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How can I make playing my Sentinel more interesting?


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This post is probably going to get me flamed like a weekend barbecue, but so be it.


I'll be the first to admit that I don't know this class inside and out, despite having played one to level 55. I don't have a set rotation, and my build is vanilla Focus.


I also have a 55, Rage-specced Marauder who is causing me the same problem. I just don't find them that interesting to play.


But I want to!


I'm not talking about build-specific things (which skill tree does higher DPS or is better in PvP, etc). I'm not trying to get suggestions on the perfect skill rotation (although if anyone has some interesting combos, I'd be happy to hear them). I'm not saying I can't survive the game (I can take down Gold 55s OK). And I don't want to be able to faceroll everything. I'm just hoping there's more interesting mechanics to the class that I may be unaware of.


To put it another way; I've recently started spending more time on my Sniper, who has a range of varied skills and is very demanding on how they are used to maximum effect in different situations. This makes it a very interesting and rewarding class for me to play. The saber-swingers just seem to lack a certain depth (or would it be breadth) in this respect.


TLDNR: I'm staring to get bored with the Leap-Flail-Flail-Flail-Rinse-Repeat play style on this class. Is that all there is?


Thanks in advance.


PS: Just to be clear; I'm not disparaging the class, I just want to know if there's something I've missed or if it's just not the class for me.

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You could try playing Combat: It has a proc dependent priority system with two micro rotations, that you have to adapt to on the spot. Plus you need to do high APM (48-49) for max effectiveness. It may be the most demanding and also rewarding DPS specc since 2.0 and it's a great challenge with constant room for improvement, if that's what you're looking for. If so, check out this thread for starters: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=659058
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You could try playing Combat: It has a proc dependent priority system with two micro rotations, that you have to adapt to on the spot. Plus you need to do high APM (48-49) for max effectiveness. It may be the most demanding and also rewarding DPS specc since 2.0 and it's a great challenge with constant room for improvement, if that's what you're looking for. If so, check out this thread for starters: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=659058


I personally hate specs that require more GCD's to be effective. Not everyone rig pushes out enough to maintain that rate of APM.

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Thanks for the advice. I've gone ahead and respecced into Combat (on the JK) and Carnage (on the SW).


I'm still learning to get the most out of this melee style, but I'm completely loving it. Self-healing into a full stack Centering/Fury is awesome and those free Ataru Form strikes are wicked cool!



Edited by scotthomas
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