail. She lifts up her chin and stares into his eyes directly. She gives no further invitation for him to speak. She only ever waits for people to speak, knowing with less pressure, they will choose their words wisely.


Jorgan fails to think of any words to choose at all as her hair falls down. It's soft, smooth and longer than he expected, almost reaching the end of her full, firm breasts. They stare at each other, him trying to find the words to ask why she's so close to being naked and her waiting for him to speak further. He keeps his eyes locked on hers but as a minute ticks by and she only combs down her long hair with her fingers, his eyes wander down.


'The floors hard,' she comments eventually, satisfied she has no knots in her hair anymore. 'My singlet makes it a little bearable. Unless you want an uncomfortable night and a sore head, I suggest you do the same, Lieutenant.'


The rank brings his eyes back up and then diverted entirely from her. Even she noticed the look. She's never been good at picking up on flirting or anything sexual directed to her. She's curious that he was looking at her and wonders what his assessment was.


Jorgan takes off his tank top and Avyanna barely gives him a glance. There's two minutes until lights out. Her hands shake but she presses them into each other to still themselves. Her heart is beating so fast she feels like she can't breathe. She glances at Jorgan again, wanting a distraction from how terrified she is.


Jorgan places his singlet in a messy pile just left of the door frame and was about to lie down when Avyanna's voice stops him.


'You won't be able to sleep there. If you can't see a door, you can't sleep. Even if you could, anyone that opens that door will step on you, trip you or shoot you before you can reach for your blaster or knife.' Avyanna lies down on her side, facing the door. She gestures to the space in front of her or at the end of her feet where there is enough room for him to sleep as well.


Jorgan stands up and picks up his singlet with a growl. He decides to lie in front of her and does so, lying on his back. Avyanna closes her eyes and counts down to the lights out in her mind. When they go out, it seems even quieter.


Jorgan lies completely alert and awake. 'Completely' referring to the fact that he is completely aware of her breathing and her body which is so tauntingly close and naked. His eyes are quick to adjust to the minuscule light that there is. It doesn't make anything easier as he turns his eyes to her and can see the outline of her every limb.


'Your eyes glow.'


'Sir?' Jorgan asks in surprise.


'Your eyes are flat, white-yellow dics in this light. They glow slightly so I can see you watching me,' she explains without any menace, amusement or teasing. 'Why are you, Jorgan?'


'I just wanted to make sure you were holding up well, sir.' Not far from the truth. Now in the dark when both are quite bare is not the time to try and flirt with her again. For someone who is perceptive to people's needs and emotions, she can be unbelievably dense. He was pleased by that when Balkar was shamelessly flirting with her before and after every mission they've been on together. He had reason to believe they were still in contact despite his CO's early return every night they went to get drinks. What made him smug then frustrated him later.


'We've got a problem, sir,' Jorgan calls out to his CO as she walks past. Avyanna snaps her head up from the datapad she was reading and takes three long strides to reach Aric in the weapons room. She takes a smaller one to enter the room.


'What is it, Lieutenant?'


'Weapons malfunction, sir. Not surprising with all the action we've seen. With your permission, I'd like to inspect the rest of the crews ordinance, make sure everything's up to code.'


She nods. 'Good idea, Jorgan. Nice initiative. I except a report by the end of the day. Anything else?'


'No, sir. I remember back when I was with Dead Eyes and we were sniping Imperials from 500 metres, the smallest problem could be the difference between a hit and success or a miss and failure.'


'I would imagine so.' She then went on to inquire about the rifles used by the Dead Eyes for twenty minutes. Jorgan told her about the time they took down a Moff with one clean shot from 600 metres.


She ***** her head on the side and her deep blue eyes showed suspicious curiosity, finally realising something that would have been clear to anyone as her XO stands close to her, running her hands over a sniper rifle he had kept, telling her everything about it.


'Are you trying to impress me, Jorgan?'


'Maybe. Is it working?' His hand moves to rest on top of hers and he moves a little closer.


'I've always been impressed by you,' she answers honestly, no flirtatious meaning in her words. She's always been too honest for her own good.


'Hmm, good to know,' he almost purrs.


She frowns and continues to meet his gaze with confident, deep blue eyes.


'If I didn't know any better, Jorgan, I'd say you were flirting.'


'It's possible, sir,' he replies with a small smile. She doesn't return it, not appreciating the ambiguity of his words.


She would rather know for certain and not rely on the suggestiveness of his eyes and body.


'Just don't tell Elara. She'd probably write me up.'


'For something that's only possible?' she inquires with no guile. 'I wouldn't pass on such flimsy information. We'll talk more if you can make it 1000 metres.'


She lets go of the rifle and turns to leave.


Jorgan shakes his head in frustrated admiration. 'You are one demanding CO.'


'Careful, Jorgan, or I'll make it 1200 metres,' she taunts with a small smile he can't see. She walks out, picking up her data pad again and continuing to read it as she goes to the bridge, not sparing Jorgan a second glance.

Jorgan pushes the matter of that aside as Avyanna replies.


'I appreciate your concern, Jorgan, but I'm fine. Go to sleep,' she orders gently.


Jorgan looks to the ceiling but doesn't close his eyes. He's hyperaware of her next to him. She watches him for a few moments as he doesn't close his eyes. She chuckles quietly and he glances at her again.


'Something funny, sir?'


'Not at all, Jorgan,' she replies with a grin. He makes a noise similar to 'hmph' and turns his eyes back to the ceiling. He isn't sure how long passed until he sensed it over the excitement of his own mind and body. Her breathing wasn't deep and her heart rate wasn't slow. He looks at her again and sees her lean body trembling.




'Can it, Lieutenant. I'm fine. Go to sleep,' she orders again but this time it comes in a wobbling, loud bark. She can't control the fear or trembling any longer. Tears roll down her cheeks and she tries to subtly wipe them away with frustrated fists. Why did it have to be Jorgan who was in here?

'Are they going to hurt us too, Anna?'


'Ar- Lieutenant, I need you-'


Jorgan moves swiftly and without much thought. His lean, fur covered arms wrap around her and pull her quickly to his chest where she feels deafened by the loud beat of his heart. His hands press into her back and hold her close. His mouth is near her ear as he rests his cheek on her head, his arm under her neck. Her shaking, lean arms are trapped against his firm, warm chest. Her bare skin feels the soft pale brown of his chest and arms.


'We're off duty, Avyanna, you can call me Aric as much as you want. But on or off duty, I'll give you whatever you need wether it's more blaster fire or-'


'Jorgan, this isn't professional,' Avyanna manages to protest with a shake of her head.


Stars, her hair smells good, Jorgan thinks as he breathes in. He doesn't know in that moment why it took him so long to find that out.


'What we do when we're off duty is our business,' Jorgan growls. His arms tighten around her and pull her closer.


Avyanna can't think of a reply and even if she could, she isn't sure it would be one that disagreed with him. The air she's breathing is becoming too warm and she's feeling trapped in his arms. As if he knew, Jorgan rolls her over and moves her to take his place. He holds her from behind as they both face the door. His arm is her pillow and her back tingles as she feels his every curve, muscle and heart beat.


Eventually, the trembling slows as Avyanna's body and mind become too exhausted. She slips into an uneasy unconsciousness but the fear of being locked away doesn't leave her be even then. Her dreams are menacing and she begins to twitch violently and shake, Jorgan holding her grimly through all of it. Dawn is still a few hours away when the fever sets in and there is no sign that anyone is coming to free them.

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Oh, I like where this is going....a lot different scenarios are just buzzing through my head! I'm gonna need more popcorn....:D



*brings popcorn, hands some to alaurin* :D

:D :D :D




Very early morning...


A cold sweat covers Avyanna's body but it isn't cold enough to chill her burning skin. Her tanned cheeks flush red and the ends of her hair clings together in mats as they become wet with her perspiration, plastering onto her moist skin. Aric has laid her on her back, her head resting on both their singlets. He wishes that these crates contained some material but they don't. He opened one filled with water supplies, spilling some over his hand and holding it to her forehead. It isn't enough.


He growls in frustration as he tries to fight helplessness. He isn't Dorne and he doesn't have any supplies. The medic had gone to collect new supplies since they had run out, that being the primary reason they were on this bloody station at all.


All Jorgan can do is try and keep her cool and hope that the door opens soon. He tries pacing numerous times but fails and is drawn back to her side, to hold her hand and try and cool her forehead, only to be overwhelmed with irate helplessness and to begin pacing again. For all Avyanna knew, he was not even in the room. She is swallowed by countless memories she had repressed that now force their way to the surface: the voices and thoughts she had never understood, the flashes of places she thought she'd never been too, she remembers it all.


'What's happening in there, Daddy?'


Avyanna tries to jump up to catch a glimpse through the small, clear window set in a white door. The seams around the door are almost invisible as it blends in perfectly with the rest of the white, shining walls. She doesn't get to see much in her jumps.


Her father chuckles indulgently and lifts her up to see. She sees three men dressed in a dark blue working on what she thinks is a man. One of the men, dark hair and pale skin, smiles and he delves into the man's body, causing the man on the table to scream piercingly. The scene is a little blurry as her warm breath fogs the window.


'What are they doing to the man, Daddy? Is he sick?'


'No, Anna, he's fine,' her father soothes as the man continues to scream. 'They're working on him to make him stronger. We're trying to make him perfect,' he patiently explains. His perfect white teeth remain on display for all to see as he smiles pleasantly.


'What was wrong with him before?' Avyanna's younger brother asks, piping up for the first time. He eyes his father with curiosity and no trace of the suspicion or the later disgust and disdain that would come in less than ten years.


'He was a good soldier but he wasn't strong enough,' their smiling father replies, placing Avyanna back on the ground. 'We need the perfect soldier to beat the Imperials so we're trying to make one.'


'Like a droid?' Avyanna asks with a frown. She tries to grasp tactics that are still a few years beyond her understanding. What she does know is that men make droids and droids are physically stronger than men.


'A little, Anna,' their father tells them as his eyes don't leave the procedure room. His pleasing smile doesn't waver. He believes they're closer to a break through. 'He'll just be given a little bit of more permanent armour and stronger bones.'


'Will he still be him?' Avyanna asks with piercing innocence.


'He'll still be a soldier,' their father replies honestly. Both are too young to notice the dodge he made. If it all works, the soldier will not 'still be him'.


'Come on,' their father urges, taking their tiny hands in his and tugging them gently. 'Daddy has work to do so I need you both to sit tight in my room and wait for me to finish.'


As they walk down the corridor, the man they were watching dies or passes out from pain, the screams that drew them to the room ceasing, leaving only a silence that echoes with finality.


Avyanna crudely tosses on the floor, grazing and bruising her skin. The memory shifts from the glowing white corridors and her movement catches the eye of her despairing sentinel. Jorgan moves in quick, strong strides to crouch by her, his hand pointlessly hovering on her forehead. He snatches his hand away as his claws extend, only exacerbating his seething helplessness. He clenches his jaw and tenderly bathes her red, grazed face with water. He turns his eyes from her strong features to the door and purrs angrily. He isn't under any illusion to what will happen if that door doesn't open.


'Come on, sir. Snap out of it,' Jorgan murmurs as his eyes focus on her closed, twitching lids.


The words distantly meet her naive six year old self and meld with her memory before being swallowed by the slippery white walls in her memory.

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