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So Ihave played this game a while now and I am looking for a guild to call home. I transfered here from a pbe server and was told that the pvp was alot better over here so I jumped over and I am havinh troibble finding a guild. I have 2 jobs and a wife and 2kids so I dont play a ton but I enjoy playing with good pvpers when I am able to log on. I play 2 or 3times a week and do mostly pvp bc thay is what I have time for.

I have several toons

Fe'anor - 55 sage healer

Bintut - 51 sentinal

Sherdan - 51 powertech tank

Belfal - 30 gunslinger

I dont care what side I play on just want to have some good ol fashion pvp fun.

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<Galactic Saviors> is the home for you! a lot of times if there are some people in our pvp bracket on we group up and warzone. We also do pve stuff if you want to try some of that too. As it is we are all nice guys who like to have fun and we do not have attendance requirements so you can be on at your own pace. If you are interested lets try to arrange a time we can meet up ingame to discuss any questions you may have or for an invite.
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I will be on either my charcter Starforce or Spaceboomer. I recommend you friend them just as I will friend all of your republic characters so I know the moment you go online. Then we can talk and I can send an invite
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