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Sentinel/Juggernaut Help D:


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Sorry in advance if I posted this in the wrong section D: So to put it simple I have a Sith Juggernaut(52) and a Jedi Sentinel(35). I really like my jugg, and I do plan on finishing him eventually, but the idea of having two lightsabers sounds awesome to me! I made a sentinel so I didn't have to do the same storyline over again, and to spice things up. I plan on doing equal amounts of PVE/PVP content later on, and my question is "Should I keep my Jugg and fully gear him out, or Should I finish my sentinel and gear him out?" My only worry is that my Sentinel won't be as good as my Jugg, or will not be to my taste. Short story is, I want to do high dps in pvp and/or pve, and not be so squishy. Looks are super important to me also! Any advice you can give me about Sentinel endgame, Which armor looks better, or anything is greatly appreciated. :)
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Maybe I should have put that I don't really like having multiple characters, If the Jugg is better suited i'd play him and stop leveling the sentinel, at least for now. And if it's the other way around i'd use the jugg for my crew skills.
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Maybe I should have put that I don't really like having multiple characters, If the Jugg is better suited i'd play him and stop leveling the sentinel, at least for now. And if it's the other way around i'd use the jugg for my crew skills.


Juggernaut is the best choice. You have more utility with it: Tank or DPS.

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