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playable evocii


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I'd play an Evocii. I think they look pretty sweet, but I don't know if it would work with lore. The Evocii seem a little backwater, at the same time, you see them working with Republic SIS, so I guess it could work.
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Sounds good to me, they are humanoid and speak Basic. Plus I don't see why it would be a lore issue - I could easily see an Evocii being discovered by a Jedi as Force Sensitive, and why shouldn't one have been picked up by a Bounty Hunter as a slave, only for the Evocii to shoot them in the back and take their ship? Sith Inquisitor storyline already says you are a slave and would fit perfectly.


Good idea :)

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Yes master, this is an excellent idea, master! I can not agree more, master!


I would talk like that every day as an Evocii.


I had this idea awhile back, but I settled with a Cathar. It's not the same.


4000% support, master!

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