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Hey all,


So I've been back in the game for about a month now. I played when the game first launched, but I've never had a max level character. The reason I'm here is to ask a few questions that I'm hoping you can answer.


- Is the stigma still there? What I mean is Sorcs were very popular when the game first launched, and I expect they still are. Is there still a stigma about Sorcs? Like will I be declined invites to groups, will I be able to gear up?


- Without giving anything away, is the Inq story good? Additionally, would the story fit a Cathar Sorc? And does the story suit male or female better?


- If I enjoyed Sage, will I enjoy Sorc? I know they're meant to be identical, but is there anything I should be aware of other than LIGHTNING!



Thanks for taking the time to read

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Hey all,


So I've been back in the game for about a month now. I played when the game first launched, but I've never had a max level character. The reason I'm here is to ask a few questions that I'm hoping you can answer.


- Is the stigma still there? What I mean is Sorcs were very popular when the game first launched, and I expect they still are. Is there still a stigma about Sorcs? Like will I be declined invites to groups, will I be able to gear up?


- Without giving anything away, is the Inq story good? Additionally, would the story fit a Cathar Sorc? And does the story suit male or female better?


- If I enjoyed Sage, will I enjoy Sorc? I know they're meant to be identical, but is there anything I should be aware of other than LIGHTNING!



Thanks for taking the time to read


Sorcerers will always have a decent amount of people playing them just because they can shout UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!. The story is 100 times better than the Consular and even more so if you like the specific genre that the story has.

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- Is the stigma still there? What I mean is Sorcs were very popular when the game first launched, and I expect they still are. Is there still a stigma about Sorcs? Like will I be declined invites to groups, will I be able to gear up?

PvE'wise I've never been turned down because of my class. For PvP rated teams you really have to prove yourself before someone grants you a spot as DPS though. As a good healer you shouldnt have any problems finding people to play with in either category.


- Without giving anything away, is the Inq story good? Additionally, would the story fit a Cathar Sorc? And does the story suit male or female better?
I found it to be silly and not particulary star wars'ish. Not sure about the whole race/female/male thing. I'm always playing female characters and don't put too much thought into whether or not it suits my type of char.


- If I enjoyed Sage, will I enjoy Sorc? I know they're meant to be identical, but is there anything I should be aware of other than LIGHTNING!
I perfer sage. They have softer and more low-key animations and with some abilties you're not forced to face the target (unintended´"bug"). Also, on my sorc I'm sometimes experiencing ability clipping, that never happens on my sage. If you're thinking of PvP'ing I'd go with the better faction on whatever server you have in mind. If the server is balanced I'd go with sage.
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I'd imagine Inq's might fit Aliens a little better due to their past as a slave


I am currently playing as a Mirialan Sorc and the Korriban plot seems to fit well. There are tons of references to you being some kind of "alien scum." Everyone talks down to you, which makes sense if they generally had Xenophobic tendencies and a general dislike of former slaves.


This gets much more toned down later in the story as you are a sith and so the hierarchy forces NPCs to treat you with more respect.


At OP: Sorcs are still popular, but they are not a FOTM class. There will not likely be much stigma attached to you if you play one.

Edited by af_raptura
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