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Is there a point of having PVP on PVE servers


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to be clear i've never done the Gree event, due to hearing it's set in a PvP zone thus denying me the event... my contestment of this is nothing to do with the event but the principles of the matter...

ever since i got griefed on my first MMORPG back when there weren't PvE/PvP servers, i've been against PvP, but back then if you got killed you dropped some of your loot or some of your hard worked for equipment, and in a small way i can see the motivation behind it even though i don't agree with it...

i don't see the motivation in griefing when there is no reward for miscreant behavior in place, i had hoped that with time the removal of the rewards for PKing would have put a curb on it, but instead it brought out the worst of them, the ones that do it for their own laughs, the ones that sit there and prevent you from completing your goal, the stalkers that will instance hop with you... when i say i blame the PvP community for my total burning hate for PvP i mean it very sincerely... and all the arguments of "well, get out if you don't like it" or "your tears feed me" on a PvE server don't help to change my stance or opinion of PvPers and PvP in general, to me PvP is the root of all hate and conflict in an MMO and should be completely eradicated for the benefit of the communities at large... i'm sorry if i seem hateful or spiteful towards the PvP community but i truly am, i hate PvP with every fiber of my being, and it all comes down to how PvPers treat people that just wanna play in peace...

so for me it's not the event but my principles...it's sad that a group of people with no respect for others can make someone hate a game they loved, it happened to me once on another game, i don't want it to happen with this game too...

sorry this was longer than i intended, i just wanted to say it wasn't about the event for me, then i started thinking of why i loath PvP, and thought it fair to share my point of view in hopes that maybe someone would understand where i'm coming from...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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to be clear i've never done the Gree event, due to hearing it's set in a PvP zone thus denying me the event... my contestment of this is nothing to do with the event but the principles of the matter...

ever since i got griefed on my first MMORPG back when there weren't PvE/PvP servers, i've been against PvP, but back then if you got killed you dropped some of your loot or some of your hard worked for equipment, and in a small way i can see the motivation behind it even though i don't agree with it...

i don't see the motivation in griefing when there is no reward for miscreant behavior in place, i had hoped that with time the removal of the rewards for PKing would have put a curb on it, but instead it brought out the worst of them, the ones that do it for their own laughs, the ones that sit there and prevent you from completing your goal, the stalkers that will instance hop with you... when i say i blame the PvP community for my total burning hate for PvP i mean it very sincerely... and all the arguments of "well, get out if you don't like it" or "your tears feed me" on a PvE server don't help to change my stance or opinion of PvPers and PvP in general, to me PvP is the root of all hate and conflict in an MMO and should be completely eradicated for the benefit of the communities at large... i'm sorry if i seem hateful or spiteful towards the PvP community but i truly am, i hate PvP with every fiber of my being, and it all comes down to how PvPers treat people that just wanna play in peace...

so for me it's not the event but my principles...it's sad that a group of people with no respect for others can make someone hate a game they loved, it happened to me once on another game, i don't want it to happen with this game too...

sorry this was longer than i intended, i just wanted to say it wasn't about the event for me, then i started thinking of why i loath PvP, and thought it fair to share my point of view in hopes that maybe someone would understand where i'm coming from...


Well, first I'm going to tell you that you were mislead about the gree event taking place in a pvp zone. There are only 2 quests out of 6 or 8 quests that take you into the zone and they are clearly labeled with [PVP] in the title. Second I can understand how you feel, but not every pvper is like that.

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to be clear i've never done the Gree event, due to hearing it's set in a PvP zone thus denying me the event... my contestment of this is nothing to do with the event but the principles of the matter...

ever since i got griefed on my first MMORPG back when there weren't PvE/PvP servers, i've been against PvP, but back then if you got killed you dropped some of your loot or some of your hard worked for equipment, and in a small way i can see the motivation behind it even though i don't agree with it...

i don't see the motivation in griefing when there is no reward for miscreant behavior in place, i had hoped that with time the removal of the rewards for PKing would have put a curb on it, but instead it brought out the worst of them, the ones that do it for their own laughs, the ones that sit there and prevent you from completing your goal, the stalkers that will instance hop with you... when i say i blame the PvP community for my total burning hate for PvP i mean it very sincerely... and all the arguments of "well, get out if you don't like it" or "your tears feed me" on a PvE server don't help to change my stance or opinion of PvPers and PvP in general, to me PvP is the root of all hate and conflict in an MMO and should be completely eradicated for the benefit of the communities at large... i'm sorry if i seem hateful or spiteful towards the PvP community but i truly am, i hate PvP with every fiber of my being, and it all comes down to how PvPers treat people that just wanna play in peace...

so for me it's not the event but my principles...it's sad that a group of people with no respect for others can make someone hate a game they loved, it happened to me once on another game, i don't want it to happen with this game too...

sorry this was longer than i intended, i just wanted to say it wasn't about the event for me, then i started thinking of why i loath PvP, and thought it fair to share my point of view in hopes that maybe someone would understand where i'm coming from...


I use to think this way, actually. I would kick people out of my groups (on other games) if they declared themselves PvP'ers. I figured these were just idiotic people who were doing their best to compensate for their real life failures. For some, especially the griefers, that is true. However, that is not a true depiction of the PvP community as a whole. In fact, you will find some PvE'ers just as bad. Some PvP'ers with hearts of gold.

Some way or another I got involved with the PvP community on CoX. I think it was for special rewards like here. You know what? I began to enjoy it. I am nowhere near being a griefer. I would never join a game that only has PvP with no PvE option, either. While you are correct with it being sad that a group of people enjoy making others miserable, it is not PvP that creates these people, and believe me, there are PvE folks that try just as hard. You are focusing your dislike/loath on a group that is not the problem. It is individuals, usually loners, that are the weak minded ones that like to grief.

In the end, my enjoyment of PvP is not the kill. It's the "scary movie" feeling that someone with an actual mind can be stalking you and about to kill you. My advice, lose the worry over it. Go into a PvP zone, prepare yourself that you may actually be killed. Jason or Freddie may be around the corner (sadly in rl he probably has pimples and a runny nose), and just enjoy. Lose the pride. If your pixels are killed by someone elses pixels, it is not the end of the world. If you are being griefed and targetted by someone, then just leave the zone. Easy peasy, lemon squeezey. You may broaden your own horizons. :)


(Foot Note: I DO agree that on a PvE server there should not be ways for PvP'ers to force PvP on you)

(Foot Note to Foot Note: I have yet to PvP here, and may never PvP here, so my opinion is mainly of a PvE'er that doesn't hate PvP'ers)

Edited by Minhere
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A PVE server doesn't mean "no PVP", it means that it is optional. No one should be forced to particpate in PVP if they don't want to, but it is a long way from that to this bizarre leap of unlogic that there should be no PVP on PVE servers at all.


All this fuss is about two tiny quests. Don't like PVP? Ignore those two quests. There is plenty to do in the Gree Event without ever having to worry about PVP. If people actually tried it before leaping to their keyboard to complain, they might know this.


There's always a lot of talk about people being "forced" to do things (quite why, I do not know, because nobody is being forced to do anything), yet these same people seem to be wanting to prevent people who enjoy the tiny little bit of PVP content in this event from doing so. You know, that sounds more like "forcing" a playstyle on people to me than anything that is happening under the current system.


Can't wait for the outcry from the crybabies when they find out that the "Primary Testing/Primary Studies" heroic is much easier when done in the PVP zone than the PVE version. The PVP versions of those nasty big black robots are made of cardboard doused in petrol.

Edited by PLynkes
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