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Looking for Guild, Empire.


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Hey guys,


This is going to be interesting as I'm looking for a guild (obviously :p) but the catch is that I run from Australia, I moved to Shadowlands thanks to having some NA friends here but they bailed soon after and I really dont want to have to transfer 12ish toons over to Harbinger so I thought I'd swing by here and see if I could find any guilds who might have some Australian friendly timeslots for group content.


Laid back guilds that I can have a bit of a joke around with would be great

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Could check out Hammerfist Clan: http://www.hammerfistclan.com/


We have a good few people from around the world, including Australians, on the team. A few of our officers actually can't be on during North American prime time, so we have activities whenever there are willing and able bodies.


If you're still looking and haven't been bombarded with private messages or in-game invites.:rolleyes:

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14ish actually I think. And it would be night time my end preferably so it would be EST mornings I believe, if I had a different schedule most guilds would be fine as I would be able to do all the stuff at 6 in the morning :p


Kinda just a vague hope that there's a guild of Americans who have a night schedule though, probably arent many out there really.

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This is actually something we have been looking at for a while now. I know I would like to build the member base to the point that we have people on at any given hour. We have an Aussie in the guild already. I know it is hit or miss seeing him on due to the time differences.


I wont promise anything since I can't. Don't want to give any sort of false hope but again, this is something I wanted to do for a while now. Build that part of the time frame up a lot.

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