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PvP Sage DPS?


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I'm a bit confused about this.. Being a sage with 3/7/36, I figured thats proper for pvp however, being a range caster as I'm supposed to be... This doesn't seem to be working out especially when going up against a marauder where no matter what rotation I use, just can't keep my range and my hp gets chewed faster than I can heal. which btw I've been noticing allot of marauders more than normal.. ("Has the double wielding saber class become the de facto choice to roll for pvp?)


Anyways, So far I'm geared up in all partisan mostly power/surge and some of my stuff is augmented. Need to replace a few alacrity pieces as those are just.....yuck. But seriously grinding for this gear? I was under the impression that my sage would have a better chance of survival and.... She's not. She's getting slaughtered, no matter how ranged I desperately keep her. I just cant kite in this tab-lock combat system.


After doing doing warzones for quite some time, I'm convinced that the Sage dps is just PvP fodder and Its probably because (Coming from Tera Online) I just don't quite understand what Bioware's definition of range casting is and what they consider the right way as opposed to the wrong way. So yeah its my confusion that I'm not doing too well with it.:(


I always thought that range was all about evasion and to keep melees back by use of kiting, dodging and knocking which is something thats very lacking in swtor with this class. So could someone help clear up what the Sage DPS is really for? :confused:


Edited by Darth-Piranha
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I'm a bit confused about this.. Being a sage with 3/7/36, I figured thats proper for pvp however, being a range caster as I'm supposed to be... This doesn't seem to be working out especially when going up against a marauder where no matter what rotation I use, just can't keep my range and my hp gets chewed faster than I can heal. which btw I've been noticing allot of marauders more than normal.. ("Has the double wielding saber class become the de facto choice to roll for pvp?)


Anyways, So far I'm geared up in all partisan mostly power/surge and some of my stuff is augmented. Need to replace a few alacrity pieces as those are just.....yuck. But seriously grinding for this gear? I was under the impression that my sage would have a better chance of survival and.... She's not. She's getting slaughtered, no matter how ranged I desperately keep her. I just cant kite in this tab-lock combat system.


After doing doing warzones for quite some time, I'm convinced that the Sage dps is just PvP fodder and Its probably because (Coming from Tera Online) I just don't quite understand what Bioware's definition of range casting is and what they consider the right way as opposed to the wrong way. So yeah its my confusion that I'm not doing too well with it.:(


I always thought that range was all about evasion and to keep melees back by use of kiting, dodging and knocking which is something thats very lacking in swtor with this class. So could someone help clear up what the Sage DPS is really for? :confused:



It sounds like you are confused because perhaps you don't have enough clarity on how to use all the tools that we have to kite and how the melee classes have their closing counters and how to deal with them.


So as a Balance Sage - who says he is dying too much consider changing the non-core points for example and pick up Humility. Just as an experiment, the old guides would tell you that you need both Force pool extenders but if you are dying...a full force bar is useless at death.


Now kiting tools - Sever Force, Force Slow, Force Wake, Force Speed, Force Stun, and Alacrity are the primaries - but you have your lovely instants to play with as well like instant Mend, Force Barrier, Force Shield etc.


The whole idea is to do 2 things...keep them dotted - keep your space by slowing rooting and running away . The other thing you want if the terrain allows is an LOS breaker. They can't jump to you if they can not LOS you. Your plan is to dot them long enough to wear them down. If you get stuck, you are dead - so plan your travel routes. Also vary your routine. Jump has a minimum distance - if you see them backing up to jump run at them!


Don't expect to be able to stand and TK throw a lot...you can use it when they are rooted or stunned or you have a lot of health. But if it is close, then use instant DoTs and FiB and take your time.

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It sounds like you are confused because perhaps you don't have enough clarity on how to use all the tools that we have to kite and how the melee classes have their closing counters and how to deal with them.


So as a Balance Sage - who says he is dying too much consider changing the non-core points for example and pick up Humility. Just as an experiment, the old guides would tell you that you need both Force pool extenders but if you are dying...a full force bar is useless at death.


Now kiting tools - Sever Force, Force Slow, Force Wake, Force Speed, Force Stun, and Alacrity are the primaries - but you have your lovely instants to play with as well like instant Mend, Force Barrier, Force Shield etc.


The whole idea is to do 2 things...keep them dotted - keep your space by slowing rooting and running away . The other thing you want if the terrain allows is an LOS breaker. They can't jump to you if they can not LOS you. Your plan is to dot them long enough to wear them down. If you get stuck, you are dead - so plan your travel routes. Also vary your routine. Jump has a minimum distance - if you see them backing up to jump run at them!


Don't expect to be able to stand and TK throw a lot...you can use it when they are rooted or stunned or you have a lot of health. But if it is close, then use instant DoTs and FiB and take your time.


Ok thanks, yeah its because I just don't fully understand other classes. but thanks for the info about minimum distance on jump, that was my absolute demise.

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  • 4 months later...
These videos are 5 patches old...


They are from July 13 - so ~ 6 months old, what patches have been come since that? 2.4 & 2.5? Nevertheless, nothing "crucial" changed, did it?


Great videos. It's insane how many interrupts Marauders have got. You can't cast anything.


We really really really need a "finisher". At least one attack for every DD spec that hits REALLY hard ( opponent <30% life ).


Additionally: Our highest damaging attack ( telekinetic wave ) is still ~20% lower than other classes highest damaging attacks. What's the sense behind that?

Edited by LovarBoy
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With all due respect the warriors really seemed out of element, they seemed a step and some times two steps behind the Sage at all times..A mara can lock down a Sage with ease...A Sniper pretty much all you can do is DoT and LoS and heal...


My issue is PvP is group play 4v4...


So if you want to show videos I'd like to see it with say 2v2 or 3v3 with all 3 specs.

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All videos compliments of Psirebral, who is the Sorceror Class Rep.


Nothing for Lightning specc though I can see where I could fill in a Thundering Blast in place for when he uses Force Lighning.


With all due respect the warriors really seemed out of element, they seemed a step and some times two steps behind the Sage at all times..A mara can lock down a Sage with ease...A Sniper pretty much all you can do is DoT and LoS and heal...


My issue is PvP is group play 4v4...


So if you want to show videos I'd like to see it with say 2v2 or 3v3 with all 3 specs.


True, 1v1 is merely a fun way to pass time, but not really representative for "real" PvP.

Edited by Vales
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