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State of achievements


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When achievements were first announced for Swtor I was pretty excited; I knew how much I used to enjoy them on xbox and in "that other MMO" they seemed to have added a variety of interesting challenges and challenged players to complete tasks beyond what the quest or raid normally required. When the initial allotment of achievements were revealed I was a little disappointed. Most of the achievements by a large number were merely "kill 5000 on planet ___" that we've already been through (which to me is another problem entirely in that some of the numbers, especially the planetary pvp achievements, are ridiculously high for being per planet, but I digress). However I understood that the initial batch, since they were going to go back and cover everything already in the game, were going to be pretty bland, so I was pretty content with knowing that future content would most likely help add replayabilty to said content.


This is where my problem personally lies, and I'm guessing is at least a little irritating to others: this new content is just as devoid of interesting achievements. For example the new event's (which hasn't started and they could always add more achievements, but I doubt it) achievements consist of killing every target (and taking them alive), along with unlocking said targets, which only serves to reward the grind players were going to do anyway (The only exception being the "Talk to the Sniper Achievement"). I know I'm going to attempt to kill all the targets, and while I do appreciate the fact I'm going to get some titles out of it, it would be nice if there were some more interesting objectives, such as killing a target on tatooine by knocking it into the Sarlacc Pit, or something of that variation.


My final two issues regarding this latest patch is the fact that the Tauntaun mission gives no kind of achievement (nit-picky I know but still you think that would have been a no-brainer, easy thing to include), and that the new daily area (to my knowledge) also lacks any new achievements for no apparent reason, with even the basic ones that are present in every other location missing.



Achievements in Swtor are not being utilized to the extent they could, and should be, and it's a real shame that I hope Bioware begins to improve on!


And finally this isn't meant to be a whine or entitlement post, it just seems that for a system that has so much potential with very little effort on Bioware's end, it isn't being used enough (But I am really happy with the content itself in this patch, keep up the great work!)

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