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Combat PVP Stats


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So, I'm just about finished gearing my Combat Sentinel in Partisan gear. I currently have 2 Conq. relics and I need my waist (right now in 66 PVE mods), but everything else is bought. I'm in the process of trying to maximize my gains. Everything is currently augmented with 28 Overkill purples except my implants/ear/wrist..... This is where I'm sitting for stats now - what should I be focusing on?


ST: 1951

END: 2313

EXP: 1909

POWER: 1004

ACC: 120

CRIT: 39 (bought the wrong piece so I'll be swapping out this enhancement)

SURGE: 480

FPOWER: 1606


I know I need to drop the crit enhancement and add augments to the implants/ear/wrist (4). Should I go with more power augments or something else?

Edited by rkjunior
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Maybe stack 4 Advanced Might mods? Should I even bother getting the waist or will the loss of the EXP on that piece really not affect me. Right now I'm using my PVE waist that has 66 mods in it. I do have an extra Deft Mod AX. Edited by rkjunior
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I have a guidmate who is min-max conqueror. His Str is 2686, End is 2613, power is 1004, crit rating is 89, fully buffed. Even if you are not conqueror min-max and buffed, your STR shouldn't be below 2100. That is just way too low. Edited by Ashuranrx
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