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Light or Dark

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So I was wondering if I should make a dark jedi. I wanted to know what are the pros and cons to doing that. Will I just piss off all my companions or will they not care. I have mostly dark side class and started making some light side toons, but I wanted to switch things up like going as a Dark Jedi Sentinel and a Light Sith Marauder. So please let me know between light or dark for my jedi. Thanks!
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Dark side on jk story only appeals to one or 2 companions the others are either neutral or high side i have yet to play it dark so Idk exactly how it goes but I was light side and the last companion always hated me with a vengeance I lost count on the negative affection for light side decisions
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Ok thanks! I decided to go dark and I'd have to say I'm pretty evil already lol. I haven't yet gotten any negatives with T7-01 because I'm trying to be careful with the companions. I can totally understand why Lord Scourge likes going Dark, he was a former Sith Lord...if you chose that path for him to be. I think I will primarily go Dark but win over my companions again by giving them tons and tons of gifts lol.
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