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NiM progression looking for solid rDPS


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To anyone that is interested in joining a NiM progression group, our guild is looking for a rDPS, preferably a Sniper. We are Empire players on Prophecy.


We are a Small-Mid size guild with a core of solid raiders. Many of us have 2-3 Alts that clear HM TFB and SV weekly. We have been plagued by an unfortunate series of events that caused a few of our better members to leave the game. Personal lives always trump this game, so we understand but need to rebuild.


We currently are 1/5, 1/7 in NiM with replacement DPS members. We are making the best of our current situation but realize that our DPS is holding us back. We have 2 Awesome tanks, 2 great healers. With the addition of a Sniper that knows his/her class well we will easily be 3/5, and 2/7 within the week.


As a Sniper we would prefer you are highly geared, but we would be willing to take a week and Alt run you through HM TFB/SV to top you off. You MUST be fully augmented before this coming Tuesday or the next OP unlock after you going the guild. Your DPS must be over 2700 (full geared). If you are missing a piece of gear or two we will re-evaluate your DPS to gear ratio to get a better understanding of how efficiently you play your class.


We are a Serious raid in a few ways. We raid Tues, Wed, Thur from 8:30-12 EST for our progression. Fri, Sat, Sun are optional Alt HM runs. We generally use this time to help carry new toons to speed up the gearing process. If you are interested in joining this raid group you MUST be able to make the raid times Tuesday-Thursday. Stims and Adrenals are required for every raid member. We will pay for your repairs but the stims/adrenals are on you.


We distribute gear equally throughout the raid, but will also make exceptions that benefit the raid integrity and progression in certain circumstances.


We have a good bunch of guys that will playfully rag on each other, are willing to help raid members with gearing and other developing including in depth strat explanations. We WILL NOT CARRY YOU through our NiM progression. We have a serious nature when we are taking on a new Boss and expect a high level of performance and communication. If you are not pulling your weight with DPS or constantly wiping the raid with missed mechanics we will calmly ask you to sit out and you will be replaced. You are of course welcome in the guild, but you will not be part of the progression team until you improve. This is not a judgement of you as a person, rather a judgement on your game play. If your performance is great, you will have a secure place in a NiM progression that will flow directly into progression with the coming new OPs in a few weeks.


We Have both TS3 and Mumble VIOP. You are required to have both. Also you must speak passable English.


NiM experience is a + but not required. If you are fully geared we expect you to research the fights to understand the concepts. We are willing to throw you into the mix right away if you seem capable.


If you know you are not NiM ready, and want to join a guild with casual HM raiders we run OPs 5 days a week. Anyone in the guild is free to go on these runs and its a great learning environment. The people leading these raids know them inside and out for multiple classes and roles. We craft every type of Augment/Mod and cooperate with another guild to craft Enhancements. it's a great overall place to be.


If you have any questions or would like to join our group please PM me and we can talk over the details of your Toons/Availability/other details.

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