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Which stat give the best result per point?


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I wondering about this while applying augments on my equipment, which stat for a Sith Sorcerer out of Willpower, Force Power and Power gives the best result.


What I mean by result is I mean how it applies as a increase to offence, defence and healing.


Grateful for any help regarding this. :)

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For healing, I recently discussed Willpower vs. Power for augments here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6572553#post6572553.


For damage, please see the thread of Nibbon's that's for your spec.


For defense, the choice between Willpower and Power isn't relevant. Your best "defense" as a Sorcerer|Sage is skill and optimal damage or healing.

Edited by Orderken
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Simply put (for sorc healers):


A full set of power augments (448 points) = 80.72 bonus healing

A full set of willpower augments (448 points) = 73.80 bonus healing & 1.37% crit chance


This takes into account 11% buff to willpower (sorc class buff + will of the sith) and the 6% bonus healing from penetrating darkness.


So, if you choose willpower over power you're trading 6.92 bonus healing for 1.37% crit. The difference is SO small that you can choose either. However if you're augmenting for the first time then go for willpower, as considering diminishing returns on % crit chance rating right now this is really a good deal (for giving up 6.92 bonus healing)!






If anyone is interested (and if anyone can spot if I've gone wrong anywhere) I used the following equation (where 448 equals a full set of advanced 28 augments):


PW = 0.169989506820566 base bonus healing

WP= 0.140015785319652 base bonus healing


PW: (448* PW)*1.06

WP: ((448*WP)*1.11)*1.06

Edited by Yaanos
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