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Well, we got the parts (sort of).


Thankfully someone I had been pugging with on one of my leveling alts turned out to have a Raiding character and offered to help after I mentioned my aggravation. Personally, even with that, had I actually wanted HK, I would have been extremely upset when we came across a bug that made it impossible for me to pick up the part in the HM FP. Thankfully, the beloved got his part and I frankly never cared for HK anyway so we're all good there.


The part that really sucks is that when we called on the friend for the HM one because we were running into trouble, all it took was one sentence from him in order to get us up to speed and, once we knew what was going on, it was a cakewalk making my disgust for the groupfinder crowd know no limits.


In fact, it was so easy that they both offered to go through the FP again this weekend so I could get that part for myself but my answer to that-.... well, it's not really printable. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't care about HK, I don't want HK, at this point, I loathe the damned thing with a passion that is amazing. And, personalty, I have less then zero problems waiting a full hour after rolling a character to grab the companion on a new alt that I do like (Treek).


Still, the beloved got his part and while we didn't have the time yesterday to finish that heroic at the end, we shouldn't have any problems with it. Thanks again to everyone who was helpful and encouraging with posts that consisted of more then "oh HK's sooooo cooool" remarks, you guys really made a difference!



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I downloaded the game yesterday morning on a whim. I had a lvl 50 Merc Healer from when I played 10 months ago. I LOVED LOVED the story content up to the end. I didn't enjoy the raiding as much. For one reason or another I just left.


Well, I decided to finish some of the quests still in my log and pick up some new ones. Unbeknownst to me, one of the quests ended up being the deserted ship portion of the chain. I stumbled upon it... finished 80% on my own, and had to use some guides for the last 20%.


Suffice it to say, this was an amazing quest. I'm on the part where I have to go to different planets to get the rest. This is the type of diversionary content I LOVE. The treasure hunting, puzzle solving, mini platforming and " approaching dark corners with a flash light" was very appealing.


I havn't even finished the quest and without a doubt will recommend this chain to anyone. It's a lot of fun and I hear he's a great companion to have. I loved his dialogue in KOTOR .

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Decided to get him a few days ago. I was worried the treasure hunting would be tedious but it really didnt take that long. On Taris there were 2 other guys doing the same thing so we grouped up, butnthe other planets I did it solo. Took, atmost, 30 min. That was the hoth piece, only because the part was on the backside of the crash. Got lucky with the FP's. Logged in and qued for group and got picked up right away for False Emperor. Once that was done I qued for Foundry, 2 min wait and was in. That was a good run because all 4 of us were going for the part, so it was a speed run. Probably helped I'm a tank so wait times are short. All in all, it was a fun quest line because I knew what I was working for. Once I got him, we went to Illum for testing. He is AWESOME. Who needs heals when HK decimates everything so fast.
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Thanks again to everyone who was helpful and encouraging with posts that consisted of more then "oh HK's sooooo cooool" remarks, you guys really made a difference!
It seems unnecessary to exclude the people who were directly answering the OPs question. "Is HK worth the effort?" is the topic at hand.
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It seems unnecessary to exclude the people who were directly answering the OPs question. "Is HK worth the effort?" is the topic at hand.


If I was the OP and/or asking as to whether or not they enjoy the companion while gaming then you are certainly correct. However, if you did read the entire forum then you have noticed that many here had mistaken my difficulty for the OP's question and directed those testimonials towards myself instead of the OP.


Unfortunately, however my posting on this thread was asking for answers to a specific question arising from the subject matter at hand rather then testimonials. Therefore, while I hold absolutely no ill-will to those who felt it necessary to post their love of their favorite companion, I did feel it necessary to specifically thank those who were actually provided pertinent information and/or at the very least encouragement towards my problem rather then assurances as to just how wonderful they find their new companion to be.


But thank you for your input as well, I'll be certain to take your advice under advisement if I ever find myself approaching you for help and I'm sure that the OP should be back around soon to thank everyone for their input to their question as well. As for me? I am done and moving on.


Once again, thank you to everyone who helped me and have a great day everyone! :)

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However, if you did read the entire forum then you have noticed that many here had mistaken my difficulty for the OP's question and directed those testimonials towards myself instead of the OP.
I see no evidence of that. Responses that don't quote a poster bringing up a different discussion are understood to be directed at the OP.


You did state you "couldn't care less if he's the greatest thing since sliced bread", which is essentially the topic at hand. Starting a new topic would have avoided misunderstandings, which is why that bit of etiquette exists.

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