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Please remove MS stacking buff mechanic


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It would really help with the " ramp up " time the spec is plagued by. Prolly wont cause balance issues either, though I'm not certain.


This would make Watchman burst immediate while simultaneously removing the *primary* skill factor which dominates the opener of this class. I would really not be in favor of something like this. Granting a cooldown which gives Merciless stacks (e.g. talenting Valorous Call) would be a much more controlled solution, since it allows for situational immediate ramp-up without completely removing the skill factor.

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This would make Watchman burst immediate while simultaneously removing the *primary* skill factor which dominates the opener of this class. I would really not be in favor of something like this. Granting a cooldown which gives Merciless stacks (e.g. talenting Valorous Call) would be a much more controlled solution, since it allows for situational immediate ramp-up without completely removing the skill factor.


I don't know if it does increase the burst that dramatically because Merciless Slash is so expensive.


Already the first 6 or 7 GCDs are set for the spec:


Force Leap (+ Overload Saber) > Zealous Strike > Cauterize > Merciless Slash > Master Strike > Cauterize (if resource generation and CD proc'ed, else TBD)


At this point, I estimate you will have done ~28K damage (not counting the actual ticks from Cauterize) and you can expect to have between 0 and 2 Focus left. Incidentally, by the end of this opener we have reached our 6 stacks of Juyo form.


Right now, you basically alternate Strike & Slash until something better comes of CD which means the damage you could do between GCD 8 and 10 ranges from 5,200 (2x Strike plus 1x Slash) to 6,200 (2x Slash plus 1x Strike).


Eliminating Merciless Slash's CD would free it up for use on the 8th CD, although you probably won't have the resource for it until the 9th/10th GCD. You would basically have 2x Strike @ ~1,400 damage plus 1x Merciless Slash @ ~4,400 damage for a total of 7,200.


Anyway I don't see it as being a significant increase 1,500 damage or ~4% within the first 10 GCDs. (This was just some quick math so I could be wrong...)

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I don't know if it does increase the burst that dramatically because Merciless Slash is so expensive.


Already the first 6 or 7 GCDs are set for the spec:


Force Leap (+ Overload Saber) > Zealous Strike > Cauterize > Merciless Slash > Master Strike > Cauterize (if resource generation and CD proc'ed, else TBD)


At this point, I estimate you will have done ~28K damage (not counting the actual ticks from Cauterize) and you can expect to have between 0 and 2 Focus left. Incidentally, by the end of this opener we have reached our 6 stacks of Juyo form.


Right now, you basically alternate Strike & Slash until something better comes of CD which means the damage you could do between GCD 8 and 10 ranges from 5,200 (2x Strike plus 1x Slash) to 6,200 (2x Slash plus 1x Strike).


Eliminating Merciless Slash's CD would free it up for use on the 8th CD, although you probably won't have the resource for it until the 9th/10th GCD. You would basically have 2x Strike @ ~1,400 damage plus 1x Merciless Slash @ ~4,400 damage for a total of 7,200.


Anyway I don't see it as being a significant increase 1,500 damage or ~4% within the first 10 GCDs. (This was just some quick math so I could be wrong...)


How much skill does the gunslinger rotation require atm....or any other spec for that matter? I can honestly say this is the only spec that has a huge penatly in this way. Considering you are a resource building class to begin with instead of coming from the top down....it doesnt drastically change the damadge output or reduce the skill since you still have the caturize proc to babysit....


Idk perhaps im just bad /shrug.

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This would make Watchman burst immediate while simultaneously removing the *primary* skill factor which dominates the opener of this class. I would really not be in favor of something like this. Granting a cooldown which gives Merciless stacks (e.g. talenting Valorous Call) would be a much more controlled solution, since it allows for situational immediate ramp-up without completely removing the skill factor.


Im not really a fan of a talented valorous call granting stacks as it doesnt solve the problem with any pause in the fight will cost you your stacks, this goes for both pve and pvp. This solution would only deal with the ramp-up time which is a smaller issue in my opinion. With this solution we'll end up starting every fight with four stacks and as soon as theres a paus were back to 0 with two and a half minutes left untill valorous call is back again.

Not to mention the fact that often in pve i dont *want* to pop my valorous call because i want it for a different part but i'll pretty much be forced to.


I dont mind having to build my stacks both in pvp and pve as long as i dont have to do it again and again and again just because there was a smaller paus in the fighting which is why i would much rather prefer a solution like the stacks decrementing every time the buff runs out rather than being removed completely.

I believe this would in a much better way solve the problems of watchman in both pve and pvp since the issue really is CONSTANTLY having to rebuild stacks, once in the beginning is no problem.

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I dont mind having to build my stacks both in pvp and pve as long as i dont have to do it again and again and again just because there was a smaller paus in the fighting which is why i would much rather prefer a solution like the stacks decrementing every time the buff runs out rather than being removed completely.

I believe this would in a much better way solve the problems of watchman in both pve and pvp since the issue really is CONSTANTLY having to rebuild stacks, once in the beginning is no problem.


That's why I think the talented Valorous needs to be taken together with the "decrement" suggestion. Basically, Merciless stacks should *decrement* upon expiry, rather than drop off altogether. Thus, you are penalized for downtime, but you aren't utterly destroyed (note: I'd love to see this with Upper Hand as well). This solves the problem of pausing at various points in the fight, but it doesn't solve the problem of initial ramp-up. The talented Valorous fixes the initial ramp up with a long cooldown (to avoid abusing this to completely bypass the Merciless mechanic). Taken together, these changes shouldn't represent an appreciable difference in sustained DPS while providing a significant quality of life buff and dramatically improving Watchman's viability in PvP.

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That's why I think the talented Valorous needs to be taken together with the "decrement" suggestion. Basically, Merciless stacks should *decrement* upon expiry, rather than drop off altogether. Thus, you are penalized for downtime, but you aren't utterly destroyed (note: I'd love to see this with Upper Hand as well). This solves the problem of pausing at various points in the fight, but it doesn't solve the problem of initial ramp-up. The talented Valorous fixes the initial ramp up with a long cooldown (to avoid abusing this to completely bypass the Merciless mechanic). Taken together, these changes shouldn't represent an appreciable difference in sustained DPS while providing a significant quality of life buff and dramatically improving Watchman's viability in PvP.


Yes of course if we can solve both issues that would be ideal, i was more under the impression there was either or ^^

Would love to see both of these changes (especially the decrement of merciless stacks) to just like you said, increase the quality of life.

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