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why are there no canonical chiss jedi/sith?


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Traditionally Chiss were aligned with the Sith Empire, who tended to dislike training aliens, and after the Sith Empire was defeat the Chiss withdrew from the galaxy. Making it hard for them to be either, but in the Era the game is set in Chiss are more likely to be Sith (if they survive the training), and afterwards either Jedi or self trained.
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How does one "withdraw from the Galaxy?" Did they up-sticks and move to another galaxy? Is inter-galactic travel possible in Star Wars?


You stop all relations with everyone, withdraw to your home planet and a few colonies, shoot down anybody who enters your systems, and refuse to negotiate or even talk with anybody.

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In addition to the above method of "withdrawing," the Chiss Ascendancy began projecting its political and military power into the Unknown Regions, away from what is typically the "explored" territory with which the Republic (and, later, the Galactic Empire) concerned itself.


If I recall correctly, some Chiss encountered post-Thrawn (or possibly I'm thinking of Jagged Fel) occasionally referenced threats in the Unknown Regions that they had kept in check, without the Republic/Empire ever finding out they even existed.

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How does one "withdraw from the Galaxy?" Did they up-sticks and move to another galaxy? Is inter-galactic travel possible in Star Wars?

About a thousand years from the time of The Old Republic, the Republic started to, essentially, collapse under its own weight. Authority was decentralized, galactic communications and trade diminished, and the Republic's boundaries contracted, abandoning much of the Outer Rim. This period, which is often colloquially referred to as the "Dark Age" in an effort to draw a comparison to the so-called "Great Simplification" of post-Roman Western Europe, has become a sort of catch-all to explain the appearance of certain species in mainstream galactic society thousands of years before they were "discovered".


The Chiss, therefore, didn't move anywhere at all. It's just that the hyperroutes into the Unknown Regions were "lost" or "forgotten", and historical records either ceased to be maintained or were outright destroyed.


This is a dubious idea in theory anyway because of its reliance on a painfully out of date model for European medieval history as a comparison - and the correspondingly vanishingly low likelihood that it could occur in a hypertechnological society such as Star Wars' galactic civilization. But in lieu of any other half-plausible explanations, it is the one we, unfortunately, have to settle for. It's just another example of the irritatingly casual treatment of existing lore in The Old Republic.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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