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New guild <Knights of the Holy Oath> recruiting!


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Hello everyone! I'm just here to tell you guys about my new guild that I just founded yesterday! We are out and recruiting, and we will always be accepting members. We are fairly casual players (at least my friend and I who founded it along with another daily, at least in the summer, player) I, as the leader of the guild, don't play so often :((although I try to play every weekend), but we have many members who do. We don't have a website or anything, and, as I said before, we are a casual guild. We are accepting anyone who wants to join (join if u want help with something, players in our guild are to try to help other guildmates), but if you are looking to join for end-game stuff, I'd advise against joining, as we do not have many higher level people(except a lvl 52. Other than that we have mostly people around lvl 10, and 20-35ish). If you wish to join, the only thing you need to do is be kind and nice to others in the guild (and, hopefully, outside the guild), and at least try to help people (but don't feel like you need to, only do it if you want). We are a republic guild, and we are called Knights of the Holy Oath. And no, the holy means force-like, not holy as in religious. Just making clear:D.


So, please join and help our guild to grow! And stay awesome! 😝Weeooo😝

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I've been thinking about joining a Guild. I'm looking for a casual Guild.


I've never joined a Guild. How do I find, and join, your Guild?


My Republic toons are: level 51, level 52, level 42, and level 11. My higher level toons were accomplished using more tenacity, rather than skill. :D Still, if I can help someone, I will.

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U could join with any char u want (although you'd prob receive most help and stuff with your lvl 11). Idk exactly what guilds r supposed to do, but I guess they r just a way for players to get together and help each other:). But if u join, u should (hopefully) receive lots of help, cuz I only ask guildmates to help each other. To join... What's your character that u want to join with's name?
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