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<ACE> Republic mid-end game -RECRUITING-


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We are a tight nit small guild that's been here and there since launch. We primarily PVP at the moment but used to focus heavily on PVE Progression (after launch) and would really like to get back into it. We are small now but would like to build a strong PVP presence in that side of the game and would really like some fresh blood dedicated to playin well with a team of serious PVPers.


Guild website - http://www.aceguild.net/ where you can find out how to join and get our mumble information.


Age Range - Mid 20's

Active play time - Weekday evenings and late weekends.

Primary Role - PVP but would like to expand into PvE if the numbers are there.



Edited by Arcalinte
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Contact us if you:


- Enjoy PvP way too much.

- Think voice communications are key to being successful.

- Are looking for a solid group of people to PvP or PvE with.

- Want to join a group of experienced players who will help you learn the ins-and-outs of the game.


Feel free to contact me via PM, or in-game on Amithaba, Azac, or Anibae, if interested in running some Warzones with us!

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Come and join us for some PvP awesomeness! We've been bringing in several quality players and are hoping to grow even more!


You will love <ACE> if:

- You read ops chat before the Warzone starts

- Like it when healers get marked

- Like winning :cool:


Contact me (anibae) anytime if you want to run with us!

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