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1v2 Sentinel owns (how can I do that?)


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Recently ive been in this situation more frequently than I can avoid. 2 guys see me rolling solo and have a rager for the unfair fight they can create. I done expect to win in anything 1 v 3 or more but ive seen videos when sentinels own up on two equal lvl guys at once. I really want to know the strategies behind making that happen. I assume its not easy due to the difficulty of playing sentinel in the first place but I want to know the details behind doing it like spec best suited and strategy to the fight. Anyone who knows or better yet has done this please share your knowledge it would make my favorite class even more awesome to play.
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Recently ive been in this situation more frequently than I can avoid. 2 guys see me rolling solo and have a rager for the unfair fight they can create. I done expect to win in anything 1 v 3 or more but ive seen videos when sentinels own up on two equal lvl guys at once. I really want to know the strategies behind making that happen. I assume its not easy due to the difficulty of playing sentinel in the first place but I want to know the details behind doing it like spec best suited and strategy to the fight. Anyone who knows or better yet has done this please share your knowledge it would make my favorite class even more awesome to play.


You can only do it if one or both of your opponents are derping. Full stop. It doesn't matter what other two classes you set up, if they are being played competently, the sentinel will die. Let's assume they're derping a bit.


For starters, pop your Warzone Adrenal. You're going to take a metric ton of damage here, and if the fight lasts longer than 15-20 seconds, you're probably dead anyway.


To an extent, it depends on exactly what classes you're up against and what spec you're rolling. If you're Combat or Watchman spec, your goal will be to stun the "off" target while you burn the main one. You want the "off" target to be whichever class is more reliant on weapon damage (a marauder or a juggernaut is great; a sorc, not so much). Assuming everyone has empty resolve and you don't know whether or not the off target's stun break is on CD, you do this by baiting an early stun break. Best way to do this would be to drop a mez grenade while working on the main target. If he doesn't break it, wait for the effect to wear off and then hit Awe. If he's smart, he *deliberately* didn't break the grenade and was waiting to break Awe. If this happens, you're probably dead. Alternatively, if you don't have a mez grenade, you can use Stasis to the same effect. Assuming everything went well, your off target is mezed for six seconds. Be careful not to hit him with AoE and burn all your offensive CDs on the main target (also, you should have popped Rebuke right up front). If you're Combat spec, they're probably already dead and just don't know it yet. If you're Watchman, you better have already had 4 stacks, otherwise there's no way you're going to win this race. After the main target is burned down, pop back on the off-target. Open with Pacify as soon as they're out of their mez, and then pop Saber Ward once it wears off. It's a race to the finish, but it's a race that you should be able to win due to the level of derp we're assuming (you may have to Guarded at the end).


If you're Focus spec, things get a little more interesting. You can take the same tactic if you want, but the fight will last a little longer. What is probably a better strategy is to blow Pacify right away on the off-target, then Saber Ward once Pacify wears off. Burn down the main target while being sure to splash the off-target with your sweep and your Twin Saber Throw. Having Valorous up will help a LOT since you can get a faster second and third sweep. Assuming your CDs were up, you should be able to burn out the main target and then switch over with the off target around 50% HP. Again, it's a race to the finish. More of your defensive CDs are burned, but he's also lower in HP. Eat a medpack. Don't be shy about using Stasis > Dispatch to get the final 10% or so.


1v2s aren't meant to be guaranteed wins. Well, actually they are: they're supposed to be a guarantee for the party of 2. Most of the time, you're going to want to run away. However, if the team you're up against is fail and you really feel like going for your master duelist medal, you can give the above a shot. (another situation where this would arise would be pre-speeder-nerf Alderaan, though why a Sentinel will be solo guarding is entirely beyond me)

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Everything that KBN said plus I'd like to build on it with a couple thoughts.


I think Focus is best suited for it due to the AOE, also shii-cho form get's some damage passive damage reduction. If you can damage both people at the same time why not!


In my opinion it's important to recognize a 2v1 and start the fight yourself rather than let them get the drop on you. That's about as important as anything really.


Plan to use everything at your disposal and attempt to bait the stun breaker as KBN said. I don't always have stun grenades (shame on me) so many times I have to bait with Force Stasis which is sub par for the purpose because you have to channel it. It's critical to get Rebuke up ASAP to mitigate and "return" as much damage as possible.


"Defensive actions you can take":

  • Rebuke (20% damage reduction)
  • Saber Ward (In open world pvp with a companion you can Heroic Moment and then use saber ward again after it wears off) 50% boost to melee defense, 25% force/tech damage reduction
  • Warzone adrenal (15% damage reduction)
  • Force Camo - 4 second disappear and 50% damage reduction
  • Guarded by the Force - 99% damage reduction, lasts 4 seconds or something costs 50% (talented 25%) of your remaining life
  • Awe - 6 second CC that breaks on damage
  • Force Stasis 3 second channeled stun
  • Grenade - knockdown (can't remember duration 2 seconds maybe



You probably won't live long enough to use any of these twice but start with Rebuke first for that reason anyway and for it's benefits. How long the fight lasts really depends on who you're fighting and the terrain. Against a ranged opponent try to place something between you and him while you fight his compadre. Guarded by the Force should be your last defensive action. Even with talents to reduce the life consumed and lower the cooldown you're unlikely to ever use it 2x in a fight so starting with it doesn't make sense.


That's my 2 cents, happy hunting!

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Okay so I did win one of these encounters at night and to tell the truth just as epic and difficult as it seems and something I'm not sure if I will ever pull off twice. The rush is great but it took everything I had and I was bolstered by 3 lvls
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