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Guild Management "how to"?


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Morning everyone!


Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but since JC is our server, I figure I'd start here. (if there is a better suited place for this, please let me know!)


I recently "inherited" my guild . . . after the founders, etc. left the game. I've figured out ranks, banks, etc. But my question is - Is there a way to see the last time members actually logged into their character? I had seen someone chatting in game at one point that there may be a setting in the Guild area, but I didn't see one.


Thanks in advance for your assistance!

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In the guild member pane, you can click on columns with an arrow on the left side of the heading label to change the data for that column. For instance, you can change the "Guild Rank" column to show "Last Played" instead, and that latter display is what you're interested in here.
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