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Problem Buying Cartel Coins


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Can anyone confirm there is a problem with buying CCs? From the Store page (accessed via the tabs at the top of the Homepage screen), I scrolled down to the place where the different quantities and prices of CCs were located, and clicked the "Buy Now" button underneath them. This then took me to a page in the "My Account" section where it listed my previous purchases with CCs, a short paragraph on what CCs are, and another "Buy Now" button that just sent me back to the store page. Normally, when you buy CCs through the Store, you are taken you a secure page where you enter your information etc., but this time the "Buy Now" buttons sent me through a loop of going one page to another without ever getting to confirm my purchase. What is going on here?
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i had this problem, it even affected my sub in that i couldnt sub and it wouldnt accept my card anymore, i was on the customer support page for days before the sub ran out an received no help apart from "it sounds like you have hit a loop in our system" type message,


The problem seems to be with google chrome apparently although i got it on all 3 browsers (IE an Firefox), some ppl have reported success when trying other browsers apart from chrome, me i had to sit clean disk, delete cache browsing history etc, delete all saved payment options from account, rinse repeated for about 4 hours an then on 1 lucky attempt managed to get a subscription put through only to then straight away be barred once again from buying coins.


Needless to say i gave up at that point an can only hope that in 30 days when the sub is up the problem is either disappeared or ouch i dont know tbh lol

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