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The Purple Robes


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"You are a Jedi, Hughe, why do you push the masters so," the young Padawan asked, looking to Hughe.

Hughe smiled, and only shrugged a bit. He did not mean to push his masters. It was just his way. If they kept things from him, he would do his best to find out what. Sometimes that meant pushing them, even as they tried to push him back. Too many seemed to just settle for what they were told. Settle to be just another Jedi.

Hughe could not settle.

"It is nothing to worry on, Ja-Eh," he said, looking out at the grassy fields of Tython, then to the mountains in the distance. "The masters expect us to ask questions, and they well know we may be a bit pushy. They do not hold that against me."

Hughe ony wished he was as certain as he sounded. His eyes gazed out over the youngest Padawans pushing themselves hard to prove that they were worthy, and knowing only a select few would accomplish their goal, and walk the path to gaining a light saber. Ja-Eh was a strong fighter, but Hughe already knew he would not make it into the Jedi Order. His body was strong, but the force was not strong within him, as if, to Hughe, the midichlorian had forsaken him. Ja-Eh was a kind young man, and wished to only help the Republic in it's endeavors.

Ja-Eh said nothing, but patted his friend on the shoulder. With a smile and a nod, he went to meet the other Padawans to practice, sure he would someday impress the masters and be given the test. Hughe simply nodded back to him.

"He thinks highly of you, Hughe," Master Cordwell said, easing up beside the purple robed Jedi.

"Master," Hughe simply said, with a slight bow of his head to show respect.

"You seem to gain the attention of many of the Padawans, especially those seeking higher learning. Your own studies of the force and of the natural world around us is extensive," the Jedi Master said, only slightly glancing over to Hughe.

A smile crossed Hughe's face, then he sighed.

"Is there a problem, Master?"

"None at all. I was only observing. I hear you are growing strong in the force, by leaps and bounds," he offered, only causing Hughe to shrug, but not reply.

"One must be careful with ambitions. Being driven is good, but be careful of the reasons you are driven," the master said, looking out over the field. It was at this time both Jedi noticed a movement on the edge of the field. The Flesh Raiders were mounting an assault.

"My ambition tells me that I need to do all in my power right now to protect these young Padawan. Is that a good reason enough?" With that the two bolted across the field, almost as a blur, as they both allowed the force to push them past their own ability.

Cordwell had his light-saber in hand, a double bladed saber that glowed green. Due to the speed he was able to spin the saber, it looked like the blade of an air ship. The electric staff that a Raider held in one hand fell to the ground, still clutched by the hand, as the Jedi Knight cut a path into the thick of the Raiders. The Flesh Raider stepped back, in a roar of pain and anger. Cordwell saw that a dozen more were coming out of the gully behind him, some aiming blasters even as he drove his light-saber through the midsection of the one handed raider.

Hughe did not slow to assist Cordwell. He already knew the Knight had no need of his assistance. He had no need to protect Cordwell, instead, he had a desire to show that he was more than capable.

The force began to extend from Hughe, his concentration not being broken by the drawing of his own lightsaber. As the force pushed out, Hughe also manipulated it to draw in, building up pressure around him. The pressure continued to build, until at the last moment of his ability to control it, he unleashed it as a powerful force wave. Five Flesh Raiders were flung spinning through the air. One landed on his head, with a thud and a crack, his neck broken. Hughe quickly dispatched two others with his single bladed lightsaber. With but a gesture, a boulder unlodged itself from the ground and was flung, smashing yet another creature.

Cordwell used the confusion that Hughe caused to leap into the midst of another group of raiders. His double blades began to cut and slice, pieces of flesh flying here and there. He spun so fast at times, dodging blaster fire, ducking swords, or swerving from punches, that he looked like little more than a blur. Soon, Cordwell was down on one knee, his saber in his hand behind his back, with dead Flesh Raiders all around him.

Hughe allowed electricity to flow into a Flesh Raider for only a moment more, smelling the burnt flesh as he did so. It was not pleasing to his nostrils at all, but it was very effective. The Flesh Raider jerked and convulsed until Hughe ended the electrical connection, then the charred creature fell to the ground dead and smoking. A smile crossed Hughe's lips, even as he looked to the stern face of Master Cordwell. Hughe felt no sorrow for the creatures, even though he thought Cordwell probably did.

Padawans began to clap and cheer for the two Jedi's. Hughe took a bow, even as Cordwell ordered them back up to the Temple buildings and it's safety.

"We don't know if there are more coming, get to the temple now," he called.

Hughe looked back down and across the gulley, a part of him hoping it was not over.

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Hughe spent much of his time in library, as everyone knew. If something peeked his interest, then he would delve deep into it until he could find nothing else more of it. It is part of what made the Jedi something special, or so some have said. Others have said it simply makes him obsessive, and a danger if not kept in check.

Hughe paid neither side of that argument much mind. Both, to him, were right, and both were wrong.


Hughe looked through the old tome, placed here many years ago by some wise consular. It told of the microorganisms called midi-chlorians, and how they can be used to determine the amount of control one had over the force, or, as the tome read, how "force sensitive" one was.

"Who would want little bugs determining how well one can harness the power of the force," Hughe asked aloud, thinking himself the only one there.

He was wrong.

"Bugs," the female voice said, with a bit of humor in it as the Twi'leck stepped from the shadows. Shadows that Hughe did not realize were even there among the shelves of books.

"Se'teh, always nice to see you eaves dropping on me."

"See me, you never see me Hughe," she chuckled. Her skin was a pleasing lavender, and she was beautiful, even in comparison to other Twi'leck. Her deep blue eyes delved into Hughe's thought, or so they always made Hughe feel as if they did.

Hughe glanced over to her, and noticed she was wearing ceremonial dance garb, which was hardly a covering.

"Man hunting again?" Hughe asked, sounding a bit more annoyed than he really was. It was actually meant as a joke, but from Se'teh's expression she did not perceive it that way.

"Lessons, Hughe, from Menlan in the village," she said very abruptly. It was strange though, no matter how much Hughe seemed to insult the young Twi'leck, she always came back for more.

Se'teh then did a dance move, causing her body to move as if she was fluid, then turning as the motion came to her hips, in a complete circle, facing Hughe, displaying a beautiful smile.

Hughe thought even the most chaste of men could not be unmoved by such, yet he also refused to show it.

"Very nice, the old hag taught you well, though it seems a bit disturbing thinking of her doing such."

Se'teh blinked, and as was the usual, she did not know if she was just complimented or insulted.

"You are beautiful Se'teh, and you moved very provocatively," Hughe added, though it went against his own grain to lavish such a compliment, as he felt he just did.

"Well, while I am thankful for your compliment, I think, that was not a man provoking dance move. We use that for children's birthday party dances as a sign of our fluid motion, and how we are one with our surroundings."

"Can I just get back to my study, unless you came on important business," Hughe simply replied.

The Twi'leck laughed, her laugh sounding as a pleasant bell tone.

"No, you cannot. I wanted to tell you that the masters are soon to bring me in and make me a Jedi. I want you to be there, since you have helped me so much," she said with a smile."

Hughe looked to her to see if she was joking. He was a Jedi, already the counsel had decided that, though it was not very ceremonious for him. It was just as well, Hughe hated ceremony, and did not particularly like many of the Jedi Masters, though he respected their great power and positions.

She was not joking.

Hughe sighed, and knew there was no way of getting out of this. If he was to finish his studies, he would have to concede.

"When is the ceremony?"

"Tomorrow before mid day. I want you in your best, Hughe, not these brown robes you wear when you are studying. Wow, you look as old and dusty as the books you read," she laughed, and was very pleased with his answer.

"Well then, since I will be missing much of my studies in the morning, would you then excuse me so I do not miss more of my studies this afternoon?"

Se'teh did another dance move as she walked away, and suddenly Hughe could see the difference between a Twi'leck birthday dance move and a male provoking move. Hughe's breath caught for a moment, and he quickly turned to his book. He looked up again to the direction of the soft, sweet chuckle, only to find he was now alone.

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Se'teh actually looked very elegant. The outfit she wore was a ceremonial dress that her culture within the Twi'leck wore for important occasions. Sure, it was a bit off from many of Jedi inductions, but Satele Shan felt it important to allow different cultures to be honored in different ways. Se'teh felt it important to hang on to her past, and who her people are.

Hughe could not see much importance with either. He walked in one day, after having found his way to the Forge, carrying a lightsaber. Shan simply looked to him, and told him was now a Jedi. That was how Hughe wanted it. This was how Se'teh wanted it. She was a Jedi already, the moment she forged her lightsaber. The first part of the ceremony was of her own culture.


"Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force," Se'teh quoted the mantra, a smile forming as she glanced over to Hughe, proud of herself and her achievement.

"Very good, Se'teh. Very good," Satele said, apparently pleased. "Not all choose to speak the old mantra," and her eyes gazed momentarily over to Hughe, "but it still rings as true today as always."


Hughe felt no discomfort at this. It was only a year ago that he became a Jedi, and while he did not make his desire to make the turn to Jedi of any importance or ceremony, Satele just knew. She was very strong in the force, and quite an enigma. To Hughe, she has been a matter of study.


Se'teh brandished her saber, double bladed and very powerful looking. Satele smiled, and nodded her approval.

"You will be a shadow, Se'teh, you will move in and out of society, rarely seen, doing what is needed for the Republic, and most of all, for it's people. You are now selfless, no longer a single being, but one with many. You are Jedi."

The other members in the room clapped politely, and some went to Se'tah to congratulate her, while others simply nodded from afar. Hughe simply smiled and nodded his head in approval. It was then he noticed Satele moving toward him. He felt the sudden urge to vacate the room, but stood his ground none the less.

"Hughe, I was pleased you came," she said, as she drew near to him. "I didn't think to ever see you at one of these rituals."

"She asked me here, master," he said, looking from Satele to Se'teh, then back to Satele.

"Interesting. You two do not seem like likely friends. She is so kind and open," the master consular pointed out, her eyes flowing as well to Se'teh.

"As opposed to me being withdrawn and unfriendly," Hughe finished, this time looking the master in the yes, bit of defiance in his voice.

"I was going to say as opposed to you being so studious and dedicated to your own research."

"Of course master, forgive me," Hughe smiled, but as always, it was an awkward smile, on a face that seldom knew smiles.

Se'teh had made her way to the two, sensing the tension rising no doubt. Hughe watched, her dress flowing as if it was fanned. Though long, it was cut low in the front and back, which was only kept together by adorned string, so that it seemed revealing at one moment, only to not truly show anything. It was a deep purple, a color Hughe found fascinating.

"Hughe, Master Satele," she said as she approached. "Thank you Master, for allowing me this. I know not everyone wants such a flare, but it goes with my own traditions."

"It is fine, Se'let. If you two would excuse me, Master Orgus is motioning for me."

Both Jedi nodded.

Se'teh put her arm into the crook of Hughe's, who simply looked at her hand and then to her, as if he had no understanding of why a person would do such a thing. As always, Se'teh was undaunted.

"So, what did you think," she asked.

"It was good, as far as ceremonies go I suppose. It would have been just as binding, and you would be just as much a Jedi, had you simply accepted your path."

"Hughe, you are so stiff all the time. Actually, what did you think of me reciting and actually remembering word for word the mantra. I know it is no hard feat, but there was pressure with such renown masters about," and with that she began walking Hughe out of the counsel chamber. The ceremony was over, and the counselors would be getting back to their duties.

"It was well done," he said, nodding with approval. He did not wish to add that he felt that too was a waste of time.

"And my dress," she asked, as they walked down the stairway. She was getting looks from others, a testament that she wore the dress well.

"Very beautiful, and a very nice color choice."

"Your favorite, I know," she replied.

"It is very pretty to be wasted on such a short ritual," Hughe pointed out.

"Oh, well, it is a good thing this day is not over. We will now go to the Twi'leck village for another ceremony. There are a few there that do not hate the Jedi and the Republic. They asked me to come over when done here for celebration. I think they feel it is good to have a Jedi in their corner," she chuckled.

Hughe nodded, and straightened out his white tunic. It appeared he would be missing more than just a morning of studies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hughe stood on the edge of Kalikori Village, a Twi'leck village considered to be unlawfully founded on Tython. Se'teh did not concern herself with that, and neither did the rest of the Jedi Order for that matter. That was simply a way for the Republic to tell the village leaders that they were on their own. This caused a rift between the village and anything Republic, including the Jedi, despite the Jedi Order's members voluntarily helping the village time and again.

Hughe simply stared at the waning bonfire, watching the now dwindled group of Twi'leck. Most made their way to their huts, and only a few remained. Hughe watched a silhouetted figure move to him, and he knew immediately that it was Se'teh.

"Had enough, Jedi Hughe," she asked.

Hughe simply smiled, and motioned to her, as if to say whenever you are ready.

Se'teh looked back to the village, and the few Twi'leck remaining were making their way to their respective huts.

"You miss your people," Hughe said, matter of factly.

"I miss my family, but I really have no people," she replied, her face aglow from the dying fire. The flames danced her eyes for a moment, as she looked back to Hughe.

Hughe nodded, knowing the history of her race. Stolen from their planet to be slaves, many of her people had to learn to survive in a universe that they were not technologically ready to face. Se'teh's grandmother was a slave, but managed to free herself, and become a business owner in the outer rim, dealing mainly in spice. She met Se'teh's grandfather, and the business was passed down to their children. Se'teh's mother was one of these. When Se'teh was found to have high potential in the force, she was whisked away by the Jedi and brought to train among them, encouraged by her parents, whom she has not seen since.

Hughe on the other hand could not really empathize with her. He never did have a family. His father was rumored to have sold him to a slaver, who could not control the Force Sensitive adolescent. He turned the youngling loose on a Republic Space Station, and fled, never to be seen again. Hughe survived as best as a young human could, and was eventually arrested for theft. A very strange Jedi, Master Maticulos, found out about the force sensitive child being held in the docking bay, and rescued him from the guards, or more specifically, they from him.

Master Maticulos showed him how to control the force within him, and for months trained the child. While he would not be considered a father figure by Hughe, he was a mentor. Strict in his teachings, but fair in his view, the Jedi traveled the galaxy, keeping Hughe aboard his ship when he ported. At times the master was away for days, and Hughe was left in the care of a Nannybot. The droid had no real emotion chip, but was programmed to tend to the needs and basic teaching of a human child. Near a year after Maticulos rescued the young Hughe, he simply vanished off of the ship. Hughe awoke to find he and the droid floating aimlessly through space, quite alone. The droid had no history of an incident, and to this day, none know what happened to Maticulos.

"Well, I guess I can, in a way, understand that. When I was found aboard an abandoned ship by some smugglers, I can tell you, I really did not feel like I would be able to fit in anywhere. Thank goodness they were just smugglers, and not killers. However, toting about some lost Jedi's youngling was not something they wanted to attract attention for," he said, his voicing dropping off.

Se'teh just stared a moment at Hughe, making the Jedi uncomfortable. It was probably the most he ever revealed about himself. Then she did something, even to her own mind, very strange. She kissed him on the lips, letting her own mouth linger on his a moment, before pulling back and looking into his tense, green eyes.

"You should not do that," he simply said, but his expression did not support his words, nor did his own part in the kiss support his disagreement.

Se'teh smiled at Hughe, backing from him, but her eyes only leaving his when she turned toward the Jedi Temple. Hughe swallowed, his eyes following her for a bit before he was able to get his own shaking legs to move and follow.

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  • 4 weeks later...
"Beware, Jedi Master, lest through carelessness and inattention you let loose on the galaxy a monster…"

―Bodo Baas


Hughe entered the cave, a little weary from the long walk and small skirmishes with wild Flesh Raiders. It was damp, with moisture dripping from the ceiling, causing the stone floor to be slick. He felt it was as good a time as any to sit for a moment and gain some rest. Looking into the shadows of the cave, he was unsure of what he may face down there. From the distant noises echoing up to him, he knew he would not be alone. Since he was not expecting any friends, Hughe was sure he would find none down there.

"The prize is worth the risk," Hughe said to himself, a slight smile crossing his thin lips as he sat on a boulder.


"The prize is worth the risk, boy," Master Maticulos said, his chin set firm as he looked at the wasted planet on the screen. He would be taking a shuttle to it soon, and Hughe would once again be left with his Nannybot.

Hughe's green eyes studied the planet. It looked more like a moon that had been buffeted by the cosmic winds than a full fledged planet that could support life.

Maticulos chuckled slightly.

"You think I wont make it back, don't you," he said, not looking to Hughe, but Hughe knew he was studying him tensely all the same.

"No master, I have no thought on it. Either the force will guide you, and you will come back, or you will not," Hughe replied, and knew that the answer pleased Master Maticulous.

"Why are you going there," Hughe asked, his curiosity always at the front of his thinking.

"You are curious, boy. I learned of a powerful artifact that is down there, somewhere in that area," he said, motioning to a mountainous area that seemed to have been hit by an asteroid in the recent centuries.

"What does it do?"

"Nothing for us. I will gather it, and bring it to the Council, they will decide what to do with it. It is said to have been created by an ancient force user, but he was very dark, and very sith like," and with that said, the master turned, his dark robes flowing as he did so.

Master Maticulous was in his fifties, but he moved as one in their early twenties. The few times Hughe saw him fight, he knew the man was a master in many forms of the saber, though his mastery of the force was even more impressive.

What Hughe did not see was Maticulous spending much time with any of the other Jedi Masters.

"If I do not return..." he began, but Hughe finished.

"Put in the co-ordinance that you gave me, and let the ship pilot itself."

Maticulous smiled and nodded. Though the man did not look his age, his eyes shown wisdom beyond even his fifty years.


Hughe looked into the cave, but could not see far. Shadows and turns in the cave kept it's depths a mystery.

With a sigh, the Jedi pulled himself up, and began his journey into the cave. The shadows soon became darkness, as he meandered deeper into the abyss.

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Hughe used the force to be able to "feel" his way down into the cavern. He knew he was not alone, though he could not say specifically what was down there with him. Once, he touched the walls, and came back with something sticky, and slimy, clinging to his fingers. The musty smell that had permeated his senses came from whatever that slime was.

Still, on he walked.


"So, master, what is it you search for," the young boy asked.

Master Maticulous looked him over, as if he was thinking on whether to tell the young force user or not. Hughe, even at his young age, knew the man was something of a loner. The rare times he saw other Jedi he understood they did not fully trust his master. Hughe was never allowed to meet these people, though when they did see him they would look to him curiously, as if wondering why Maticulous had the boy with him.

"Curiosity, in some cultures, says it kills the feline. However, if you are to obtain great power, curiosity will be your friend, as well as your enemy," Maticulous said with a stern look, before a smile crossed his lips

Hughe did not smile. That was not an answer to his question.

"You won't tell me then?"

The master then laughed, something Hughe heard him do very rarely.

"I search for artifacts, Hughe. Things that were left scattered throughout the galaxy by force users of long ago. Our colleagues among the Jedi do not always agree with me, as I am sure you have, with your very deductive thinking, reasoned out already."

Hughe nodded, then waited for him to go on. His green eyes dug into the man, almost as if he was willing Maticulous to give up more information. This did not seem to bother the Jedi, as it did other people in Hughe's past.

"That is all I will tell you for now, Hughe. Maybe someday you will understand more, but for now, let that suffice. Instead, I have set up some training for you with a training cube. Gather your practice saber, and go see Nannybot. He is already programmed for the practice," Maticulous said, then headed to the bridge of the ship. They would be off to another sector of the galaxy soon.


The darkness began to give away to a soft glow of light, and from the flickering of the glow, Hughe knew it was torch light that made the shadows begin to dance. As he rounded the bend, he saw two figures in dark hooded robes, standing before a wooden door. There were torches on either side of the door.

The two figures extended double bladed vibro lances. Though Hughe could not see their faces, he knew their eyes were watching him tensely.

"What is this place," Hughe asked, showing no fear of them.

"You cannot be here," one seemed to hiss. Hughe noticed their hands were wrapped, as if mummified. The voice seemed to radiate from them, more than they speaking.

"Yet here I am, and I ask again, what is this place?"

The two figures began to move toward him, their blades now coming to life. They separated just enough to allow room to wield their weapons, as they approached in a double attack formation. The lances made a whirring sound as their blades began to spin.

Hughe unleashed his lightsaber, which seemed to cause the two figures to pause, but only for a moment. The moment was all the Jedi needed however, as he allowed the force to build within, pushing it out, and containing it all at the same time. The two robed figures approached, one attempting to strike, but meeting the force bubble instead, causing his own weapon to bounce back. The other stabbed, pushing deeper into the force field area, but he too was pushed back.

Hughe waited, building the tension between pushing out, and containing. The strike and stab on his force bubble strained it some, but he held.

The two figures gathered themselves again, obviously knowing what they were up against. They nodded one to another, and planned a double strike, this Hughe knew. It was the best move they could do, and could cause him to weaken, if not lower his defense altogether. If Hughe moved to attack with his saber, it would break his concentration, and the force bubble would be weakened. If he stood his ground, trying to hold his position, he would soon tire.

Hughe, however, had other plans. As the two drew closer, he pushed out harder, and contained the force even stronger, pulling the field in tighter. It was almost crushing to even him, but he pushed/contained even more. He recognized that he was holding his breath, something the Jedi masters taught even the youngest Padawans not to do. However, in this crushing field of pushing/containing, he could hardly gasp a breath anyway.

As the vibro blades ascended toward the Jedi, he knew this was the moment. The two would be most vulnerable during the attack. He stopped containing, and with a loud rush of power, the force pushed out from him. The two figures were flung away from Hughe violently, a crunching sound coming from both as they struck the cave walls. The torches on the wall were also splintered, and seemed to explode in the process. The door before him creaked at it's hinges, the wood even making a cracking noise, yet it held.

As the embers from the exploded torches began to dim, Hughe could see the two figures laying on the ground. Their bodies were in precarious positions, their backs and necks no doubt broken. Hughe then turned his attention to the door. It withstood the wave of force, and Hughe wondered how he would get through it if it was locked. One of the guards may have a key to it, but before he searched their bodies, something he was not looking forward to doing, he figured to simply try the door.

Hughe reached out to it, but before his hand could grasp the doorknob, it opened, apparently, on it's own accord.

The door led to a dim lit hall. The walls were damaged by some force, it appeared many years ago. Though damaged, it still looked very sturdy. At the end of the long hall was a bend to the left.

As Hughe began to enter, he heard rustling behind him. Looking back, he saw the two broken guards getting back up, their bodies snapping back into place, as if the bones were reforming.

The Jedi did not hesitate for long, instead he entered the broken down hall, and as the guards retrieved their blades and made their way to him, Hughe simply closed the door.

For some reason, Hughe just knew, they would not be following him.



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  • 3 years later...

Hughe was unsure as to how long he had been down there. He knew he followed the hall, sometimes it widened, sometimes it was in such poor condition that he had to squeeze by. Then it ended in a room. The room he was in now. Hughe looked around, and he was alone. There were no more slugs on the wall.


That made no sense to think that, yet he did.

Hughe pulled himself up, and dusted off. The room was quite empty, no furniture, nothing. It was actually quite clean, so it was hard to believe that slugs had been really crawling all over the room, as something in his memory was trying to tell him. The Jedi knight wade his way to the door, and took one more look back.

His mind was trying to say something.

The Force was trying to say something.

What were they trying to say.?

When Hughe turned back to the door, there was no door. A low buzzing began to sound in his ears. Hughe blinked his eyes, and now stood in a room that was not clean. The walls were a grey, the parts of the walls he could see. They were covered in slime, as a slug would leave behind. Two large slugs were on the back walls, almost as large as Hughe, and around them were hundreds of smaller slugs.

Then it was gone. All of it, and the room was pristine once again. The buzzing stopped.

Hughe finally realized what the Force and his mind was trying to tell him.



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