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Please fix crashes!!!


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I have been kicked out of 5 pvp matches tonight already....and its after I am already long kickin butt and at like 13 medals....then kick......AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! PLEASE FIX THIS! And I know it is not my internet or my pc because....

1. My wife plays in the same matches, at the same time, on the same internet, and she is getting kicked of also.....but at completely different times.

2. I have a very reliable new epic pc that has absolutely no issues.


Thank you! :)

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I have seen this occur on links playing multiple computers on the same router, certain cases the link turns to crap due to momentary lapse of handling packets by the router/modem.


Last one I saw was 3 computers on same link , symptom went like this

1 computer - fine

2 computers - occasional disconnects

3 computers - crap forget playing


They used http://www.battleping.com and no more issue.


you can try deleting the DiskCacheArena file and running the repair, other then that it is up to you to try the above.


I can only offer suggestions.

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