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Reserve Powercell/Thermal Sensor Override Bug, Kolto Shell Animation Glitch


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The main bug I wanted to post about was a bug that has continued to persist for about 6 months now. In the Combat Medics and Bodyguard trees, there is a talent (Efficient Conversions/Heat Damping) that lowers the cost of your three CC's: Concussive Charge/Jet Boost, Concussive Round/Concussive Missile, and Cryo Grenade/Electro Dart. This talent makes all three of these free of cost. There is also a skill that both classes have, Reserve Powercell and Thermal Sensor Override, both of which make the next ability with an ammo cost free. The problem is, although that talent makes those three abilities free, RP and TSO both treat it as though those abilities still have a cost. So if you have RP and TSO active when you are using one of your CCs, it is consumed for no reason.


A lesser bug that kind of makes Mercenary healers more obvious than they need to be is Kolto Shell. When you put Kolto Shell around you, the animation plays and then glitches every other animation that plays on you. For instance, both of your casted heals (Rapid Scan/Healing Scan) have an effect that stays only on your character's armor and skin. When you have Kolto Shell on you, however, this animation "falls off" the skin and now appears as a giant sphere around your character, about the size of Guard or a Sage/Sorc bubble. This effect is not limited to heals -- the majority of abilities activated on a Mercenary will also degenerate into this sphere rather than playing as they should. There are several other abilities which cause this effect and it can easily be replicated by 1) putting a Kolto Shell on yourself, and 2) getting a medal in a warzone or healing yourself with either of your casted heals. Compare the results to how the animation looks when Kolto Shell is not active on yourself.


Also, the Trauma Probe animation on Commandos does not play properly, or appears not to, but does not have the same glitch Kolto Shell has.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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  • 6 months later...
With the change allowing mercenaries to kolto shell multiple group members, the kolto shell animation bug is very apparent. With a kolto shell on, each of my heal animations occurs on the spherical surface of the kolto shell, rather than on the surface of the character targeted. I'd much prefer it not occur that way - the sphere effects are quite distracting.
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