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Looking for people to Roleplay with! (Info inside)


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Hello, as the title says: I am looking for fellow Roleplayers to...Well...Roleplay with, now you may be wondering and might ask "How come you don't try finding a guild?" well...Me and guilds don't mix well together, mainly due to my condition of Aspergers (A bit of a condition that handicaps my social abilities, that and also different thinking and people didn't speak to me in a manner that I was okay with and...Arguments happened) and I guess my somewhat weary distrust of strangers


So...What I am looking for is...Roleplay that isn't like...Super-Sith I cannot be destroyed sort and not exactly frollick-in-the-meadows type of RP either (That is being like an emotional Jedi rock), so you could guess not-so-heavy RP or casual either. Second thing is that it would be in like...Diverse locations (Korriban, Hutta and Dromund Kaas are all fine and dandy, but on Korriban I only see Sith standing around in one spot doing nothing but debate about the sky, Hutta is more or less abandoned and Dromund Kaas is also a bit rare around the RP side of things). You know like Tatooine, Alderaan and the like, zones that are really cool and such


And uhm...I would also request for people that are...Friendly, have a bit of patience (60% of the time when people speak to me, they lack patience to deal with someone with Aspergers) and don't take RP like a "Do or Die" type of thing, but be warned: I am rather weary of new people so I may have my sights on people if they wish to Roleplay with me. Plus I would appreciate some...Well....Good grammar (Doesn't need to be perfect or anything, but I do feel a bit out of the experience when someone's typeeng liek dis)


And which characters you can find me on is: Darenor (Agent Sniper level 30, personality wise: A bit of a nutcase with a coat, more or less tries to jump at every woman that looks single and lonely...So uhm..Ladieeeees :) ), Tykas (Level 32'ish Bounty Hunter Powertech, personality wise: Guy with a cybernetic implant on one of his eyes where his Jawa sidekick cut out, then shoved a cybernetic piece in his eye, argues with his Jawa pet/companion all the time when on the ship...Basically I had the thought of a Jawa companion for RP that isn't Blizz, don't worry, I am always open to suggestions on how to do with that part) and Segridar (Sith Inquisitor Assassin at 37, personality wise: Escapee of the Korriban Academy, bashed an apprentice, stole his lightsaber, and some of his clothing, then high-tailed it out to Nar Shaddaa)


So uhm...Reply to this post if you wish, or don't, it's your choice, I am just a fellow here with a wish for finding more people to Roleplay with since I...Don't exactly trust guilds that sit in one single spot 90% of the time and do nothing else but debate about the best way of shoving Lightsabers up people's rectums.


Well...Hope to see someone stop by, adios.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And I have returned to update the thread!


So what has changed? Well Tykas and Segridar are now 42, Tykas now has a Jawa (Blizz named as Senyrak and was found on Tatooine running away from a sand worm or how those worm things are called) and he tears faces off and snarls at people to intimidate them, Segridar now has a master and such


I also made two new characters: Breginer and Ranerin, Breginer a level 18 Smuggler that isn't one of those stereotype Smugglers that try to hit on everything and also doesn't try to make themselves look like an utter fool, so basically he is a mechanic and taught himself using medicine, also an Outlaw sharing stories about people (It's more or less some stories involving my characters, old and new) and Ranerin: A Jedi that follows the Jedi ways but doesn't since he has emotions and such


Well that's the update to it, hope to see more people commenting

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So uhm...Reply to this post if you wish, or don't, it's your choice, I am just a fellow here with a wish for finding more people to Roleplay with since I...Don't exactly trust guilds that sit in one single spot 90% of the time and do nothing else but debate about the best way of shoving Lightsabers up people's rectums.


Wait, what.


On a more serious note - I can relate to the stranger-wariness, guild fears and autism so I'll try and contact you ingame. My characters tend to be a bit location-centric (Space travel takes weeks ic and I prefer to go realtime with it) but I can toy with times a bit and some of them are less...Tied down/fleshed out on "where the hell are they" right now, anyway.

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