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Didn't the Yuuzhan Vong invade from another galaxy, I know they were originaly from the Star Wars galaxy, but were exiled out of it, briefly settled in another galaxy then returned.


As for why noone else has done this, it's a long journey (measured in years), there is no guarantee that you will find a planet to colonise, or won't just be destroyed by some warring race in that galaxy, and there is plenty of unexplored space in this galaxy.

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The void between galaxies is an immense distance that would be impossible for most species or factions to traverse. Only a small number of extra-galactic species have been known to have made the voyage to the GFFA.


Considering how much of the GFFA was unexplored (by the standards of the Republic, at any rate), there was no need for the Sith to flee the entire galaxy after the Great Hyperspace War. There was plenty of galactic territory left, as one can see from the example of the rebuilt Empire in this game's time period.

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Why hasn't anyone explored another galaxy? why didn't the sith just settle on a new galaxy after the hyperspace war? Is hyperspace only usable in this galaxy?


It is actually implied by...


The Emperor that he explored other galaxies or at least knows how.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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the nearest galaxy is the rishi maze and it is actually pretty close. there are several species from that galaxy. if you read the comic book series star wars legacy the sith lord darth nihl is actually from the rishi maze. and i would like to go to the rishi maze but i am not sure if it will collide with the existing lore or not.
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