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Is HK-51 unique?


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The question may seem redundant at first glance considering the wreck of the Fatality in Section X is housing DOZENS of HK-51 droids, but what I want to know is, if only one of these droids is considered to have been repaired and activated.


I mean, during the whole quest line involving getting HK-51 to work, both Republic and Imperial quest givers stress the fact that the wreck must be secured for their faction and have the droids serve them against the enemy, yet it is never brought up again whether or not they actually do so.


Likewise, even if the Republic or the Empire is able to completely secure the wreck from the Dread Guard forces, does this still only mean that one of the HK-51s is actually rendered operational again? Essentially, does it seem feasible (from a story perspective) that, say, the Inquisitor secures the ship, goes through all the trouble of gathering the parts and repair one HK-51, but then later a Smuggler shows up and does the exact same thing and you have two HK-51s running around the galaxy?

Edited by BenKatarn
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The HK-51 companion is probably Non-Canon, so the answer is "Who knows", maybe one got reactivated, maybe none, maybe dozens, nobody is saying.


There is also plenty of HK droids for everyone on board the ship. Either they all get them at seperate times, no one gets HK, or one person obtains HK.

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Yes somewhere in HK-51's conversation chain he says none of the other HK-51 units will never be active and states it is an "unfitting end". He later states he will be a Vanguard for the 51 series. The codex says the the design plan were abroad a derelict vessel which has since entered a black hole
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