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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP tank with lot dps gear parts


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i was always playing dps guardian and now i decided to try to be tank - and i bought 4 (now 5) of tank gear - earing, implants, shield and one relic. And i have to say after respecting i became really tougher ( i think while i am being healed i am almost immortal :D) and do quite ok damage with my min maxed dps gear parts ( i usually have about 200 - 300 K damage and 100 - 200 K protection it depends) i dont chase for dps I just try to use blade barrier, riposte always when i can, taunt, guard, taunt AOE, use sweep to put accuracy and armor debuffs. My spec is full def with str bonus from vigil tree.


And I see that i became really tougher than I was - i often win 1 vs 1 when people attack me (there are sometimes long but nevertheless i win) but when it became harder ( i am focused by 3 - 4 people) it is not enough - so my question is - is it ok to play with that mixed dps tank gear ? becase i lose some defense but do little more damage i think ? but i assume that with full tank gear i would be more tough but will I be able to kill anybody or win 1 vs 1 when it comes to that fight ? (i know that is not tank role to kill) now i feel that is quite correct balance in tank/dps gear maybe i will bet 1 - 2 more tank parts (saber and bracets or 1 more relic) what are your opinions ?

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Well, tank's job isn't to put much dps, just debuffs, CC, guarding healer, taunts and stopping caps (and carrying da ball).


Don't sell your dps gear, keep it so can respec forVoidstar offense for example.


so yeah, replace all your dps gear with tank gear. While focused you will still have to depend on def cooldowns saving saber reflect either for very important moment, or, my favorite, when I have 20% hp, and 5 people trying to score a 'killing blow on me' and boom. Saber reflect and they just drop :rolleyes:

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